Good places to live as an internet marketer?

LOL. And to get the hottest girls, it's all about money too. Just like HK.

How's Vietnam and Thailand? Are the hot girls that materialistic?

It took you so long to figure out that most asian girls prefer money over anything else. If you are a caucasian, they aint really after your cock they are after your $$$. Apparently, most of these stupid girls think all white make more money than asian which is not so true here in singapore where 16% population is already a millionaire and whole lot of billionaires.

Live out of hotel rooms.... I almost put down on a hotel for like 3 mo stay when my lease came up (a nice multi room one not a dump hole with just a bed and a bathroom ugh) and figured it would be nice to get the place cleaned up all the time, live upstairs from a bar, have valet parking, room service, pool etc... but ehhh, if I had more money and steadier income.

you must be balling, a daily rate in a hotel is like weekly rent costs.
It took you so long to figure out that most asian girls prefer money over anything else. If you are a caucasian, they aint really after your cock they are after your $$$. Apparently, most of these stupid girls think all white make more money than asian which is not so true here in singapore where 16% population is already a millionaire and whole lot of billionaires.

Well, that's not entirely correct. If I am not wrong, the figure doesn't take into account the debt that these people have. So majority of the "millionaires" here in Singapore put their wealth in property which as we all know are being serviced by debt. Anyway according to Forbes, there are only four billionaires in Singapore. Even Malaysia and Indonesia have more.
A beautiful SG girl. You won't find many here.

im in austria visiting a buddy, heading to barcelona on the 5th - 19th...should be good i think, from what ive heard....anyone been there? or other places to go in europe?
Try Morocco... Most things will be cheap, you can live easily if you know English, French or Arabic, It's relaxed and Police let you get away with a lot when you pay them 10-20 dirhams (£1-2)
Oh, It's the race card again. So mature.

I know right, pretty sure right now he is as ugly as the Singaporeans he makes fun of. Here lies a 29 y/o "successful" internet marketer that gets off from calling their neigbors ugly on an internet forum. Talking about pathetic.

and Wicked Ice, I have about 50% Chinese blood in me. The girls dig it but let me ask you something relevant, besides words, do people also put dicks "into" your mouth?
I know right, pretty sure right now he is as ugly as the Singaporeans he makes fun of. Here lies a 29 y/o "successful" internet marketer that gets off from calling their neigbors ugly on an internet forum. Talking about pathetic.

and Wicked Ice, I have about 50% Chinese blood in me. The girls dig it but let me ask you something relevant, besides words, do people also put dicks "into" your mouth?

That makes you either a Peranakan or Chindian. No, normally I put my dick into your mouth and you can lick my ass also.

So? You still suck dick.

Here's a little story I heard about clyde in his teens...

clyde was sitting in the living room with his dad who was watching TV. Young clyde said: "Dad, give me $10".
"What for?", asked Dad.
"For sex", answered the little ugly fuck.
His dad gave him the money and clyde was happy.
The next day clyde entered the living room and quietly sat down next to his dad. Dad asked him "Sup, son? Want $10 for sex again?"
"Nah", clyde replied. "My ass still hurts from yesterday"