Going Vegan and Taking You With Me :)

this thread offends me so much i'm going straight out to buy a slab of beef and eat nothing but steak and veggies for the next 3 days.

lol...I'm a leo and I like lions there's nothing more to it and I refuse to switch it, I may consider adding a celery stick to it for your amusement.

Thanks for the educational post you dumb fuck. See now we're all more educated after calling each other names am I rite?

Make your point if you have one. Your previous posts just talk about how you need protein blah blah blah, and I told you how to get your protein and you call me a stupid cunt? How the fuck was I being ignorant by pointing out you can get your protein from other places?

potentialeight not sure why I lost you? I just started on this I'm still fat from all that meat and protein overdose I was getting amongst other garbage, what don't you get?

So many trolls so little time. I think I"m done here because the thread turned into what I was hoping it wouldn't.

Gotta go cook some carrots and celery sticks, I'll include an extra one for all the haters hatin on my vegetable game :)

That be sweet. I'd + rep ya fer sure. Pm me if and when.
What other proof do you need guys ? GO VEGAN !

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9TR8FyZ75l4&NR=1"]YouTube - Mimi Kirk (World's Sexiest Vegan) 71-year old talking about her RAW FOOD DIET[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UeSA2j4oiDA"]YouTube - Ellen DeGeneres on being vegan[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R3ied_AD4iE"]YouTube - Bill Clinton became a vegan, lost 24 pounds, healing himself by not ingesting any cholesterol.[/ame]
Robin -- Do you realize that this vegan shit is not same as Indian vegetarian? Not that I am vegetarian either.
My neighbor kept trying to get me to become a vegan. So I shot his dog, wrapped it in bacon, Deep fried it in crisco, and then covered it with cheese and bacon bits. Mmmm delish...

Besides - who's going to stick up for the slaughtering of all those poor defenseless vegetables?






Who the fuck says Veg food is not delicious ? now go fucking rush to an spicy Indian veg restaurant..

You realize there is chicken in the second picture? And vegans can't eat half that shit because of all the dairy products.
Probably one of the worst things you can do after becoming vegan or vegetarian is to try to eat tons of soy to get your proteins. They are not healthy as most people think. It's all marketing bullshit that was made up by the soybean industry.

Is soy healthy?
Why Soy is Bad
Soy's Negative Effects | Men's Health

I'm 100% of the opinion that humans are naturally meant to be omnivores. Studies on our teeth structure support this argument, and our closest cousins of the animal kingdom--chimpanzees--are also omnivores.
and our closest cousins of the animal kingdom--chimpanzees--are also omnivores.

That's true, I wonder how that bafoon in the video would have answered that one? No one is forcing meat down a chimps throat. - Plus, if you were to go into the jungles of South America and go into the remotest of villages, you'd find that they eat meat. Society is not forcing anything onto these people.

Plus, if you've ever been around vegans, they fucking stink! They have the worst gas imaginable. Especially pure vegans. Even if you just have a huge vegetable diet you start to stink - Don't believe me? Just get into a bus full of Indian people and then get back to me on that.
That's true, I wonder how that bafoon in the video would have answered that one? No one is forcing meat down a chimps throat. - Plus, if you were to go into the jungles of South America and go into the remotest of villages, you'd find that they eat meat. Society is not forcing anything onto these people.

Plus, if you've ever been around vegans, they fucking stink! They have the worst gas imaginable. Especially pure vegans. Even if you just have a huge vegetable diet you start to stink - Don't believe me? Just get into a bus full of Indian people and then get back to me on that.

pretty sure your second paragraph is completely baseless.
Went vegan for 8 months last year after reading the China Study. I initially lost 20 pounds fairly quickly, but then plateaued and eventually gained some back and didn't feel so great, seemed to be getting sick a lot and generally had low energy. So I stopped.

At this point, my personal philosophy is that humans have been successful on this planet for so long because we are extremely adaptable to almost any environment and can thrive on all different kinds of foods. I think the worst thing you can do for your health in the long run is to place extreme restrictions on your diet, and I think arbitrary veganism qualifies as an extreme diet the way most Westerners approach it.

As evidenced by every fitness / diet thread on this forum, there is no consensus on what the right thing to eat is. The dogmatism stems from the Internet, imo. There's so much information by so many people putting forth compelling cases for so many conflicting approaches to diet that everybody believes they found the One Right Way. I say just go by your gut, be reasonable, try to get the highest quality and least processed sources, and don't starve yourself or place unreasonable restrictions that just add up to more stress to your body.

Having extreme diet restrictions / ideology also kind of makes you an asshole, too. Even if you're not openly dogmatic at every opportunity, you're always "that guy" who has to have special accommodations or who refuses to eat what's being served.
pretty sure your second paragraph is completely baseless.

You mean other than the fact that I've lived with them, and they STINK.

Just remember, if you can't find the smelliest person in the room, then that person is you. - Especially if you're a vegan :)
That's true, I wonder how that bafoon in the video would have answered that one? No one is forcing meat down a chimps throat. - Plus, if you were to go into the jungles of South America and go into the remotest of villages, you'd find that they eat meat. Society is not forcing anything onto these people.

Exactly! Anyone who thinks humans were not "supposed to" consume meat is a fucking idiot.

That guy is a very persuasive speaker, but he's talking absolute shite.

Eliminate cholesterol from your diet? Why would you want to do that?

You need cholesterol. Same with saturated fats. Needed for healthy brain development. Link between cholesterol / sat fats + atherosclerosis/heart disease is unproven.

His argument about 2 year old children is bogus too. A lion at the developmental equiv of a 2 year old won't kill rabbits either. They have to be taught.

also - my daughter is 1 and eats snails and worms if we let her. Can I have my car please?