m0rtal I was vegan for a long time. My recommends:
Learn how to make your own homemade veggie burgers. Chick pea flour, brown rice flour, bean flour, worcestershire sauce, soy sauce, etc. It'll take a couple rounds to get it right but once you do they're golden. Ener-G ftw.
Get yourself a huge fucking wok, a rice cooker, and a $100 general purpose kitchen knife. Go to a local Korean or Chinese market and look behind the counter on the top shelf. There's your new knife. Learn how to chop vegetables like a boss. Get your stir fry on.
Learn how to pimp out salads to hit all the food groups. Noodles, chick peas, nuts, fruit, spices, etc.
In general stay away from soy. It's not good for you in large amounts over long periods of time. Eat it if you like it but don't rely on it. Drink rice milk, almond milk, coconut milk, hemp milk.
Don't eat processed sugar. Don't eat processed wheat/white bread.
Eat a shitload of nuts, beans, and lentils for protein.
Don't eat a lot of processed vegan crap. Most of it is as bad for you as the shit you're replacing or worse. Eat it like you'd eat any other crap food: not often.
If you can't cook don't get fancy especially with baking. You will fail and it will taste like shit.
Don't skimp on oils and fats even if you're going for weight loss. Olive oil, nuts, avocado, coconut milk, etc. are all good for your brain and won't pack on fat like empty carbs and animal fat.
Spend extra money on good healthy food. It's worth it. Local organic whenever possible.
Don't fucking cheat and don't fucking quit after three weeks and 10 pounds lost. Lose the fat you can lose on a good vegan diet for a few months then if you want meat again get on egg whites and chicken breasts + solid exercise.
These are quality supplements, bodybuilding or not:
Bodybuilding.com - NOW Tru-Food Vegan - Made With 70% Organic Ingredients! On sale now!
Stir into OJ
Bodybuilding.com - Arizona Nutritional Sciences NitroFusion - Nitrogen Infused Technology! On sale now!
Fucking awesome protein. Stir into rice milk/smoothie/etc. Buy 5lbs and thank me later.
Bodybuilding.com - Garden Of Life Vitamin Code-Men - Beyond Vitamins & Minerals! On sale now!
Raw food sourced multi