Going Vegan and Taking You With Me :)

Sorry man. I likes me some steak too much.


But best of luck to you on your new food journey.

Cross posting for relevance.

Personal experience here. I don't generally drink any carbonated drinks.

I went vegetarian for a bit, gained 10lb from all the rice, bread, pasta, potatoes, and never felt full. Lost a bunch of muscle. I would never feel even remotely full.

I tried vegan, and gained another 10lb, and lost more muscle. Never felt full.

I went back to meat, cut bread, pasta, potatoes and rice out of my diet, started consuming a lot more dairy, lost 10lb and gained a bunch of muscle with no change to my exercise. I started to feel full after eating a regular sized meal. I've had a lot more energy since.

Fuck carbs, fuck vegans, and fuck anyone who thinks we shouldn't eat meat.
I went vegetarian for a bit, gained 10lb from all the rice, bread, pasta, potatoes, and never felt full. Lost a bunch of muscle. I would never feel even remotely full.

I tried vegan, and gained another 10lb, and lost more muscle. Never felt full.

I went back to meat, cut bread, pasta, potatoes and rice out of my diet, started consuming a lot more dairy, lost 10lb and gained a bunch of muscle with no change to my exercise. I started to feel full after eating a regular sized meal. I've had a lot more energy since.

Fuck carbs, fuck vegans, and fuck anyone who thinks we shouldn't eat meat.

Depends on who you are and what you're trying to accomplish. Different people respond to diets in different ways.

I'm not a strict vegan anymore, I eat like 10-20 egg whites a day. But the vegan diet definitely has its place.
Vegan != Weight loss. Going vegan is creating a planned diet. If you create a diet plan including weight you can gain/lose just as much weight as you could with meat included. Calories in - Calories out.

Nothing against anyone with a desire to remove meat from their diet, but I don't understand people who force themselves into it when they love meat.
m0rtal I was vegan for a long time. My recommends:

Learn how to make your own homemade veggie burgers. Chick pea flour, brown rice flour, bean flour, worcestershire sauce, soy sauce, etc. It'll take a couple rounds to get it right but once you do they're golden. Ener-G ftw.

Get yourself a huge fucking wok, a rice cooker, and a $100 general purpose kitchen knife. Go to a local Korean or Chinese market and look behind the counter on the top shelf. There's your new knife. Learn how to chop vegetables like a boss. Get your stir fry on.

Learn how to pimp out salads to hit all the food groups. Noodles, chick peas, nuts, fruit, spices, etc.

In general stay away from soy. It's not good for you in large amounts over long periods of time. Eat it if you like it but don't rely on it. Drink rice milk, almond milk, coconut milk, hemp milk.

Don't eat processed sugar. Don't eat processed wheat/white bread.

Eat a shitload of nuts, beans, and lentils for protein.

Don't eat a lot of processed vegan crap. Most of it is as bad for you as the shit you're replacing or worse. Eat it like you'd eat any other crap food: not often.

If you can't cook don't get fancy especially with baking. You will fail and it will taste like shit.

Don't skimp on oils and fats even if you're going for weight loss. Olive oil, nuts, avocado, coconut milk, etc. are all good for your brain and won't pack on fat like empty carbs and animal fat.

Spend extra money on good healthy food. It's worth it. Local organic whenever possible.

Don't fucking cheat and don't fucking quit after three weeks and 10 pounds lost. Lose the fat you can lose on a good vegan diet for a few months then if you want meat again get on egg whites and chicken breasts + solid exercise.

These are quality supplements, bodybuilding or not:

Bodybuilding.com - NOW Tru-Food Vegan - Made With 70% Organic Ingredients! On sale now!
Stir into OJ

Bodybuilding.com - Arizona Nutritional Sciences NitroFusion - Nitrogen Infused Technology! On sale now!
Fucking awesome protein. Stir into rice milk/smoothie/etc. Buy 5lbs and thank me later.

Bodybuilding.com - Garden Of Life Vitamin Code-Men - Beyond Vitamins & Minerals! On sale now!
Raw food sourced multi
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^Some goods stuff dude +rep

Insomniac, I'm definitely not losing muscle at the moment. If that happens I'll be sure to blog about it but I can guarantee you this shit is coming off my gut right now lol

It's funny you also say you never felt full... I'm actually finding the opposite so far. And the thing is since the meals are lighter (I don't mean by size) I can eat more frequently and have bigger snacks if I need to. But like MSTeacher just said, everyone is different.

Also I'm not quite sure why the fuck everyone worries about protein. Aside from the obvious, legumes, soy milk, hemp milk etc...did you know that a tablespoon full of hemp seeds has about 5 grams of protein? Like shit if you want your protein drop that stuff all over the place it really doesn't take much and it tastes great not to mention that it's pretty much the most digestible protein you can get.

Also I'm not into bodybuilding or anything but here's a forum I found earlier today for anyone that's a hardcore workout freak or whatever: http://veganbodybuilding.com/forum/

One more thing, former NHL enforcer Georges Laraque went vegan in 2009, he's 6'3 275lbs last time I checked, do you think he gets enough protein?
For the average person if you had to choose between vegan and doing what your doing now, dollars to donuts vegan is going to be healthier. Not necessarily just the meat but more the by product of cutting out almost everything unhealthy like processed foods and sugar (I mean think about it you can't have even a bag of cookies cause it has butter in it...so you missing the processed food and sugar as well) and then being forced to replace with soy, legumes, sunflower seeds and whatever else...Yeah it's healthier than the average joe. Especially the average fat american joe.

That being said, would never do it in a million years. I like my butter, I like my steaks and fuck I like my cookies.
Good luck, but make sure you don't starve yourself. Getting the appropriate calories can be pretty tough. Also, you've said you been on this diet for five days. Chances are you are just losing the excess water weight/backed up material that collected in your digestive system. Think of it like a natural colon cleanse.

In all seriousness, you need to maintain protein intake or you're going to lose muscle more then you will lose fat. Part of losing fat is keeping a high protein intake to prevent your body from burning muscle to get energy. From what it sounds like you're under the mindset that losing weight= losing fat. This is not true, your body will burn muscle if you don't do some kind of weight lifting and/or make sure you have a steady protein intake. Good luck, I hope you do well, but in all honesty, a lot of vegans are actually a lot less healthy then they were before.
Ive lost 20 lbs after starting Tim Ferris' slow carb diet on Jan 1 from his "4 hour body" book while doing nearly nothing, drinking a couple glasses of red wine (lulz resV) and not giving up much I actually like (never said boy I want a starch but sure do crave a great steak sometimes). I also eat and drink whatever the hell I want on Saturday's.

I'm 6'2" and now 174ish so I was hardly "fat" before.

Ib4 flog testimonial rips.
Good luck, but make sure you don't starve yourself. Getting the appropriate calories can be pretty tough. Also, you've said you been on this diet for five days. Chances are you are just losing the excess water weight/backed up material that collected in your digestive system. Think of it like a natural colon cleanse.

In all seriousness, you need to maintain protein intake or you're going to lose muscle more then you will lose fat. Part of losing fat is keeping a high protein intake to prevent your body from burning muscle to get energy. From what it sounds like you're under the mindset that losing weight= losing fat. This is not true, your body will burn muscle if you don't do some kind of weight lifting and/or make sure you have a steady protein intake. Good luck, I hope you do well, but in all honesty, a lot of vegans are actually a lot less healthy then they were before.

QFT every bit of it. Being a strong healthy vegan is a pain in the ass. Possible but very difficult.
Good luck man, i am a strict vegetarian bordering on vegan but for social purposes i do eat some dairy when eating out. Don't listen to all this "you will lose muscle and energy" bullshit because its not true, meat is for pussies.

I would seriously think about adding in some exercise though to lose weight rather than just relying on being vegan to lose weight.
The weight loss is mostly muscle loss, so yeah, woo for small muscles!
Only cause people think because they're changing their diet, they don't have to exercise as much. What part of a vegetarian (I'll be honest, I don't know enough about vegan nutrition to go down that road) diet would you say causes muscle loss?

Vegetarian Frequently Asked Questions - Nutrition 1 - Protein
Everything I've researched on being a Vegan always comes back to It's not good for you. (Mostly from a combat conditioning and bodybuilding perspective though)

I'm open minded though, and there's nothing better than personal evidence so I'll be interested to see how it works for you.
Yeah I can't talk on veganism, but tbh, on a vegetarian diet, you should be getting enough protein. Plus there have been vegetarian professional bodybuilders in the past, f.e. here's this youtube video I just found: [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nIcSuA2b_Wc]YouTube - Famous Vegetarian and Vegan Bodybuilders, Athletes, Sportmen and Sportwomen[/ame]
Turbo, thing is nowadays there are so many alternatives you can practically get anything you want that tastes like meat or dairy without it actually being meat or dairy. Who said you can't eat cookies? lol...see these are some of the concerns I had too but I'm discovering that there's so many things you can do. You don't just live off of carrots and celery sticks, maybe that's the people that get sick?

There's a whole book called Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World with like 100 vegan cupcake recipes. Butter? Earth Balance...it's awesome and tastes better than the real thing I shit you not. Mayo? Veganaise. Tastes similar if not better again. Had a Nature burger from Licks the other day, considering it's not meat it was great. I will admit it didn't have that juicyness to it but other than that I can't complain.

Sure you can't quite replace that steak but for everything you can't 100% replace you'll discover dozens of other things that are even better :)

Oh btw for people mentioning other diets...keep in mind I'm not just doing this to lose weight, I have other reasons I'm doing this as well, this is just one.