Going Vegan and Taking You With Me :)

Only cause people think because they're changing their diet, they don't have to exercise as much. What part of a vegetarian (I'll be honest, I don't know enough about vegan nutrition to go down that road) diet would you say causes muscle loss?

Vegetarian Frequently Asked Questions - Nutrition 1 - Protein

Calorie Distribution in Vegan Diet
% calories from
Carbohydrate 59%

That page has an example meal that suggests I fuck my insulin levels up, awesome! I love the thought of getting diabetes!

Yeah I can't talk on veganism, but tbh, on a vegetarian diet, you should be getting enough protein. Plus there have been vegetarian professional bodybuilders in the past, f.e. here's this youtube video I just found: YouTube - Famous Vegetarian and Vegan Bodybuilders, Athletes, Sportmen and Sportwomen

You cannot compare professional bodybuilders or athletes to the average Joe. Ignoring the fact that most of them have a natural ability to do what they do, they also spend 6+ hours a day working on it. That is called a day-job. If anyone spends 6 hours a day working on their diet and body, then of course they are going to be able to do things like, getting the right nutrition out of a vegan diet.


But if you want to lose weight, why not work out and eat healthy?

I've never been overweight, but recently I've stopped working out and been eating McDonalds every week... and i am starting to notice the chubbiness =[
So much butthurt in this thread it's fascinating. I'm always amazed by how seemingly intelligent people can be dumb as fuck about some of the most basic things, i.e. nutrition. Anyone who is vegan bashing in this thread sounds the same as a bat-shit-crazy Christian trying to disprove evolution, but worse.

Congrats OP on your new diet, it will change your life for the better if you do it correctly and you'll feel like a completely different person.
So much butthurt in this thread it's fascinating. I'm always amazed by how seemingly intelligent people can be dumb as fuck about some of the most basic things, i.e. nutrition. Anyone who is vegan bashing in this thread sounds the same as a bat-shit-crazy Christian trying to disprove evolution, but worse.

Congrats OP on your new diet, it will change your life for the better if you do it correctly and you'll feel like a completely different person.
Not sure where you really think anybody is acting butthurt. It's pretty common knowledge that vegan's have problems with muscle loss because protein consumption is not normally as high as needed to maintain muscle mass. There are ways to maintain it but many vegans will lose a lot of their strength and muscle mass within a short time span.
Not sure where you really think anybody is acting butthurt. It's pretty common knowledge that vegan's have problems with muscle loss because protein consumption is not normally as high as needed to maintain muscle mass. There are ways to maintain it but many vegans will lose a lot of their strength and muscle mass within a short time span.

Ok I swear if I hear another thing about protein...OK let's settle this...if I lose all my muscle I'll let you know about it and I'll admit defeat but in the meantime let's get one thing straight.

From what I've read on average we need about 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of weight right? That's assuming you're not heavy working out and stuff.

So for my current weight that's around 60 grams of protein per day.

Now assuming I eat absofuckinlutely nothing, I'm going to take a tablespoon and dip into my hemp seeds. I'm going to have 12 tablespoons of it.

Now let's do some math. That will give me how much protein? Roughly 60 grams (5g/tablespoon). Can we shut the fuck up about protein now? I probably had too much of it today already. Is it really that hard to dip into something that tastes good by the spoon full?

Most of North America has no problem dipping their 7 meat pizza into a 500 calorie dipping sauce yet you're all crying here about something that is so simple.

All the meat eaters think that meat = protein therefore you need meat. But the thing is protein = protein and nuts, beans, grains, hemp seeds, non dairy milks etc all have fuckin protein, what is the problem?

I'm no rocket scientist on protein yet by any means but if anything you're all having too much fucking protein from your meats and it's getting stored as fat that's why you're all fat, including me.
Also just to add one more thing...it's funny how you all talk about all these "unhealthy vegans". Like with everything else you need to have a clue about what you're doing and if you don't do your research.

Where the hell do you see or hear of all these people? I know like 2 or 3 vegans and they look perfectly healthy to me.

Now ask yourself how many unhealthy meat eaters you know? It won't take you long to find a handful.

I tried to. You're going to crave delicious chicken pretty quick

lol no way dude, even though chicken was my favourite I just can't...go watch those vids :)
I lost 40lbs in 14 days by using Acai.

In all seriousness meat doesn't make you fat. Sure some can, but white meats and fish are excellent for diets. Here is a short list of some of the things I could NEVER give up: prawns, lobster, monkfish, bacon, sausages, salami, parma ham, ham, bresaola, 28 day aged beef, fillet, burgers, slow roasted lamb, chicken, duck, kebabs, cheese and milk.
Here's my problem with most vegans in the west : they spend most of their time eating shitty meat substitutes like soya or quorn.

I mean - wtf? Vegetarian sausages & Bacon? Either be a veggy, or don't dude.

All processed food is dubious. The more some factory dicks about with it, the worse it is for you.

Also - western vegetarian food is TERRIBLE. We don't have a culture of non-meat eating, and our recipes reflect that.

If you want to go vegan, I suggest learning indian cooking. They've been living on a mainly meat-free diet for thousands of years, so they've got a much better idea of how to do it.

I have a friend who is vegatarian and cooks exclusively indian & chinese food, and it is delicious. Plus, I don't feel fucking hungry 10 minutes after eating it like I do with most of it. I asked him to recommend me a cookbook, and he suggested the Ayuvedic cookbook:

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Ayurvedic-Cookbook-Amadea-Morningstar/dp/0914955063/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1302866538&sr=8-1]Amazon.com: The Ayurvedic Cookbook (9780914955061): Amadea Morningstar, Urmila Desai: Books[/ame]

So you might want to check it out.

Personally, I've gone the other way - I'm now using a lot more animal fats in my cooking. I've been doing some research and it turns out this whole saturated fat thing is mainly bullshit that they made up so they could sell you margarine. Stuff cooked in duck fat/pork fat is beyond awesome. And I'm losing weight round my middle too. Result. My approach is:

1. Cook all your own food using the best ingredients you can find. (having a wife who can cook good nutritious food really helps here)
2. Don't drink your calories. No soda.
3. No processed foods
4. Sweet stuff should only be a treat. Once a day max. But when you have it, enjoy it.
5. Exercise - lift weights and run, at least twice a week each. And do something every day.
6. If you have to snack, go for fruit or nuts. If you're really hungry, don't snack, have a proper meal.
7. No empty calories. If it does't have a decent number of micronutrients in, find something else to eat.
Anyway, if we're not made to eat meat, i'm doing my bit for evolution, so future generations can enjoy it.
protein loss is not an issue, all you gotta do is drink almond/soy mile with protein powder mixed in. will help slow the rate of loss.
Turbo, thing is nowadays there are so many alternatives you can practically get anything you want that tastes like meat or dairy without it actually being meat or dairy. Who said you can't eat cookies? lol...see these are some of the concerns I had too but I'm discovering that there's so many things you can do. You don't just live off of carrots and celery sticks, maybe that's the people that get sick?

There's a whole book called Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World with like 100 vegan cupcake recipes. Butter? Earth Balance...it's awesome and tastes better than the real thing I shit you not. Mayo? Veganaise. Tastes similar if not better again. Had a Nature burger from Licks the other day, considering it's not meat it was great. I will admit it didn't have that juicyness to it but other than that I can't complain.

Sure you can't quite replace that steak but for everything you can't 100% replace you'll discover dozens of other things that are even better :)

Oh btw for people mentioning other diets...keep in mind I'm not just doing this to lose weight, I have other reasons I'm doing this as well, this is just one.

I believe you. I know once you get used to all that stuff it probably will taste better to you than going back. I know when we switched to organic peanutbutter I thought it tasted kinda weird and never thought I would eat it (was for the kids) Now I love it and am pretty sure I would vomit if I had to eat one of the regular ones.

That being said, veganism and vegetarianism just isn't natural. (I'm saying this with no judgement as it's still probably healthier than my current diet see previous post) If I were going to completely change my eating habits, I would probably do something I believe to be the most natural for my body which would probably be something like the paleolithic diet. Nuts, fruit, berries and fish and game meat. Basically anything that can be hunted or gathered. So would have to cut out:Grains- ( bread, pasta, noodles,) Beans-(string beans, kidney beans, lentils) peanuts, peas, Potatoes, Dairy products, Sugar, Salt....

To me if we're going to argue about what's natural for humans to eat, we should look at what our bodies were made for 2 million years ago. Our eating habits only shifted in the last 10 thousand years or so, with processed food only in the last century. That's not alot of time to make such extreme adjustments in our diets.
I've been a vegetarian all my life, except for about 6 months in college when I ate meat because it was cheaper. Only way to be - feel so much better when you're on the cabbage than the carne.