Only cause people think because they're changing their diet, they don't have to exercise as much. What part of a vegetarian (I'll be honest, I don't know enough about vegan nutrition to go down that road) diet would you say causes muscle loss?
Vegetarian Frequently Asked Questions - Nutrition 1 - Protein
Calorie Distribution in Vegan Diet
% calories from
Carbohydrate 59%
That page has an example meal that suggests I fuck my insulin levels up, awesome! I love the thought of getting diabetes!
Yeah I can't talk on veganism, but tbh, on a vegetarian diet, you should be getting enough protein. Plus there have been vegetarian professional bodybuilders in the past, f.e. here's this youtube video I just found: YouTube - Famous Vegetarian and Vegan Bodybuilders, Athletes, Sportmen and Sportwomen
You cannot compare professional bodybuilders or athletes to the average Joe. Ignoring the fact that most of them have a natural ability to do what they do, they also spend 6+ hours a day working on it. That is called a day-job. If anyone spends 6 hours a day working on their diet and body, then of course they are going to be able to do things like, getting the right nutrition out of a vegan diet.