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Red is dead. lmao.

I asked a legit question....

"The community as a whole thinks your shit"


If this is true, i guess ill take the 35 person vote with a grain of salt with this warm new member welcome.

Just for the sake of discussion and for other people reading. It's a small world, especially this community (web marketing/business as a whole). If you're not presenting yourself as a business you're only making it uncomfortable for yourself and the people you deal with.

I know I've met plenty of clients or people I network with through this forum or they knew people from this forum. It's not like we're only on this forum too, I see similar faces at least.

This is not me telling you what to do, but if I were to simply join the forum for promoting your tool (which no shame we're all marketers here), I would spend time seeing what the community was like first. Also, through your research you would see that there's a group of people here that are highly respected in the field. Reading news stories they're apart of, sites they made, tactics they shared, or businesses you're reverse engineering. Providing such an emotional/irrational response will only turn people off which you should care about, again if I were you.

Just for the sake of discussion and for other people reading. It's a small world, especially this community (web marketing/business as a whole). If you're not presently yourself as a business you're only making it uncomfortable for yourself and the people you deal with.

I know I've met plenty of clients or people I network with through this forum or they knew people from this forum. It's not like we're only on this forum too, I see similar faces at least.

This is not me telling you what to do, but if I were to simply join the forum for promoting your tool (which no shame we're all marketers here), I would spend time seeing what the community was like first.

I actually appreciate this feedback. And no thats not my only reason for being here. I was actually trying to add something legit to this forum. I am a respected member on several forums, pay ad space, pay banner space, pay sig space etc.

I started this whole thread asking a legit question thats all.

I appreciate responses like this.

All someone had to do is say hey this is how we do it here. Yes we are all marketers, but if someone new to a specific forum asks a legit questions, pretty much asking how do you guys do it here....and they get the response given here, welll what do you expect.

I dont duck and hide from trolls or confrontation. My rep is a very good rep and my replies are honest and legitimate. So if people throw punches at me, expect well.. just fr the sake of no miscommunicating, Ill throw back.

And yes there are familiar faces in a lot of places for rep goes both ways....

But I def respect your response.

I actually appreciate this feedback. And no thats not my only reason for being here. I was actually trying to add something legit to this forum. I am a respected member on several forums, pay ad space, pay banner space, pay sig space etc.

I started this whole thread asking a legit question thats all.

I appreciate responses like this.

All someone had to do is say hey this is how we do it here. Yes we are all marketers, but if someone new to a specific forum asks a legit questions, pretty much asking how do you guys do it here....and they get the response given here, welll what do you expect.

I dont duck and hide from trolls or confrontation. My rep is a very good rep and my replies are honest and legitimate. So if people throw punches at me, expect well.. just fr the sake of no miscommunicating, Ill throw back.

And yes there are familiar faces in a lot of places for rep goes both ways....

But I def respect your response.

Not trying to sound preachy at all, but just talking about it because I like sales/marketing. It would be the responsibility to the marketer to match the community, not vice versa (if you want the site's traffic that is). If you don't like the forum you don't post there or pay for their advertising spots.

Wickedfire is infamous for being rough and actually has a death count for businesses ruined. One of the users was just sentenced in court and one of the members went there and took pictures to mock them even. This is not playing tough at all or saying I'm agreeing with it, but coming in and throwing insults at the forum seems like not the best idea for whatever you want to promote.
Not trying to sound preachy at all, but just talking about it because I like sales/marketing. It would be the responsibility to the marketer to match the community, not vice versa (if you want the site's traffic that is). If you don't like the forum you don't post there or pay for their advertising spots.

Wickedfire is infamous for being rough and actually has a death count for businesses ruined. One of the users was just sentenced in court and one of the members went there and took pictures to mock them even. This is not playing tough at all or saying I'm agreeing with it, but coming in and throwing insults at the forum seems like not the best idea for whatever you want to promote.

No insults to members that can carry a civil discusion, just to those that throw insults. And Not saying Im just as ruthless as I dont prey or try to hurt others. I actually try to help. But regarding matching a community, I agree, but at the same time one should expect a bit of courtesy when one asks a question. This forum will do nothing but turn away people, business etc that are looking to join and contribute.

To me this thread is more one displaying how someone gets treated here when they are new.

This whole thread started from a legit question and turned to this from people trolling...

So I guess the question here is this forum really trying to promote growth and diversity and new opportunity and contribution?

To me it seems so far like one of a handful of people that like to troll sprinkled with a few people that know how to market, talk, discuss and advise.

This is the impression this forum is giving a new member that did nothing but ask a question.

So this is really more of a community discussion for this community to decide if they want to grow or not.

Thats my two cents.
No insults to members that can carry a civil discusion, just to those that throw insults.

Lol, you ain't seen nothing yet, bubba.

The best part of you ran down your mom's fat, cheesy leg and made a brown stain on the mattress. Free proxy checker, indeed.

I would pay money to see you backed over a pool table and throat fucked until you choked.

Insult me back, little bitch.
Lol, you ain't seen nothing yet, bubba.

The best part of you ran down your mom's fat, cheesy leg and made a brown stain on the mattress. Free proxy checker, indeed.

I would pay money to see you backed over a pool table and throat fucked until you choked.

Insult me back, little bitch.

lmfao. My momma taught me manners so wouldn't even be as crude as you.

But take this as an insult if the shoe fits....

what funny shit!!!

Love it.. Keep giving this forum a good rep online.

Is this all this forum does is troll? Any real thinkers here?







I needed a good laugh. :D
lmfao. My momma taught me manners so would even be as crude as you.

But take this as an insult if the shoe fits....

what funny shit!!!

Lve it.. Keep giving this forum a good rep online.

Is this all this forum does is troll? Any real thinkers here?

Your critical thinking skills are abysmal- you can't even spell, use proper grammar, or even keyboard correctly. Proof-read what you just wrote above.

Why in the FUCK do you think we would take you seriously?

Funny shit, indeed. Think on that for a bit, little bitch. And then ask your "Momma" to define "Retroactive Abortion", and consider it.

I Urge You.
Your critical thinking skills are abysmal- you can't even spell, use proper grammar, or even keyboard correctly. Proof-read what you just wrote above.

Why in the FUCK do you think we would take you seriously?

Funny shit, indeed. Think on that for a bit, little bitch. And then ask your "Momma" to define "Retroactive Abortion", and consider it.

I Urge You.

Whoa that was a low

I actually try to help.

Bullshit, you came here to promote software, which for the record is something that a retarded chimpanzee could write in 5 minutes.

But regarding matching a community, I agree, but at the same time one should expect a bit of courtesy when one asks a question.

Fuck you, WF is WF.

This forum will do nothing but turn away people, business etc that are looking to join and contribute.

If the people who get turned away are people like you, good. Fuck off.

To me this thread is more one displaying how someone gets treated here when they are new.


This whole thread started from a legit question and turned to this from people trolling...

Again, bullshit, it started as you trying to promote shit, got called on it and then cried like a bitch.

So I guess the question here is this forum really trying to promote growth and diversity and new opportunity and contribution?

What is this, a fucking PSA?

Diversity? Fuck off back to Sesame Street.

To me it seems so far like one of a handful of people that like to troll sprinkled with a few people that know how to market, talk, discuss and advise.

And you can't do either. You fail at life.

This is the impression this forum is giving a new member that did nothing but ask a question.

So this is really more of a community discussion for this community to decide if they want to grow or not.

You talk as if you are an expert in building communities and promoting products and yet your actions show the exact opposite.

Thats my two cents.

Keep it, you need more than we do.
I apologize for my abusive comments, I'm having a bad day, some times this forum gets to me.

I wondering if you can give me some advice on some software I'm trying to market, I'm getting a lot of views to my landing page but no conversions.

If you can forgive my rudeness, I would love for you to have a look and give me your opinion.

Pronto Solutions: Software for Online Marketers
Bullshit, you came here to promote software, which for the record is something that a retarded chimpanzee could write in 5 minutes.

Fuck you, WF is WF.

If the people who get turned away are people like you, good. Fuck off.


Again, bullshit, it started as you trying to promote shit, got called on it and then cried like a bitch.

What is this, a fucking PSA?

Diversity? Fuck off back to Sesame Street.

And you can't do either. You fail at life.

You talk as if you are an expert in building communities and promoting products and yet your actions show the exact opposite.

Keep it, you need more than we do.

Lol this rant is the best one yet. We should put this one as the original post. lol

Despite all the trolls in here I kinda like the forum it keeps me laughing. I look these guys up and they are like 18 yearolds and shit.

Just find it funny hpow guys establish their online reps.

And again, I actually started the whole conversation asking a question....not promoting anything.
I apologize for my abusive comments, I'm having a bad day, some times this forum gets to me.

I wondering if you can give me some advice on some software I'm trying to market, I'm getting a lot of views to my landing page but no conversions.

If you can forgive my rudeness, I would love for you to have a look and give me your opinion.

Pronto Solutions: Software for Online Marketers


PM me if your serious will help you.
I look these guys up and they are like 18 yearolds and shit.

Did you look me up? I hope not I have some embarrassing photos of me I would prefer people not see.

PM me if your serious will help you.

Google Analytics shows people hitting my landing page but my conversion rate is 0.

I think maybe my affiliate network is scrubbing my leads, because they are total quality.

Like you I promote software but it's not mine, I don't kow how to programe.

Do you think I should learn? It seems hard and people keep telling me to use Odek and get a cheap indian to make softwarez for me.

I don't know though, I havge hear stories a bout how they rip people off when they don't know how to rite code.
Did you look me up? I hope not I have some embarrassing photos of me I would prefer people not see.

Google Analytics shows people hitting my landing page but my conversion rate is 0.

I think maybe my affiliate network is scrubbing my leads, because they are total quality.

Like you I promote software but it's not mine, I don't kow how to programe.

Do you think I should learn? It seems hard and people keep telling me to use Odek and get a cheap indian to make softwarez for me.

I don't know though, I havge hear stories a bout how they rip people off when they don't know how to rite code.

Well, from the sound of it, you lack any skills and the first thing Id suggest about why your page is not converting is perhaps your idea of "qualified traffic" (send pornlinks as link baits-dont usually work when your selling software) is flawed.

Not sure I can offer any guidance as creativity is a thing someone either has or doesnt...

Luckily Ive been fortunate with mine...I eat good..

No, its boring - it's like listening to people in Julian's skype group - a bunch of bitches bitching.

Why hasn't he been banned yet, mods are slacking.
Why hasn't he been banned yet, mods are slacking.

Why should I be banned?

I know it's against the rules to be rude to new members and I have been warned twice before, but if I get a third warning I will be permabanned.

Skyebug77 is ok with it, he was making jokes, no harm done.

No need to PM Grindstone about it.