Dream cars

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V12Kid said:
seriously id like to get a Lotus Esprit or the Elise. I have 2 friends that have each and man they are nice rides!
I'm not a fan of the espirit, just not really what Lotus is about IMO. The elise is a awesome car though, but not much of a daily driver. I'd wait for the Exige to come stateside and pick that up for sure.

I'm also going to change my name to Marty, hire a bum Doc, and give him a dog named Einstein... One day...
revlimiter said:

Aston Martin V12 Vanquish S:)
that is one beautiful car. my second favorite car.

But car I will purchase for everyday use will most definitely be the Maybach


It's all about comfort, and the Maybach has it all.

Here I am, off-road (artists interpretation). I pass all the squirrels when I get pushed down a hill first. :bootyshake:

I don't have any lofty aspirations for a car. The best vehicle I ever wanted was a new Ford Ranger.
mrvolleyball said:
Bugatti Veyron
2 x 4litre V8 engines bolted together with 4 turbo chargers = 1000bhp !!!!

Check out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_YAdKOTPw9Q&mode=related&search=veyron
Great show, I love Top Gear. I think I remember them doing a similar episode with the Mercedes McLaren SLR - long distance race to the finish. :)
Beautiful car and how I would love to sit inside one. I think the only thing that comes close to the Bugatti is the X1 electric car based on the Aerial Atom frame. Oh and the Atom itself but the X1 is now faster.
Numbat said:
I have to go with the Ariel Atom. Second fastest street car in the world (to the Veyron) for about $50,000. Check out this video of it going 0 - 100 - 0 in under 11 seconds:


It's a complete toy - you couldn't drive it for any reason other than fun, but I really, really want one.

I wouldn't be caught doing 100mph in that thing, you'd have to be off your fucking rocker.
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