Dream cars

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donn said:
I'm 16 so my dream car is...a car. Whatever I can get.

I'm 15, but i don't want to settle :p
I figure, i may aswell wait a few months to get a car i want, then to get it quick, realise the car is gay, and have to save up again.
You kids these days...

I still have the car my grandmother gave me when I turned 16... It was about 8 years old at the time, with 60k miles on it. Now it has 180k miles on, and still gets me to work on time :)

Not having a car payment is a glorious thing indeed.
darkdrift said:
LOL took a wild guess

Umm...because I'm on a forum at 11:45 on a saturday night writing posts on a forum about grubbing for money?
donn said:
Umm...because I'm on a forum at 11:45 on a saturday night writing posts on a forum about grubbing for money?

LOL - I like you donn, you are hella funny,I bet your a pimp in real life
darkdrift said:
LOL - I like you donn, you are hella funny,I bet your a pimp in real life

A pimp whose online at 12:45 on a saturday night is either a sucky pimp, or a wired one lol. But of course I'm the latter.
Wow, I want to have a car that shoots giant poles that upturn other cars!

But right now I'll just have to settle for my dream car of a Gallardo.
Or pimped-out Daihatsu Hi-Jet with mystery mobile paint-job--or perhaps a Jurassic Park jeep...
for the family, BMW M5. a 500HP, 5L V10, 12:1 compression that revs to 8750 and has four doors... good god.
for the hell of a it, a s14 240 w/ a built rb motor & drivetrain swap.
seriously id like to get a Lotus Esprit or the Elise. I have 2 friends that have each and man they are nice rides!
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