Don't Buy A Mac? Wow.

Linux $0.00

Lets throw some economics in. How about the opportunity cost in using Linux by lost productivity due to the learning curve, lack of mainstream software, if you DO want to run mainstream software there's a curve to installing WINE, the open source alternatives usually are nowhere near as good..etc.
Lets throw some economics in. How about the opportunity cost in using Linux by lost productivity due to the learning curve, lack of mainstream software, if you DO want to run mainstream software there's a curve to installing WINE, the open source alternatives usually are nowhere near as good..etc.

what's opportunity cost? I mean, if I can save $2k even if it takes me half a year who cares?

hurrduurrrr logic in hurrrrr
That's not the point. How many programs can you run on a mac that isn't made for a pc? Macs are just better, hardware and everything. I've had one for five years and it still works fine. I can't imagine a pc lasting that long.

5 years? of course a PC would last that long...

no adware, no spyware, no trojans, no keyloggers, no viruses... whats that worth, fuckwit?

Or you could just learn how to use the fucking internet and stop being a dipshit.

I am still using a PC from 2004. It has never had a trojan, keylogger, virus, etc and I have never needed to reinstall the operating system on it. :thumbsup:

Nuff Said!
what is this fucking 4chan?

Of course not! If it was, someone would post something like this -


Btw, my 1st PC was really old MAC :D I was like 8yr old then and I loved it, because there was really cool game, called Oxyd or something like that, where i had to move a ball through various labyrinths using my mouse.. :D
This is coming from a certified computer technician (both PC's and Mac's):

HANDS DOWN, Mac is better in almost every way when compared to an OEM PC that you get from Best Buy or wherever. OEM PC's come loaded with garbage and the Windows OS has a ton of faults to boot. Combine the two and you've got a piece of shit computer that can barely run. Despite this fact, if you install a blank clean of your OS (this means without all the garbage from HP, Dell, whatever), apply the necessary tweaks to your machine, and install a good AntiVirus, you can get a computer that's just as dependable and reliable as a Mac for a quarter of the price.

What you can't get is the super quality case that comes with a Mac Pro. That's why some people go through all the work to gut a Mac Pro and put a PC inside of it. I've never done it personally, but I'm going to try it one day. You can get a Mac Pro with a blown logic board for $50 on Craigslist if you wait long enough. I have a friend that just got one two days ago and he plans to put his awesome custom built i7 computer in there that has 64gb of memory. The thing cost just as much as a Mac Pro, but he got a computer that's SHITLOADS better and he's now able to get a great case along with it.

Conclusion: Macs are better than PC's when compared to the quality of the case. If you compare them to OEM PC's, they're better in almost every way. BUT with a little time and effort, you can get a decent PC with the same specs as the $3k Mac for less than $800 with a kickass Mac Pro case.

LOL that's pretty good.

But still, OSX FTW - Since 2001, I'm only on my second machine. Everybody I know who buys PC's "because they are cheaper" end up buying new ones every single year.

That's just BS. Obviously your knowledge of PC's is severely outdated. Most PC's will last 6-8 years pretty easily without giving you too much trouble. Just stick away from Emachines and Gateway and you'll be fine.
If Macs were the same price as "seemingly" comparable PCs, I know you lots would be buying the shit up. But that's not going to happen, so course you hate on any flaw you can find. It'd be the same if some PC brand started charging the same as apple with similar components.
That's just BS. Obviously your knowledge of PC's is severely outdated. Most PC's will last 6-8 years pretty easily without giving you too much trouble. Just stick away from Emachines and Gateway and you'll be fine.

Can't really get windows 7 on a number of 6-8 year old PCs, where as OSX Leopard can still install onto a PPC 800mhz or faster mac with least 1GB of ram. (though thats not to say you can't still use XP on your old PC, since a decent number of apps aside from the latest games, IE9, DirectX 10, etc will run on XP)

I don't think anyone even bothered mentioning personal preference yet though. I like OSX, I like my Macbook, and I've replaced things on it myself, its actually not that difficult to upgrade or replace the upper chassis for far cheaper than a repair shop may want. My Combo drive is dead (but I have an external burner), but I could easily replace that for a lil under 100 and upgrade it to a superdrive at the same time if I wanted to. Main thing you couldn't replace would be the same kind of thing you can't replace on a PC laptop, such as bios, cpu, graphic chipset, etc, but I could replace my LCD myself if I wanted to, good luck doing that with with the vast number of PC brands.
Whether they're better or not is a matter of fact. However, how overpriced they are is a matter of fact.
(though thats not to say you can't still use XP on your old PC, since a decent number of apps aside from the latest games, IE9, DirectX 10, etc will run on XP)

That's exactly my point. XP is old, but it's not outdated. I've yet to come across a new application (excluding games) or hardware device that wouldn't work with XP. 98/2000 on the other hand is outdated because the OS's are no longer officially supported and not much new will run on them.

I personally use both Mac's and PC's. My best Mac has a PPC 1.6ghz processor, 3gb of DDR memory, and a 500gb SATA drive. It's still very fast and I don't really need 10.6. Most of my PC's are at least 2 years old but they can handle just about anything. Anyone that thinks you have to junk your computer for a new one every year doesn't know much about computers. Many, many of my clients are running 5+ year old computers and they're working great. So long as you've got at least a 2.8ghz P4 with a gig of ram, it should be instant in everything it does. Now sure it can't play the latest games, but it can certainly do the basics and can even edit stuff in Photoshop pretty decently so long as you're not working with gigantic images. If you don't think this is true, then you've obviously never had a computer that's working PROPERLY both hardware and software wise.
I can't believe none of the ballers here have mentioned this: SERVICE.

Try to bring your gateway in for a problem to a gateway store. Oh that's right they all went out of business. Dell Store? WHAT ? LOL That kiosk in the mall? They're well equipped to handle shit.

Apple store service is fucking baller. Bring your broken shit in, they fix it using OEM parts, they do a pro job, and they do it fast as fuck since they STOCK ALMOST EVERY FUCKING PART FOR EVERY FUCKING PRODUCT. My time is worth a lot. I use a mac because I don't want to waste time fucking with shit to make money. When that mac has a problem, I bring it in, they practically suck my cock, and they return my shit to me perfect again.

I'll GLADLY pay the Apple premium as long as the service remains premium. Try getting a new screen on your 5 month old top of the line Dell Laptop next day if it craps out. LOL

I don't ball that hard, but I can justify spending money on shit that works, and if it breaks, will be handled appropriately.

Plus, whores love macs.

TL;DR - Mac has baller service and support. Whores love Macs too.

All the PC-haters are probably retards who bought a dell, realized it was a piece of shit, and then concluded that PC's in general are shit.

And those same people probably use shit software like norton or mcaffee, never heard of adblock, can't uninstall bloatware, etc.

Everything works out though, because those are the dumbshits that macs are made for.

PS I will admit for mobile computing, macs win.
All I can say is, I never regretted switching to my MacBook Pro. I've had it for 3-4 years now, and it still runs like the day I bought it. I can easily see myself using this machine for another 2-3 years.
Had a Windows ME machine for nine years. It worked fine until '03, but then the quality started to dwindle.

Eventually I had to move all third-party applications onto a flash drive and keep it plugged in at all times, as I had to reformat and reinstall my OS weekly.

Got a Macbook, had it for three years, perfect.

The only problem I've had with it is the screen stopped working at one point. Took it to an AppleCare specialist, some lady working out of her home in Asheville, and she fixed the problem in two days.

Since I was under warranty, the $1,300 cost was free. Not only did she replace the broken part, she also replaced the motherboard, the top panel with a few small chips in it, the Apple LED light, the stuck trackpad button, the loose screen hinge, and several other things that I didn't even know were a problem.

Plus, as Josh said, they will practically suck your dick at the Apple store to make sure you have a quality experience.

Basically, Dellfags gonna have Raj'neej from tech support all up in yo' cock, and a shitty computer after their shitty support attempt.