Don't Buy A Mac? Wow.

I know exactly where you're coming from there. I've always wanted my software to be harder to use and more time consuming. I just fucking HATE shit that's simple, straight forward and painless...

When uninstalling, why do I want to simply delete a program using one command, rather than click 15 confirmations, wait 5-30 minutes and then still have folder on my pc that I have to go and delete...

On a related note, Google has realised their Search Engine is too simple. They're going to turn their homepage into a pretty flash lander where you have to first click the search button, then type your query in to a box, then confirm it, then leave a postcode/zip code, then click search, then confirm you want to see the results and type in the number of results you're interested in seeing.

Then, should you click a link, they plan on checking that you're sure you want to visit that page then redirect you accordingly after asking if you know Google is not your homepage. I can't fucking wait! Really, simple shit is soooo fucking annoying. :)

I think I did a poor job expressing my problem.

I think that Mac making their software simple is a good thing, by all means. I don't think that things should be made more complicated -- that is just retarded.

I guess what I'm trying to get at is that most mac "fanboys" are dumb as rocks, and that the most common thing I hear from them about their rationale for buying one is "macs don't get viruses"

My response is usually that if you have any sort of idea what you're doing on a computer, you shouldn't have virus problems anyway -- and that ties into that Mac's are made super simple for people who have minimal computer skills. Which I think has worked out pretty well for them. I don't even think macs are bad computers, I just hate fanboys, that's all.

Somebody needs a lesson in brand value and pricing strategy.

OF COURSE an upgrade on the margin is expensive; that's what's Apple is about. They have successfully developed a brand which lets them do this. The can charge so much on the margin because, well, it's Apple. It's a fucking Mac. It's Apple's Mac. Could Acer do this with their Aspire laptops? Noooooope.

OF COURSE they price segment. They're a business. Businesses sell for a living. There's much more to pricing than linear relationships or economics of scale.
You can install OSX on a PC.

Let me say it again, you DO NOT need a $3000 mac to run OSX, with a little bit of effort you can save yourself a couple thousand dollars.

OSX86 Snow Leopard

That's not the point. How many programs can you run on a mac that isn't made for a pc? Macs are just better, hardware and everything. I've had one for five years and it still works fine. I can't imagine a pc lasting that long.
Anyone here use Ubuntu?

Tried Ubuntu this summer to recover gigs of img/video from my Euro adventure after my WinXP Netbook failed. Ended up liking it so much that I installed Ubuntu on my Win7 desktop.

I've virtualized Win7 on a slave computer because I use Photoshop and enterprise Win apps, but Ubuntu has improved my productivity amazingly. Helped me better understand the Linux server environment and I've picked up scripting that carries directly over to Linux server scripting of course.

I like Ubuntu, there are just too many programs that I didn't like having to run on WINE. To be honest, Windows 7 is nice.

If I really wanted OSX I'd save my next rental downpayment and just Mac OSX Snow Leopard v10 6 3-HOTiSO (download torrent) - TPB

That's not the point. How many programs can you run on a mac that isn't made for a pc? Macs are just better, hardware and everything. I've had one for five years and it still works fine. I can't imagine a pc lasting that long.

5 years? of course a PC would last that long...
Macs are overpriced as hell.
They're alot more user friendly than PC's i guess.
You pay 1k for a laptop you can get for $350
SO many times i claimed the same as your picture say - Mac sucks and for the same money a better computer can be build - but alot of people just like the way it looks and brain washed by commercials. more ever, not alot of people have the will or knowledge to build there own computer - but then again buying a mac is just a waste !
YO is it just me, or does it seem like English/grammar on this board is becoming nonexistent? I have to reread posts 3-4 times to understand them.
I have a mac laptop I am using currently for both school and work. I love it, however I am getting a PC desktop as well. I'm not extremely hardware savvy, but I think they both have their place.
I don't even think macs are bad computers, I just hate fanboys, that's all.

Word. I've become a semi-fanboy, as I've only been using a Mac for a year or so. I do have 2 pcs, well more if you count my "office" and spares, but asking questions on a mac fanboy board, when I first got a mac, was awful.

I remember one question was, how do I stop the computer going to sleep when I close the lid. Rather than say that feature doesn't exist (unless I use a program), I get an answer which explains it's not needed and is actually better... Same for having no "delete" key (fn+left cursor).

I wanted to punch the fucking retard fanboys for their blinkered love. Cialdini could write a great book on fanboism.
no adware, no spyware, no trojans, no keyloggers, no viruses... whats that worth, fuckwit?

Or you could just learn how to use the fucking internet and stop being a dipshit.

This is turning into the friend bar.

[ame=""]YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]
I was pro-PC for 15 years, and then bowed down and got an iMac. Never had one problem with it, and now have upgraded to the 27". I also dumped my Fujitsu, which pretty much started to slow down and overheat less than a year in, and moved to a MacBook Pro. IMHO they just work better.

But to each his own. I'm not into least not on computers.