Don't Buy A Mac? Wow.


Thermaltake Level 10

Coolermaster 840

Both are better cases than anything Mac has come up with. Just off the top of my head there. Lian-Li also makes some excellent cases.

I own the second, thinking about getting the first for a new build.

I guess it's a matter of opinion, because I think the case on the Mac Pro is absolutely epic. It's pretty strong and durable too. I've built a lot of PC's in my time even spent hundreds of dollars on cases at times and I've never really found a case I like more than the case used in the Mac Pro.

Who gives a flying fuck what the computer case looks like?

I dunno. Who gives a fuck what your car or your house looks like? Some of us like nice shit.
no adware, no spyware, no trojans, no keyloggers, no viruses... whats that worth, fuckwit?

For a moron, it's worth a lot. For anyone with enough sense not to get this stuff in the first place, nothing.

I haven't run any form of virus protection or spyware in 5 years and I haven't had a problem with any of this stuff. And I'm all over torrent sites and whatnot all the time.

50 year old soccer moms that don't know the difference between a browser and the internet are the ones that have problems with spyware and trojans. If you're savvy enough to be on an internet marketing forum then you really shouldn't be having a problem with it.

This is like the stupid conversations I now refuse to have with my wife.

HER: "I wouldn't pay £3,000 for the training that you sell." [to businesses - she's a college professor who has never been near a business in her life]
ME: "I know that. That's because you're not my in target market."
HER: "But I still wouldn't pay it."
ME: "Well I wouldn't sell it to you. Even if you did pay it."
HER: "I don't care. Why would someone pay that? I wouldn't pay it."

Now I just feed batteries to our daughter to distract her if she starts on that line.

Please can somebody start a political thread so we can have some sensible debate around here?
For a moron, it's worth a lot. For anyone with enough sense not to get this stuff in the first place, nothing.

I haven't run any form of virus protection or spyware in 5 years and I haven't had a problem with any of this stuff. And I'm all over torrent sites and whatnot all the time.

50 year old soccer moms that don't know the difference between a browser and the internet are the ones that have problems with spyware and trojans. If you're savvy enough to be on an internet marketing forum then you really shouldn't be having a problem with it.

I know you think you're a big boy internets user and all but this is probably the stupidest thing you can do. You realize even if your "safe" online that you can still get infected through browser exploits, flash exploits, javascript exploits, XSS exploits ... just by visiting a website. I'm pretty sure its not just 50 year old women that have problems with this stuff..

Its such a widespread problem that Intel just bought Mcafee and have plans to integrate malware protection into hardware so they can catch it at the lowest level.
wah wah wah

mac = make money
pc = make money

WF would be so much better if mac vs pc threads just redirected to makemoniesonline. Same shit with the political ones.
i like the 4-5 hour battery life of my macbook pro. Also the in the Mail Client you can search with keywords as fast as in gmail which was a pain with outlook. With vmware installed with win 7 ultimate, it is the best of both worlds.
Macs are over priced because their target markets are

1) Yuppies
2) Hippies
and Vegans who wear jesus sandles

Hey fanboys better bend over for the new ipod nano.. WOW it comes in "square"!
i like the 4-5 hour battery life of my macbook pro. Also the in the Mail Client you can search with keywords as fast as in gmail which was a pain with outlook. With vmware installed with win 7 ultimate, it is the best of both worlds.

Anyone that uses a mail client for an email address like Gmail is a complete and total idiot. Why the hell would you want to risk storing all your valuable emails on your hard drive when Gmail will give you over 7gb free?

I haven't run any form of virus protection or spyware in 5 years and I haven't had a problem with any of this stuff. And I'm all over torrent sites and whatnot all the time.

Now this is stupid unless all you do is go to Google and you never click on any of the search results. Driveby downloads are extremely dangerous and can be at nearly any site. To not even run many of the free protection options out that's a dumbshit move.

Now if you're not a total dumbass you can easily avoid viruses and other problems from P2P programs like LimeWire. When a 2 hour movie is 3.69MB, that's a clear indication that it's not what you're looking for. It's either a short trailer or (more likely) malware. Not that anyone with any brains is still using LimeWire, but there are almost always indications of whether or not something is dangerous. It's not rocket science. If you're not a dumbass you can avoid a lot of malware (but not all). The few instances you don't catch are left up to your antimalware program and (if you have a good one) it will destroy anything that comes in contact with it.
For a moron, it's worth a lot. For anyone with enough sense not to get this stuff in the first place, nothing.

I haven't run any form of virus protection or spyware in 5 years and I haven't had a problem with any of this stuff. And I'm all over torrent sites and whatnot all the time.

50 year old soccer moms that don't know the difference between a browser and the internet are the ones that have problems with spyware and trojans. If you're savvy enough to be on an internet marketing forum then you really shouldn't be having a problem with it.

If you think Macs don't get viruses or hacked, then you are seriously mistaken. Apple iTunes alone has had several very public vulnerabilities outed in the past couple months, and many more that were hush hush before and since.

The reason that Apple's been able to boast that Macs didn't get viruses was because no one gave a shit about them. They were a very small market and largely bought by techies.

Virus and Spyware developers want to reach the most people in the shortest amount of time, at the lowest cost to them. So, they've been targeting Windows. Once Macs started being bought in Asia and also bought by more than just computer savvy people, it suddenly because worth their time to develop viruses and spyware for them.

That's just on the hardware and OS level. Web browsers are cross-platform and all use the same code to work with them. So, it's very easy to grab people's personal information by targeting browsers.

I can't tell you how many trojans Kaspersky Internet Security has blocked just from Walstreet Journal, Facebook, Myspace, Youtube, and other very reputable websites that have advertisement. They start popping up like crazy when you run SEO programs that use browsers.

Macs are just as susceptible to viruses and spyware as Windows. While the OS may be much more sound and closed off, don't ever think you aren't at risk.

I suggest you get the Mac OS X version of Kaspersky Antivirus. Do the 30 day trial and see what it picks up.
Anyone that uses a mail client for an email address like Gmail is a complete and total idiot. Why the hell would you want to risk storing all your valuable emails on your hard drive when Gmail will give you over 7gb free?

Now this is stupid unless all you do is go to Google and you never click on any of the search results. Driveby downloads are extremely dangerous and can be at nearly any site. To not even run many of the free protection options out that's a dumbshit move.

Now if you're not a total dumbass you can easily avoid viruses and other problems from P2P programs like LimeWire. When a 2 hour movie is 3.69MB, that's a clear indication that it's not what you're looking for. It's either a short trailer or (more likely) malware. Not that anyone with any brains is still using LimeWire, but there are almost always indications of whether or not something is dangerous. It's not rocket science. If you're not a dumbass you can avoid a lot of malware (but not all). The few instances you don't catch are left up to your antimalware program and (if you have a good one) it will destroy anything that comes in contact with it.

why are you dumb enough to trust GMAIL or any 3rd party (let alone GOOGLE) with sensitive info when you're running Dr. ()z rezV campaigns and lol'ing about your profits with your AM via email?

yeah, retarded.

use clients, use your own servers.
i use windows me
while sipping champange
haters gettin mad
im on the penthouse roof using windows me
fuck you haters
i installed windows me in the glove compartment
nigga gets paid
why are you dumb enough to trust GMAIL or any 3rd party (let alone GOOGLE) with sensitive info when you're running Dr. ()z rezV campaigns and lol'ing about your profits with your AM via email?

yeah, retarded.

use clients, use your own servers.

I use Gmail as spam email addresses, nothing more. I'm talking about regular people here. I host my own mail server and no, I don't use mail clients that store the shit on your main hard drive. That's just fucking dumb. The main drive in your machine should only be used to store Windows and all your programs. An external drive or internal slave drive should be used to store everything else. I have my own mail server with RAID 1 and use a program that backs up the data to an external hard drive on my network. That's two backups.
Macs have standardized hardware. Standardized hardware means fewer crashes, because Windows crashes are often due to third party hardware or software incompatibility (poorly written drivers, firmware, etc.)

Macs have a lower penetration in the market. Lower penetration means hackers could give a shit about your system because they're trying to reach the biggest audience to build their botnets to make the fraud moneys or DDOS whoever pissed off 4chan this week. Just like gaming, learning to develop on the most popular OS just makes sense; you can target more users this way.

Re: A Mac "workstation". You can build a PC with ECC RAM if you have a motherboard that supports it. It's usually called a server when you do that, but you can do it on your gaming PC if you want. You have a lot more freedom to build different kinds of systems with a PC because of those aforementioned third party companies. Multiple video cards, multiple network cards, RAID, sound cards, etc.

There's a lot more software available for Windows, obviously, and out of the apps available on OSX, some work better under Windows.

Windows is more open; hardware, software, etc. That openness has a drawback; poorly written drivers, hardware incompatibilities, and hackers going after the most popular OS.

Before you say, you can run OSX on a PC, yes, I know that. I also know that hardware compatibility is (or was) the biggest problem with setting up a hackintosh. I've done it before, and it was a pain in the ass. Sound drivers, graphic drivers, network drivers. Because you're not using Apple Approved hardware, drivers have to be written or kludged.

These are facts you can't really dispute.

I use Windows because I'm a gamer, and everything else I want to run is available on Windows as well. There's never been a case of "Damn, I wish I had a Mac so I could run ______." (One exception: iPhone emulator for iPhone dev.)

It boils down to: if you want security and stability more than games and variety, go for OSX.


Windows: Games, software variety, flexible hardware options, occasional bugs and malware, being in the hackers' sights, less expensive

OSX: Security, stability, limited hardware, limited software, fewer (but not zero) bugs, more expensive

*Plus Mac owners are frequently self-righteous pricks who care more about appearances than results.