Don't Buy A Mac? Wow.

I can't believe none of the ballers here have mentioned this: SERVICE.

That's why PC repair shops exist. Only an idiot brings their computer back to the manufacturer so they can pay $200 to have it shipped to India only to have their hard drive fried and their original problem worse than it was before. Just find a decent PC repair shop and anything can be fixed within 24 hours. And it won't cost $400 for a repair, it will cost $100.

Since I was under warranty, the $1,300 cost was free

See what I mean? A screen replacement on a PC would never cost more than $200 unless you got ripped off.

Also, it's hard to find an Apple Store if you're not in or near a big city, but at least Best Buy/local repair shop/genius down the street will take a gander at it.

One more thing, is there a way to resize windows in osx like you can with the win+arrow keys in Win7. That feature is so fucking useful.
oooh the all ever raging war.

I bought a macbook and it runs 100x better with win7 on it. Used to crash all the time when I had OSX on it. Go figure.

Great piece of hardware, crappy OS.
. Just find a decent PC repair shop and anything can be fixed within 24 hours. And it won't cost $400 for a repair, it will cost $100.

Um LOL what? They're not going to have the OEM screen for your 2 year old Dell/Asus/Gateway/Fuji/etc laptop.
Um LOL what? They're not going to have the OEM screen for your 2 year old Dell/Asus/Gateway/Fuji/etc laptop.

I buy a new laptop every two/three years. Shit gets outdated quick if you're doing anything intensive on them.

On a side note, I did spill water on my shitty acer laptop, and sent it to the factory and had it back within a week and a half with all the stuff replaced. Fairly simple process.
Um LOL what? They're not going to have the OEM screen for your 2 year old Dell/Asus/Gateway/Fuji/etc laptop.

Maybe not in stock, but any decent shop can overnight it to you and get it installed real quick. I've probably replaced 500 laptop screens in my life and the only screen that took more than an hour to install was the one in that damned Macbook Air. It took me almost an hour just to get the fucking bezel off.
Had a Windows ME machine for nine years. It worked fine until '03, but then the quality started to dwindle.

Eventually I had to move all third-party applications onto a flash drive and keep it plugged in at all times, as I had to reformat and reinstall my OS weekly.

Got a Macbook, had it for three years, perfect.

You went from Windows ME, just bout anything at that point is going to seem like a godsend.
You went from Windows ME, just bout anything at that point is going to seem like a godsend.

Going from Windows ME to MSDOS 4.0 would be a godsend actually. Fucking worst operating system ever created. "Vista is the next ME" - BS. If you're saying that then you've never had to deal with the hell and horror of a true ME system.

That's just BS. Obviously your knowledge of PC's is severely outdated. Most PC's will last 6-8 years pretty easily without giving you too much trouble. Just stick away from Emachines and Gateway and you'll be fine.


Every PC buyer I know regrets their purchase. And every Mac buyer ends up loving their new machine. This data has been split tested over 6 years now.

Hmmm... on second thought, OS X totally blows. Get the new Sony Vaio!

Thermaltake Level 10

Coolermaster 840

Both are better cases than anything Mac has come up with. Just off the top of my head there. Lian-Li also makes some excellent cases.

I own the second, thinking about getting the first for a new build.

This is coming from a certified computer technician (both PC's and Mac's):

HANDS DOWN, Mac is better in almost every way when compared to an OEM PC that you get from Best Buy or wherever. OEM PC's come loaded with garbage and the Windows OS has a ton of faults to boot. Combine the two and you've got a piece of shit computer that can barely run. Despite this fact, if you install a blank clean of your OS (this means without all the garbage from HP, Dell, whatever), apply the necessary tweaks to your machine, and install a good AntiVirus, you can get a computer that's just as dependable and reliable as a Mac for a quarter of the price.

What you can't get is the super quality case that comes with a Mac Pro. That's why some people go through all the work to gut a Mac Pro and put a PC inside of it. I've never done it personally, but I'm going to try it one day. You can get a Mac Pro with a blown logic board for $50 on Craigslist if you wait long enough. I have a friend that just got one two days ago and he plans to put his awesome custom built i7 computer in there that has 64gb of memory. The thing cost just as much as a Mac Pro, but he got a computer that's SHITLOADS better and he's now able to get a great case along with it.

Conclusion: Macs are better than PC's when compared to the quality of the case. If you compare them to OEM PC's, they're better in almost every way. BUT with a little time and effort, you can get a decent PC with the same specs as the $3k Mac for less than $800 with a kickass Mac Pro case.

That's just BS. Obviously your knowledge of PC's is severely outdated. Most PC's will last 6-8 years pretty easily without giving you too much trouble. Just stick away from Emachines and Gateway and you'll be fine.
Wow, not even WF is immune to Mac vs PC wars.

I tried Mac and I went back. Didn't see what the big fucking deal was.