Democrats take the House

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5 to hear the dems tell it the tax cuts just let the rich buy 1 more high price toy! can someone please go to capital hill and break that old record they need a new tune!

Exactly. I don't understand the opposition to tax cuts. If we want growth we have to incentivize and encourage those who can spur growth--business people. From the 1 man webmaster shop to the 2 guys getting their first $2M round of VC funding to the medium enterprise hiring their 200th employee. All these scenarios are helped by tax cuts. Tax cuts ENLARGE the pie. Tax and spend policies reduce people into vicious petty interest groups bickering over a shrinking pool of resources(zero sum game).

Chris - lol, I like your straight forward, no-nonsense, no-BS, no worries about political correctness attitude.. But, HOW you can tell someone's race from a vague internet post has me really baffled.

Anyhow, no interest in getting into an argument, and I'm on no crusade myself. As a famous brotha' once said:

"can't we all just get along?"

(ps) Dru - if you ever get a minute, I'd like to chat via AIM or something, I have a couple of Qs for you..
brian - the post did not tell me he was black he did, in fact he said even though he is of the light skinded variety (could that be racism inside a race? just wondering) he is from harlem so he is blacker than most. I did not assume anything about the color of his skin I simply repeated it.

Pax, you don't think that the poor are poor by choice? ok then ask yourself, if you did not like your lot in life how would you go about changing it? I am not talking about the people who are mentally challenged, they should have as much help as they need. I am talking about the person with the average to above average iq. I am also talking about the people who through dumb choices are in a position of poverty and doing nothing to get out of it!
Are we still arguing?

No reason for it. Republicans are the best, and that's all there is to it!

The Dems took the house and Sentate.. wooopdy doo. We are still going to take the 2008 presidential election, again, and they know it!

Go ahead dems, give Hillary Clinton the democratic nomination to run for president. Because if that is done, even if we give a fucking watermellon the bid, the watermellon will win over Clinton.
Are we still arguing?

No reason for it. Republicans are the best, and that's all there is to it!

The Dems took the house and Sentate.. wooopdy doo. We are still going to take the 2008 presidential election, again, and they know it!

Go ahead dems, give Hillary Clinton the democratic nomination to run for president. Because if that is done, even if we give a fucking watermellon the bid, the watermellon will win over Clinton.
That's what was being said about the mid-term election.... until they lost.

It was also said that Donald Rumsfeld would remain in office so long as Bush was in office by Bush himself.

It was also said that the US UN ambassador would remain in office.

It was also said that no matter what we would "stay the course". Now we're "looking forward to bi-partisan work in developing an exit strategy".

Don't read into all that. I said it simply to say that not everything that coems out of Republican mouths has come true. So that's a pretty bold prediction you made there :)

Even if it came true I mean what would it mean exactly? You have a Republican president in the whitehouse now and he's bowing to the power of the houses... What's your point?
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