Democrats take the House

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I'll bite... :)

According to the WSJ, the current Democrat plan is:

- Protectionism (poorly performing industries getting a boost, F and GM, your savior has arrived...) And that hurts us how?
- Boost the minimum wage (going to hurt those that it's supposed to help and hurt those it's supposed to hurt) The Republican talking point is "It'll cause job loss". That's just as much a baseless scare tactic as the Republicans claiming they are the only party that can defend you from terrorism.... Here's the facts... the minimum wage needs to keep up with inflation which Greenspan and crew have raised consistently over the past 3 announcements I can remember. More money in people's pockets doesn't hurt people or the economy, it helps it.... They claim businesses will have to cut jobs. Fact is those businesses need the workers just as much as the workers need them. All this will do is force those businesses to cut costs elsewhere (hence become more efficient) to pay for the wage increase. Businesses do this all the time to pay for things they need or want like equipment upgrades etc. Employees are no different. Don't believe the smoke and mirrors.
- Roll back tax cuts for the rich (fuck that includes me, I don't feel rich!) This one doesn't fly with me either. I am by technical definitions wealthy. My household income exceeds 100k. No I don't feel rich. Yes I hate seeing huge tax chunks taken out of my pay and paying tax bills at the end of the year for my online earnings. So this affects me. But I also know it's common sense that the people who can afford to pay more should. All personal motivations and greed aside, it's just the right thing to do. I'm frankly more concerned about HOW the money is spent "coughcoughinvadingsovereign nations unprovokedcoughcough" than who pays more. If my tax money is being spent to better our nation or help the less fortunate and provide tangible services I can use or be proud of I'm all for it. Sorry you don't feel the same way.

- Reduce student loan interest rates (?) Yeah I agree with you there (?)
- Address 'climate change' (oh shit. here we go...) Again can't argue with you there. It's gonna be a clusterfuck of posturing on both sides.... I don't think either party can see past their own agendas far enough to be serious about what if anything is going on with our environment. But then again I don't see how bringing the issue to daylight can be a "bad" thing for our planet. Can you?
- Curb Executive Pay (profitability shouldn't = more money for executives? FUCK, people are making too much money by making others too much money!) Agree with you here too.. the government has no business mandating how much a person can be paid for work they do whether it's morally right or not.

So, what are we going to lose? Free Trade, Tax Cuts, and the loosening of regulations.

Shit. How Repulicany grand standing of you :) Any time the Republicans are going to lose anything it becomes a national crisis :D That argument doesn't work anymore and the voters made that clear on Tuesday. Republicans like to tout how we haven't been attacked since 9/11 and take credit for it when the fact is that A) They've been lucky and B) it's only a matter of time. We haven't been attacked because radical Islam is busy probing us and finding our weaknesses. Those people are patient. They planned 9/11 for years. They talk about how they broke up terrorist plots when first of all they didn't do anything. The CIA, FBI, NSA, DOD, and Homeland security did. Why? Because they are under higher alert than before and we're actually LOOKING for terrorist plots now... duh. Again just more smoke and mirrors to give themselves credit for something they didn't do.

It's a simple numbers came folks that the Republicans just by pure dumb luck happened to fall on the better side of. Right after and since 9/11 our security posture has been higher than ever before. It doesn't take a Republican majority to know we need to go on red alert when terrorists fly planes into our buildings in broad daylight. So time passes and the terrorists continue to plan and probe us until one day (hopefully after the Republicans have left office) bam they hit us again and the Republicans can now blame Democrats.

Of course, I will shed a tear for the unbearable taxes Paris Hilton might have to pay now. Poor girl. Life's just not fair.

This is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. So just because someone has a lot of money and in your opinion hasn't earned it or doesn't deserve it then it's ok to take more from them so that others can have a free ride? I hate Paris Hilton as much as the next guy, but let's look at another example. How about Jon (and many other top tax bracket people on this forum)? He wasn't handed anything. He built his businesses from the ground up and deserves to reap the benefits of all of his risk taking and hard work. Is it still ok for people like him to pay ridiculously high taxes on what they've worked so hard for just because they "can afford it?"

I also think that you're confused about just who these "richest" americans are who the democrats keep going on about. One of their main justifications for raising taxes is that they're only raising them for the "richest 1% of Americans." The thing is, this isn't just the Paris Hiltons and the Bill Gates... Anyone who makes over $328,000 per year is one of these "richest 1% of Americans" who apparently deserve to be taxed into the ground for their success. Sure, $328,000 is a nice income, but it's certainly not enough to be set for life or to live in a mansion and drive a new Ferarri every day.
Come on folks, stop bitching and whining, the MIDDLE CLASS pays most of the taxes in this country, not the nouveau rich, not the old money rich, not the 5 "rich" guys on this board.. The rich pay filthy lawyers and accountants to protect their assets and money.

If you've made it big in affiliate marketing, arbitrage or anything else on the web, don't lose focus of HOW TO KEEP THOSE RICHES.

We have TWO fucking parties, these war happy fucktard repubs can't be in control 100% of the time, we need some love and compassion in government too, trust me, you'd miss it if you lost it. If we had no term limits, and f we'd let Dubya, he'd be a dictator ala Saddam style within 20 years..

:rasta: Make love, not war!
- Protectionism (poorly performing industries getting a boost, F and GM, your savior has arrived...) And that hurts us how?
- Boost the minimum wage (going to hurt those that it's supposed to help and hurt those it's supposed to hurt) The Republican talking point is "It'll cause job loss". That's just as much a baseless scare tactic as the Republicans claiming they are the only party that can defend you from terrorism.... Here's the facts... the minimum wage needs to keep up with inflation which Greenspan and crew have raised consistently over the past 3 announcements I can remember. More money in people's pockets doesn't hurt people or the economy, it helps it.... They claim businesses will have to cut jobs. Fact is those businesses need the workers just as much as the workers need them. All this will do is force those businesses to cut costs elsewhere (hence become more efficient) to pay for the wage increase. Businesses do this all the time to pay for things they need or want like equipment upgrades etc. Employees are no different. Don't believe the smoke and mirrors.
- Roll back tax cuts for the rich (fuck that includes me, I don't feel rich!) This one doesn't fly with me either. I am by technical definitions wealthy. My household income exceeds 100k. No I don't feel rich. Yes I hate seeing huge tax chunks taken out of my pay and paying tax bills at the end of the year for my online earnings. So this affects me. But I also know it's common sense that the people who can afford to pay more should. All personal motivations and greed aside, it's just the right thing to do. I'm frankly more concerned about HOW the money is spent "coughcoughinvadingsovereign nations unprovokedcoughcough" than who pays more. If my tax money is being spent to better our nation or help the less fortunate and provide tangible services I can use or be proud of I'm all for it. Sorry you don't feel the same way.

Holy smoking shit, that was hard to read. :)

Protectionism doesn't affect me, but I'm against it on principle. F and GM are in the situation they are in by their own devices. They pushed expenses to the future and said it would take care of itself, they gave into union demands...

The minimum wage doesn't affect me either, but the minimum wage hurts the poor, they are not worth $8 a hour, else they would be paid that. They have no skills. It's just a ploy for the unions to raise their base pay scale.

Even though we have had tax cuts, tax receipts are at their highest level ever. The government isn't starved for cash, it is terrible at spending it properly. Also, the money government spends doesn't helps anyone aside from special interest groups and struggling corporations. I don't see the lazy, and uneducated as society either; they have no play in my success.

And paxton, while I do pay a lawyer and accountant to bring my tax burden down (they do a good job), I don't wish it go up any!
All that said, I don't believe the Democrats will get their legislation through the gridlock. Bush will use his veto, and with most of the newly elected Democrats being more conservative than Pelosi, she will have a hard time of it.
joe - trust me, although I don't sip from the republican fountain of Koolaid, I'm no fan of tax hikes, and I'm no poor slob either.

But god damn, aren't you all tired of the $2,500 pinstrip suited white guys in Washington spreading the country's money between them and their special interest pals? It's Texas Good Ole' boys at work, and they're not at all worried about taxes..
joe - trust me, although I don't sip from the republican fountain of Koolaid, I'm no fan of tax hikes, and I'm no poor slob either.

But god damn, aren't you all tired of the $2,500 pinstrip suited white guys in Washington spreading the country's money between them and their special interest pals? It's Texas Good Ole' boys at work, and they're not at all worried about taxes..

That has got to be the most fukn stupid comment made. 3/4th's of the fucking dems and republicans are rich already anyway. They pay the lions share of taxes. Its the middle class getting burnt, not the poor or the upper. The upper class pay the largest share of taxes so from your post above saying the middle class pay more taxes than the rich it shows you have no fucking clue. Regardless the issue is not that we pay taxes, its that they want us to pay more. A few liberal members of the house and senate want to make upper class anything over 100-150k a yr. Why? So they can gouge more people? Fuck That

Like Joe said, Bush aint going to put up with no shit, he has the Veto stopping power, but hate to say it, it will all be politics for the next 2 yrs, so the different parties can make a run for the presidency.
Hahaha an old ass WSJ They mention Greenspan, and WSJ is yet another Left Wing Media Outlet. Got to love people putting newspaper articles in a conversation, especially since they all lean left.

The kerry " botched joke" never made it to the front page of the WSJ, NY Times, USA Today, and other major city papers,, they mostly made a slight mention on page 18+,,, but his sissy ass apology made it to page 1... Fagget ASS Fuckers... So whatever you do do not quote shit from a newspaper in the US when trying to make a point or reinforce one, becauseno US paper is talking from a moderate point of view. All from the Left/

I'll bite... :)

According to the WSJ, the current Democrat plan is:

- Protectionism (poorly performing industries getting a boost, F and GM, your savior has arrived...) And that hurts us how?
- Boost the minimum wage (going to hurt those that it's supposed to help and hurt those it's supposed to hurt) The Republican talking point is "It'll cause job loss". That's just as much a baseless scare tactic as the Republicans claiming they are the only party that can defend you from terrorism.... Here's the facts... the minimum wage needs to keep up with inflation which Greenspan and crew have raised consistently over the past 3 announcements I can remember. More money in people's pockets doesn't hurt people or the economy, it helps it.... They claim businesses will have to cut jobs. Fact is those businesses need the workers just as much as the workers need them. All this will do is force those businesses to cut costs elsewhere (hence become more efficient) to pay for the wage increase. Businesses do this all the time to pay for things they need or want like equipment upgrades etc. Employees are no different. Don't believe the smoke and mirrors.
- Roll back tax cuts for the rich (fuck that includes me, I don't feel rich!) This one doesn't fly with me either. I am by technical definitions wealthy. My household income exceeds 100k. No I don't feel rich. Yes I hate seeing huge tax chunks taken out of my pay and paying tax bills at the end of the year for my online earnings. So this affects me. But I also know it's common sense that the people who can afford to pay more should. All personal motivations and greed aside, it's just the right thing to do. I'm frankly more concerned about HOW the money is spent "coughcoughinvadingsovereign nations unprovokedcoughcough" than who pays more. If my tax money is being spent to better our nation or help the less fortunate and provide tangible services I can use or be proud of I'm all for it. Sorry you don't feel the same way.

- Reduce student loan interest rates (?) Yeah I agree with you there (?)
- Address 'climate change' (oh shit. here we go...) Again can't argue with you there. It's gonna be a clusterfuck of posturing on both sides.... I don't think either party can see past their own agendas far enough to be serious about what if anything is going on with our environment. But then again I don't see how bringing the issue to daylight can be a "bad" thing for our planet. Can you?
- Curb Executive Pay (profitability shouldn't = more money for executives? FUCK, people are making too much money by making others too much money!) Agree with you here too.. the government has no business mandating how much a person can be paid for work they do whether it's morally right or not.

So, what are we going to lose? Free Trade, Tax Cuts, and the loosening of regulations.

Shit. How Repulicany grand standing of you :) Any time the Republicans are going to lose anything it becomes a national crisis :D That argument doesn't work anymore and the voters made that clear on Tuesday. Republicans like to tout how we haven't been attacked since 9/11 and take credit for it when the fact is that A) They've been lucky and B) it's only a matter of time. We haven't been attacked because radical Islam is busy probing us and finding our weaknesses. Those people are patient. They planned 9/11 for years. They talk about how they broke up terrorist plots when first of all they didn't do anything. The CIA, FBI, NSA, DOD, and Homeland security did. Why? Because they are under higher alert than before and we're actually LOOKING for terrorist plots now... duh. Again just more smoke and mirrors to give themselves credit for something they didn't do.

It's a simple numbers came folks that the Republicans just by pure dumb luck happened to fall on the better side of. Right after and since 9/11 our security posture has been higher than ever before. It doesn't take a Republican majority to know we need to go on red alert when terrorists fly planes into our buildings in broad daylight. So time passes and the terrorists continue to plan and probe us until one day (hopefully after the Republicans have left office) bam they hit us again and the Republicans can now blame Democrats.
Mill, The WSJ didn't say anything about Greenspan. Everything aside from the "I'll bite", and the the non bold text, was written by George. I summarized what they said...
Mill - you obviously don't know jackshit about who pays taxes in this country.. or you can't read English..

Out of every dollar earned, I guarantee you the MIDDLE CLASS pays MORE than the RICH do..

It's not rocket science that the top 20% earners pay more in TOTAL TAXES than the poor, they MAKE MORE.

The poor slob who makes $20k/yr pays MORE TAXES on their $20k than a millionaire does on $20k in income.. THAT's my point..

It's called INCOME SHARE, and the 10-50% top earners (middle class) pay MORE IN TAXES of their income than the top 10%.
I don't understand why those with more should pay a higher percentage of their income. Why is that fair?

It goes to much better use when kept by the high earners, for they invest it.
joe.. It isn't fair, but we're all one big happy family aren't we? Don't you want your broke Aunt to be able to eat and get proper hospital care too?

Actually, I'd be happy if the rich paid the SAME % of their income in taxes, I'm all for a fair FLAT TAX myself..

Show some compassion.. hehe
So because I make 5x's more than my neighbor, I should have to pay 5x's as much in taxes? Even though we both use the same amount of goverment services (which other than defense, police, fire, and rescue is basically 0)? What's fair about that?
joe.. It isn't fair, but we're all one big happy family aren't we? Don't you want your broke Aunt to be able to eat and get proper hospital care too?

Show some compassion.. hehe

Hey, I'm all about compassion. I just don't think it's the goverment's responsibilty to decide how compassionate I should be.

The problem as I see it is that too many Americans have an entitlement mentality, i.e. "I deserve this." Too many people looking for a government hand out or want the government to solve their problems.

Added: Screw both parties, I'm going Libertarian.
CP - because that's part of what makes this country great, and affords you the opportunity to make 5x's what your neighbor makes.. It's proportionate..

You think that the guy who makes $1mm a year, should pay the same amount of taxes that the average fella' who makes $30k would? i.e. about $6k? lol..

We'd have a serious deficit real fast, and all hell would break lose. How about this.. Under that scenario, you wouldn't have to worry about all the money you have, cause one of your desperate neighbors would just shoot you and TAKE your money -> see third world countries..

ps - do you REALLY care what's fair or not?

pss - I agree with you on government comment, I'm FOR less government.
What makes this country great isn't the trillions of tax dollars that go to socialist entitlement programs.

p.s. Yes, I care about what's fair. It all depends on what you consider fair though.
Hey, I'm all about compassion. I just don't think it's the goverment's responsibilty to decide how compassionate I should be.

The problem as I see it is that too many Americans have an entitlement mentality, i.e. "I deserve this." Too many people looking for a government hand out or want the government to solve their problems.

Added: Screw both parties, I'm going Libertarian.
Sure there's lazy people.... but there are also people who need help and aren't lazy. They just need a chance. Are you saying every single person that accepts government help is lazy? Because some of the hardest working mofos I've ever met in my life used to be on government assistance. Everyone at some point in their life needs a little help.

I know you're gonna say well I'm not talking about them I'm talking about ll the lazy bastards who milk it.... but the fact is..... if you punish them you punish everyone. A reform of our government services is what you need here, not a reduction in government services.

There's also the fact that the world isn't exaclty an even playing field. Not everyone grows up with access to a certain level of education and guidance from a solid family and 2 good parents. A lot of those government programs are there to give the less fortunate due to their circumstances a chance at being successful. Though they are abused (hence the need for reform) their intent is to serve that purpose.
My whole point is less goverment in peoples lives, less taxes, and more privatization.

I've never seen a governement program with the intent of improving society, be particularly efficient and fiscally responsible with tax payer money, let alone effective. Unfortunately all of us are forced to help fund them.
cp, the intention is more important than the result.

It's so contrary to my thinking, but that's how they imagine it.
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