Democrats take the House

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Republican... Democrat... Two heads on the same beast :) I vote for the party that ran the least amount of negative ads, damn that shit is annoying.

Thank goodness we'll finally have sane people in charge of Congress. Now they can focus on progress on the economy, education, health care, and kicking terrorist ass instead of kissing lobbyist ass and pandering to the Christian Taliban. It's really about a sense of priority.

Of course, I will shed a tear for the unbearable taxes Paris Hilton might have to pay now. Poor girl. Life's just not fair.

I love it when guys who couldn't pass a second grade spelling test call people "ignorant fucktards."
setec you are a fuckin idiot! focus on the economy? it is doing great! the dumbnocrats are going to kill it!

did you read the new wired mag is that who you want to be with your bullshit?
Republican... Democrat... Two heads on the same beast

That's not at all true -- it's just the lazy, fashionable thing to say to win cheap approval on just about any forum. There's no way to actually justify that position given the dramatic differences in priorities and conduct between the two parties.
And what exactly are the Democrats going to do to kill the economy? Repeal the estate tax?

The Dems have no plans to raise taxes on normal people, and good tax cuts in the works for the middle class. The Republicans are married to the idea that the children of billionaires shouldn't have to give anything back to their country when they inherit daddy's fortune. And every election season they just repeat "democrats raise your taxes" over and over ad nauseam because it's basically the only thing they can say that anybody outside of the clergy will listen to... even though they made it up.
That's not at all true -- it's just the lazy, fashionable thing to say to win cheap approval on just about any forum. There's no way to actually justify that position given the dramatic differences in priorities and conduct between the two parties.

Yes... Instead I'm going to convince everyone that one party is better than anouther on a affiliate marketing forum, and change the world.

I love how people spit shit on a forum about politcs when the only thing they know about them is what they could remember hearing on CNN. If you know so much about politics, what are you doing here? Fucking clowns :Yahoo_29:

Have fun with all the other bullshitters:
The Republicans are married to the idea that the children of billionaires shouldn't have to give anything back to their country when they inherit daddy's fortune.

Yeah, everyone that has money inherited it.:rolleyes:

And the reason why they say the Dems are going to raise taxes is because they have a long history of doing so.

Oh and by the way, the top 5% earners pay over 50% of taxes and the top 10% pay over 60%. The stats are here if you want to figure it out on your own:,,id=129270,00.html

So please, check your facts before you come here and act like you know what you are talking about.
Yeah, everyone that has money inherited it.:rolleyes:

And the reason why they say the Dems are going to raise taxes is because they have a long history of doing so.

Oh and by the way, the top 5% earners pay over 50% of taxes and the top 10% pay over 60%. The stats are here if you want to figure it out on your own:,,id=129270,00.html

So please, check your facts before you come here and act like you know what you are talking about.

Valid Point...

My thing is anyone that can applaud the actions of the fanatic left is a dumbshit or fag. The taxcuts effect everyone. Well me personally going from 34 to 39% hurts the wallet. All sides of the political spectrum has scandal and that will never change. And honestly I could give a fuck if one politician doesnt tell everyone his financials down to the T, but what i do care about is my the values the country was founded on. Don't put some bitch in power who is so far left that she bans christian youth camps in her city for being anti-gay! Thats fukn stupid.

I will find it hard to see that Charlie Rangel who will be in charge of the Means Commitee and Nancy Pelosi ( who both are fantaic liberals ) will do something that there local base will not like due to the fear of not being re-elected. Will definitely be a interesting next couple of years.

We need to get more Independent Candidates elected, and set polling stations around the country and let the people decide the new laws and bills... take some of this fucking power out the hand of rich aristocrats.
I thought I'd add that the top 40% of earners pay over 85% of the federal income tax collected. So 60% of earners bitch and moan about the rich not paying enough taxes and the Dems pander to them by playing the class warfare card. The lazy and uneducated eat this up.

Dems of today aren't like the Dems of our grandparents. Instead, they look more and more like socialists/communist that were the enemy of our grandparents.
According to the WSJ, the current Democrat plan is:

- Protectionism (poorly performing industries getting a boost, F and GM, your savior has arrived...)
- Boost the minimum wage (going to hurt those that it's supposed to help and hurt those it's supposed to hurt)
- Roll back tax cuts for the rich (fuck that includes me, I don't feel rich!)
- Reduce student loan interest rates (?)
- Address 'climate change' (oh shit. here we go...)
- Curb Executive Pay (profitability shouldn't = more money for executives? FUCK, people are making too much money by making others too much money!)

So, what are we going to lose? Free Trade, Tax Cuts, and the loosening of regulations.

So let me get this straight, even thought I don't give a fuck :)

The democrats got voted into the house of reps (dunno if that is right), then you have another vote for President and affectively there could be two parties in government? One being the president and the other being the house of reps?

I am thinking right? You guys need to move to Australia, it is a number of different parties where it is compulsory to vote and we vote one party who take a number of seats in the government. Bada bing bada boom
illusion, you are part right, the pres is a republican, the house and senate are now controlled by dumbnocrats. the shit is going to hit the fan, hey, anyone on WF who is in the highest tax bracket, want to move to Monaco(sp) with me? lol we could not go gamble but we would have 0 taxes on income!
chrislingle said:
illusion, you are part right, the pres is a republican, the house and senate are now controlled by dumbnocrats. the shit is going to hit the fan, hey, anyone on WF who is in the highest tax bracket, want to move to Monaco(sp) with me? lol we could not go gamble but we would have 0 taxes on income!
I see, your government sucks balls :(

I am gonna start a dictatorship on a remote island and sell electric cars. I will get all the hippies in the world and create a mass army and take every person out in the world and then all my fellow hippies. So I can live in this world by myself and my henchman and a hot babe.

In the wise words of one of my favorite political celebs..

Sean Hannity: Vote Republican!
Let's just wait and see how partisan politics work among legislative and executive branches this time...
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