Democrats take the House

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You think that the guy who makes $1mm a year, should pay the same amount of taxes that the average fella' who makes $30k would? i.e. about $6k? lol..

You're missing the point. They should both pay the same PERCENTAGE of their income. Say everyone is charged a flat tax rate of 15% of their income. then the guy who makes $1mm per year is paying $150,000 in taxes, the guy who makes $30k pays $4,500. The $1mm per year guy is then earning 33 times more than the 30k per year guy, and he's paying 33 times more in income tax. Sounds more than fair to me.

And to the people arguing that the middle class pay a higher percentage of their income in taxes than the "rich" - Assuming that this is correct, the problem should be solved by closing tax loopholes rather than raising taxes to compensate for the loopholes.

GeorgeB - I can tell you are black cause no self respecting white person would put forth the shit in your post! Are these hard working people you talk of mentally ill? do they have the ability to read and write? then they can improve there lot in life in this country.

Saying that not everyone has access to the same education, well then if that were true Colin Powel, Condi Rice, Jesse "do as I say not as I do" Jackson and Al "the $18,000 rolex was a gift" Sharpton must have had some great schools to go to! oh, no they did not cause they all went to black only schools but look at em now! Here is an idea, cut the bullshit and have your "black community" take responsibilty for themselves! each person should be accountable for themself! fuck me running the excusses you posted make me madder than hell!
Ack - you missed my earlier post, but here's the relevant part again:

Actually, I'd be happy if the rich paid the SAME % of their income in taxes, I'm all for a fair FLAT TAX myself..

and in response to your comment:

And to the people arguing that the middle class pay a higher percentage of their income in taxes than the "rich" - Assuming that this is correct

No one is arguing that point, it's a fact jack.. Straight from the IRS statistics:

GeorgeB - I can tell you are black cause no self respecting white person would put forth the shit in your post!
"I can tell you are black"

First I have the ask.. wtf was that supposed to mean..?

In any case, let's flip it... I can tell you are white because in your eyes this seems to be about lazy black people (also known as coons in the circles you travel) and their inability get off their asses and work...
Are these hard working people you talk of mentally ill? do they have the ability to read and write? then they can improve there lot in life in this country.

Saying that not everyone has access to the same education, well then if that were true Colin Powel, Condi Rice, Jesse "do as I say not as I do" Jackson and Al "the $18,000 rolex was a gift" Sharpton must have had some great schools to go to! oh, no they did not cause they all went to black only schools but look at em now! Here is an idea, cut the bullshit and have your "black community" take responsibilty for themselves! each person should be accountable for themself! fuck me running the excusses you posted make me madder than hell!
That's such a close minded racist view of the issue I don't know where to start.

Let me school you...

The fact is you are trying to make it out like the world is an even playing ground. News flash, it's not... If the entire world were a ghetto and everyone had the exact same upbringing it would be. Get what I'm saying?

For example, average kid born in the suburbs in upstate New York. He's got a family. A solid support system with parents that teach him how to do right and make sure he does it. They give him everything he wants from nice clothes to wear to school to his first car at age 16. He has nothing to worry about and no excuses not to get good grades and make something of himself so he can be like or better than his parents.

Then we have average ghetto kid. He's being raised by a single mom with a low payign job and goes to bed hungry some nights. At school he faces peer pressure to join a gang of thugs or get his ass kicked and money taken every day. On top of that everyone makes fun of him because he wears the same clothes 3 times a week. The teaching in his inner city school is substandard and a classic example of how the no child left behind laws are hurting not helping. They "socially promote" kids just to get rid of them even though they've learned nothing. No guidance, no life, nothing to be happy about = no hope.

Sure some kids are strong and make it through and end up being something IN SPITE of all that.... But..... Here's the flaw in your argument.

The fact that they have to face all that when other kids don't is EXACTLY what I'm talking about. That's the difference. That's what makes it unfair. Do you get it now? You can't say well they should just suffer through it and still be great like Condoleeza (who's TWO parents happened to be highschool teachers.. they weren't dirt poor). Because the fact that they have to suffer through it in the first place is what's unfair and why they need a helping hand.

So don't try and say they should just fight through it and if they can't they're just lazy. Because if EVERYONE had to then that would make sense.

I mean Jesus do you even get what you're saying?? It's like 2 guys running in a race. One just has on his shorts and shirt and the other guy has a back pack full of weights and finishes last. The guy with no weights finishes in first place and turns around and says... bah you're just lazy.

Fact is you think all black people are lazy dumb people and you just said so with your last post. You're the worst kind of racist. The kind that don't even know they're racist.
I am not even arguing with chrislingle anymore.
Just not worth it.

Good. If I can't have my libertarians in power then I want our government so mixed up that they won't even be able to agree on what to tax next.

Please please please democrat controlled congress, repub controlled white house.

Yup, gridlock is good. Politicians cause more harm than benefit. I hope they waste their lives away arguing back and forth how to stick to us for eternity.
GeorgeB, thank you! I was trying to get you to call me a racist! however, to get to your point, I don't give 2 flying fucks of grey the color of your skin. News flash, there are more white people sitting on there ass than black! You are telling me that all kids don't have a hard time? that drugs and gangs and slacking off are an exclusive black thing?
Here is a news flash - the racist issue is from black to white not white to black. The problem is 98% of the white population does not give a fuck about the color of your skin. However everytime I hear a "black" leader talk all they say is us and them. When you guys can make it US (US being every american not just black, white etc.) we will truely be able to move on. The problem is when I applied for grad school at UCLA I was up for 1 seat out of 10 because I am a white male. 85% of the applicants for admission were white males. Does that make sense? I am tired of the "black" comunity bitching about 400 years of shit that sucked but I had nothing to do with nor anyone 40 years old or younger!
You say that the "black" highschools etc. suck? I went to a rich school and I had a math teacher tell me to my face she did not care 1 way or the other if i understood what was going on she was reading her cosmo! IT AINT FUCKIN EXCLUSIVE TO YOU SO GET THE FUCK OVER IT!

Now since it is us and them with the "black" community you need to inpower your community and figure it out. Then you truely can join society.

I can't tell you how many times I have heard some black kid being an ass say they were not going to change who they are. My response is; so you are telling me you are loud, rude crude and an ass, you don't care about anyone but yourself and the feelings of the people around you is of no importance to you.
that is not my problem to change it is the kids parents problem except to many of the parents are dumbasses themselves.
You can call me a racist all you want, I truely am not, what I am is prejudice - if you walk around showing your ass you are an asshat, black white or yellow the color of your skin does not matter, however you proved the point I was trying to make, the first thing you will do is play the race card if a white man says something about "black" people so I think you are the racist!
Whee, this is fun.

People with more money have to pay higher taxes for three very good reasons:

1) They can afford to without any loss to their quality of life. (1 less Ferrari... let me break out the violin.)
2) If we had a "flat tax" and anything close to the current level of federal spending, taxes would be so high on the lower and middle class that it would seriously lower their quality of life and they'd have no extra money buy all the superfluous crap the rich are selling.
3) The rich owe utilize more government-funded infrastructure to make their money. They hire employees educated in public schools, who drive to work on public roads, etc.

Oh, and a few pages back I saw somebody complaining about higher executive salaries in the same place they said raising the minimum wage would hurt companies. But you can pay for the extra buck an hour for your employees by knocking a million or two off the CEO's paycheck, and he probably won't even notice. The point is, people in management make way more compared to often smarter, harder-working, better-educated people doing the engineering and other product development, not because they're worth more to the company but because they get to decide how much everybody gets paid. How many CEOs have been paid tens of millions of dollars and lost their company money?

Bottom line: Nobody likes paying taxes. But Democrats realize they're a necessary evil, and Republicans are just f'in whiny about it.
setec - your logic if fucked!
the rich employ the poor, the poor are poor due to choice or choices, we live in a free market economy, what you want will turn us into Europe, fuck me but hell the fuck no! Taking from the people who make the money just keeps people from wanting to go out and create, that means progress slows down because it is to restictive to be a true inovator and be HUGELY successful!
your 1st reason is so fucked I can't even form a good response other than to say BULLSHIT!
No one is arguing that point, it's a fact jack.. Straight from the IRS statistics:


I took some time to read through the statistics and check out the charts and it looks to me like it's saying the opposite. Maybe I'm a little slow. Could you please point me to the relevant section? If this issue is as you say I'd honestly like to learn more about it.

GeorgeB, thank you! I was trying to get you to call me a racist! .... however you proved the point I was trying to make, the first thing you will do is play the race card if a white man says something about "black" people so I think you are the racist!

chrislingle, I actually agree with some of your points in this post; however, it doesn't make much sense to purposely act like a racist and then say "See! You proved my point and played the race card!" when someone calls you a racist. Your point would be valid only if someone pulled the race card when you were NOT acting like a racist. Saying "I can tell you are black cause no self respecting white person would put forth the shit in your post!" IS provocative and racist, no matter how you spin it.
Ack - pardon me if I'm misinterpreting the data myself, I'm getting a headache looking at it again, and will admit that income tax rates obviously rise with a person's income.

What I thought the IRS figures would prove, which I realize that they cannot, is that an average earner making $35-40K/yr ENDS UP paying more in taxes per dollars earned, than a woman making $250k/yr does on every dollar earned, AFTER implementing tax strategies and creative capital protections, call it what you want. Of course, that now appears to be more opinion than fact. :)

Whatever their income tax rates are, I'm saying that the higher earner knows how to keep more money from the government, and can afford to hire the proper people to help them accomplish that goal.

There's a bullet in my foot.
Government doesn't need to provide the following:

- Healthcare
- Education
- Social Welfare
- Corporate Welfare
- Retirement Plans

Our taxes would be pretty fucking insignificant without those. None of the above are rights. Our rights are to liberty, and freedom to pursue our goals.
GeorgeB, thank you! I was trying to get you to call me a racist! however, to get to your point, I don't give 2 flying fucks of grey the color of your skin. News flash, there are more white people sitting on there ass than black! You are telling me that all kids don't have a hard time? that drugs and gangs and slacking off are an exclusive black thing?
Here is a news flash - the racist issue is from black to white not white to black. The problem is 98% of the white population does not give a fuck about the color of your skin. However everytime I hear a "black" leader talk all they say is us and them. When you guys can make it US (US being every american not just black, white etc.) we will truely be able to move on. The problem is when I applied for grad school at UCLA I was up for 1 seat out of 10 because I am a white male. 85% of the applicants for admission were white males. Does that make sense? I am tired of the "black" comunity bitching about 400 years of shit that sucked but I had nothing to do with nor anyone 40 years old or younger!
You say that the "black" highschools etc. suck? I went to a rich school and I had a math teacher tell me to my face she did not care 1 way or the other if i understood what was going on she was reading her cosmo! IT AINT FUCKIN EXCLUSIVE TO YOU SO GET THE FUCK OVER IT!

Now since it is us and them with the "black" community you need to inpower your community and figure it out. Then you truely can join society.

I can't tell you how many times I have heard some black kid being an ass say they were not going to change who they are. My response is; so you are telling me you are loud, rude crude and an ass, you don't care about anyone but yourself and the feelings of the people around you is of no importance to you.
that is not my problem to change it is the kids parents problem except to many of the parents are dumbasses themselves.
You can call me a racist all you want, I truely am not, what I am is prejudice - if you walk around showing your ass you are an asshat, black white or yellow the color of your skin does not matter, however you proved the point I was trying to make, the first thing you will do is play the race card if a white man says something about "black" people so I think you are the racist!

I'm just going to quote what you said and let you think about it for a moment
I can tell you are black cause no self respecting white person would put forth the shit in your post!
GeorgeB - that was in reference to the thread about you being 1 of the few on this message board but so the fuck what? It was also designed to get your nickers in a twist, ding ding 2 for me! douchebag!
Ack - the first sentence was provocative and in ref to the thread were we were discussing that there were few black members here and our resident black white guy Drusam was now not alone. It was also a statement that GeorgeB was fallowing the "party line" by spewing the shit that the jesse Jackson's and Al Sharptons of the world use to keep the brothers down!
I believe that if there "leadership" changed there message from we have a boot on our neck to we have to stand up and work our asses off shit would change much faster.
That 1 sentence said alot did it not!
lingle - if you're not a "self respecting white person" you're automatically black?

I present to you that GeorgeB might indeed be just another white guy with no self respect, using your logic mind you.

You're an angry fella'

More :rasta: less :2gunsfiring_v1:
brian - angry, FUCK YEA, I AM TIRED OF BEING THE REASON 12% OF THE POPULATION BITCHES INSTEAD OF DOING! The solution to the problem is not at the government level it is in the home. If there are all these things pulling our black kids to crime etc. then the parents need to stand up and be accountable for there children. My dad used to tell me I was his JOB until I turned 18. That is 100% true! How does the government solve the problem of parents not giving a fuck what there kids do? raising minimum wage? that is just going to make the cost of a hamburger go up cause guess who is going to pay the extra $2 that is being proposed? not the company selling the burger! So in the end who does that hurt? the person who is making $7 hr. Not sure what else "they" plan to do to solve the problem?
Unless of course there is something else the government is supposed to do?

I also think you took to much from that sentence! but if you are a wigger then own it! oh waite that is politically inncorect to say sorry!

I am sick of being the root of all evil because I am a white male and I am not affraid to say so! you are focused on 1 sentence instead of the overal message, quit making excusses, take personal responsibility and take advantage of being in the greatest country in the world.
I agree with chrislingle for the most part. Government handouts are not going to raise black people up. If anything, the money should be invested in black schools. Give our kids something to do after school (as opposed to something crime related.) Most important of all, Black communities need to create a culture of entrepreneurship in their communities so the money can circulate and grow there.

It's the whole teach a brotha to fish vs. give a brotha a fish.
Guess which one will benefit in the long run? Black people are smart, we just need to work much harder at building up our communities and owning our own things. If we create a mentality of "The-white-man-must-pay" then we are screwed forever.

on a side note, people like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are not my leaders and seriously need to STFU.
5 to hear the dems tell it the tax cuts just let the rich buy 1 more high price toy! can someone please go to capital hill and break that old record they need a new tune!
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