Democrats take the House

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Good. If I can't have my libertarians in power then I want our government so mixed up that they won't even be able to agree on what to tax next.

Please please please democrat controlled congress, repub controlled white house.
sorry. what does this mean?
i don't know anything about american politics...
The American Governing System consists of two large governing bodies - United States Senate and the House of Representatives (apart from the White House itself)

to say that the Democrats take the House would mean the majority of the politicians in the House of Representatives are of the Democratic political party

Unlike most countries in the world, the United States only has 2 large political parties.

The current disrespect towards the Republican party stems from the war in Iraq, the National Surveillence Program, the record deficit and a few other thing
well we want see any big changes with the new liberals in the house or senate. They will play moderate until the 2008 election, then they will remove there masks. Simple plan actually. Make the people think they are not liberals , work hand in hand with the republicans, get shit done and promote how well they did through the presedential elections,,, then WHAM. Higher Taxes, Gay Marriages, no church youth camps ( since pelosi outlawed them in san fran because they were anti gay) and the list goes on and on.

Not here bitching, but make a note of this thread. In 2008 you can come back and say damn, they really were just playing the voters.

Fucking liberal bitches. I dont mind moderate republicans or democrats... its the far left that pisses me off.
what did you expect. hell when they say they will not raise your taxes technically that is true, what they are going to do is nothing and let the bush tax cuts run out. they will say we tried working with the republicans but they just would not compromise so now you have higher taxes, but remember we did not raise your taxes it is the republicans fault for not working with us.
Pelosi is going to be that teacher we all had that you just knew if some guy would just take 1 for the team and bang the shit out of her she would be alright, the problem is no guy is willing to have his dick fall off for the greater good. If it was an arm or a leg ok but not the dick!
Pelosi is going to be that teacher we all had that you just knew if some guy would just take 1 for the team and bang the shit out of her she would be alright, the problem is no guy is willing to have his dick fall off for the greater good. If it was an arm or a leg ok but not the dick!
hahah, you should write for the Washington Post or something.
They could take the senate as well...GOP is refusing to concede in Virginia though and there is a chance of a recount....could take several weeks
Hitz - what this means is this country is full of ignorant fucktards! we now have a san franfreakshow far left wing psyco who is going to be incharge of congress, the funny thing is the only way to get dems in office was to go find moderate to convervative candidates to run!
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