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Why am I not surprised that people who have been making thousands of dollars a month selling services on here, taking full advantage of there being NO cost until now and from this place having the least amount of fraud and scams than all other forums combined, are suddenly up in arms about having to pay anything....

Most "old timers" including yours truly have made it perfectly clear that they don't mind paying whatever you want to charge.

The main problem is that by not letting us keep our threads, you are:

1) shitting on the established sellers

2) making it hard for buyers to figure out who is reliable and who isn't (the thread itself is a LOT more important as an indicator than the iTrader system)

If folks would have started demanding stuff like "make the SBT free again" then yeah, your "cheap bastards" attitude would make sense. But again, most people don't give a fuck that you're making money, it's the way you've implemented the system that's problematic.

Dude, just hire a programmer who specializes in vBulletin and tell him to figure out a way to let people keep their threads and you'll see that all of the negative comments will stop. For example, a way to close threads after x days and open them again after the thread starters made the payment. It's really not rocket science and I doubt he'd charge a fortune.
Oh and Jon, in case you don't want to re-read the thread, I quoted everyone who posted after you dropped by (so the people who posted on pages 3 and 4 of this thread) and made one simple thing clear:

We don't mind paying but let people keep their threads.

Pretty much all of the WF members who posted in this thread want the same thing: let sellers keep their threads. That's it, nothing else.

Here are the quotes:

I'm in opposition of payment every ten days, and especially of closing and recreating threads.

Just think the 10 day issue that will cause buyers and sellers big headaches, it's a lose, lose situation.

I'm all in favor of charging for listings, the section was way too flooded with crap. The 10 day thing is absolutely ridiculous, the turnaround time on some of these services is longer than 10 days

This is retarded, why do we have to make a WHOLE NEW THREAD each 10 fucking days ?

Agree 100% Joe. $100/month and keep threads open will weed out 90% of the shit and WF will still make the same exact money.

The bit that gets everyone's goat is the 10 day thread issue.

I'm all for paid BST section. However, I'll have to add in against the currently proposed 10 day rule.

TL;DR - We are fine with paying $100/month or whatever to sell here. Just let us keep one thread open instead of having to create a new one every ten days.

What if someone wants to post a "WANT TO BUY" thread?

the problem here is why the thread have to be closed every 10 days because we do lot of stuff to build reputation in service threads

but WTF about the 10 days making new threads? Not one person has answered the 10 days make a new thread thing. Shit, if its about charging us, make a Paypal sub every 10 days, but why make a new thread and close down prior?

No one gives a shit about the money.

All we're asking for is to retain the sales history, feedback, bookmarks, etc. that keeping a thread alive would allow.

The whole point of this was to remove the garbage, locking threads every 10 days makes the garbage look exactly like the established sellers that have their shit together.

They're mostly concerned about having to make new threads every 10 days.

But someone did not think this through. Starting new threads? Whats that about?

I agree to pay the fee. Even if it's 100$/month, but, WHY THE THREADS HAVE TO BE CLOSED EVERY 10 DAYS?
I too do not like the 10 day rule.

I would rather pay to bump my thread and keep my track record of successful transactions than have to re-open a new thread every 10 days.

You'd be surprised how important it is to buyers to see a track record. Think about how many services started off great and fell apart over time. Buyers should be able to see that.
We're looking into the option of keeping threads open...hang tight.

Do we know when we will hear an answer about whats going to happen?

This has literally stressed me the hell out... I sell a smaller service than most on here, but none-the-less, it brings me a little bit of extra income for my family. Paying a price every 10 days, is just not feasible in my situation. Yeah Yeah, I know, I am a noob, if I want to sell, go somewhere else, etc... I know what you guys are going to say to my response, but I just don't understand why you would be willing to put a successful forum in jeopardy by making a drastic change like this...

In my opinion, charging a fee (like the other big IM forums do) of $20-$30 for each new thread (lifetime fee) will not only keep the BST disciplined, but it will also bring the revenue that you seem so much to acquire. Think about it, you were letting us post in there for free, so, some money is better than no money... Then, you will get to keep your members, rather than people shying away because of this dramatic change that most of us cannot partake in.

Its business 101... Would you rather have 10,000 happy people that will be willing to pay a lesser price, or 1,000 people that would pay the higher price?

More people plus lower price = more money...
More people plus lower price = more money...

Sorry but I'm going to have to call you on this one. That's not always true.

Simple math:
10,000 paying $30 once = $300,000
1,000 paying $100 a month = $100,000

After three months, the more expensive plan with fewer members will break even with the lifetime plan, and nets 4 times the original plan within a year, plus its fewer threads to keep track of, which is less work for all the admins, plus it increases the chance of quality posts being in the BST section.
Good to hear, Brandon! To be honest, the amount to pay isn't an issue, it really comes down to the thread being active and not having to recreate a thread every 10 days. You lose your following, waste time, and add an extra barrier to sale...especially from those of us with legit services.

I would much rather spend my time working for clients here as opposed to spending it recreating something I did 10 days prior...even if it's just a copy and paste, it's still a hassle that would probably discourage me from continuing.

Hopefully we find a way to activate our prior threads and keeping them active as long as we continue to pay.

We're looking into the option of keeping threads open...hang tight.
Sorry but I'm going to have to call you on this one. That's not always true.

Simple math:
10,000 paying $30 once = $300,000
1,000 paying $100 a month = $100,000

After three months, the more expensive plan with fewer members will break even with the lifetime plan, and nets 4 times the original plan within a year, plus its fewer threads to keep track of, which is less work for all the admins, plus it increases the chance of quality posts being in the BST section.

I understand what you are saying, but if you are/were a seller on this forum, wouldn't you want the opportunity to have 10,000 people looking at your thread rather than 1,000? Maybe I didn't post what I was trying to get at, or maybe my mind is just ranting/wandering... I am saying, with this new plan, I strongly believe that its going to hurt this forum by losing members... If you sell a service, wouldn't you want the opportunity to serve 10,000 forum members (at a lesser price lets say $30.00) then selling to 1,000 forum members at a slightly elevated price ($50.00 -- not a monthly price, just a standard one-time payment)?

I think, by these changes happening, people will start to shy away from this forum. Some people who sell smaller services like me may need to raise the price of their services to accommodate the cost of posting the thread every 10 days, and eventually my already established customers will shy away from me because of an inflated cost, and then there goes my reviews/reputation, resulting in no new members buying from me.

And not to mention that already established members who have 15, 20, 30+ pages of reviews in their individual BST thread. I feel extremely sorry for them because they have worked to build a strong reputation, only to get locked of out their thread. Yeah Yeah, I know, you can make a new thread, quote all of your previous reviews, etc... However, if there are two similiar services being sold for the exact same price, who would you buy from? The guy with a 2 page thread, or the guy with a 30+ page thread?

Does that make sense? Or am I just an idiot?! ;-)
Good to hear about keeping threads open. Hopefully there won't be a fee to bump the thread; paying $100/month should be enough to deserve free bumping.
Most people are complaining about the fact that their threads were locked and not about the $36/10 days price.

The admins obviously want to make as much money as possible and there's nothing wrong with that. Once they figure out a way to close threads after x days and open them again after the thread starters send the $ (or a paid bump feature for existing threads, whatever), the new system will run fairly smoothly IMO.

Hopefully we find a way to activate our prior threads and keeping them active as long as we continue to pay.

Good to hear about keeping threads open.

THIS x ∞

I'm glad that Jon and Brandon are working on a way to make it possible for sellers to keep their old threads, you have my sword ;)
I understand the need for wanting to make money, but you were offering free listings on the BST, why on earth would you want to jack the price up so high? I think the Mods allowed shitty stuff that happens on the forum (that happens on every other forum as well, stuff that happens as apart of life) get the best of them and then the first option they thought of, they took action, resulting in a shit load of pissed off members...

If I was in the position of owning a successful forum, my initial care would always be of the members who post here and who make the forum successful... In my honest opinion, I think dollar signs won over the real reason why this forum is here, to help people with internet marketing, and I think thats extremely shitty...
In my honest opinion, I think dollar signs won over the real reason why this forum is here, to help people with internet marketing, and I think thats extremely shitty...

It's the other way around, money is the reason why the admins are investing time/resources in a project and again, there's nothing wrong with wanting to make as much money as possible.

Companies aren't selling cars to help people get from point A to point B, they're selling cars to make money by helping people get from point A to point B. The same way, WF wasn't launched to help people make monies on teh Interwebz, it was launched to generate revenue (through ads, paid threads and so on) by helping people make monies on teh Interwebz.
I understand the need for wanting to make money, but you were offering free listings on the BST, why on earth would you want to jack the price up so high? I think the Mods allowed shitty stuff that happens on the forum (that happens on every other forum as well, stuff that happens as apart of life) get the best of them and then the first option they thought of, they took action, resulting in a shit load of pissed off members...

If I was in the position of owning a successful forum, my initial care would always be of the members who post here and who make the forum successful... In my honest opinion, I think dollar signs won over the real reason why this forum is here, to help people with internet marketing, and I think thats extremely shitty...

Dude you are starting to sound extremely whiney, and you are not really in a position to be talking about "the real reason why this forum is here".
I understand the need for wanting to make money, but you were offering free listings on the BST, why on earth would you want to jack the price up so high? I think the Mods allowed shitty stuff that happens on the forum (that happens on every other forum as well, stuff that happens as apart of life) get the best of them and then the first option they thought of, they took action, resulting in a shit load of pissed off members...

If I was in the position of owning a successful forum, my initial care would always be of the members who post here and who make the forum successful... In my honest opinion, I think dollar signs won over the real reason why this forum is here, to help people with internet marketing, and I think thats extremely shitty...

No offence but you and the owners of this forum are on completely different levels. Even if 300 members pay $100/month (which isn't going to happen) that's still only netting $30k/month. I honestly don't think Jon will even notice the extra money.

If you think these changes were financially motivated - then you're wrong.

Good to see that threads will be kept open, I'd like to see a different fee structure for the content section because some of those are struggling to make ends meet and selling at ridiculously low levels (which benefits me) to keep orders rollin' in - but I suspect prices will just rise and I'll look for content elsewhere.
I understand what you are saying... Theres a difference between making money and being greedy as fuck... I am trying to drill in what I've said before... The BST was free, why would you want to raise the price so dramatically? Some money is better than no money, so why would you automatically inflate the shit out of the cost when it was originally free?
I understand what you are saying... Theres a difference between making money and being greedy as fuck... I am trying to drill in what I've said before... The BST was free, why would you want to raise the price so dramatically? Some money is better than no money, so why would you automatically inflate the shit out of the cost when it was originally free?

Some money is better than no money but more money is better than some money. They want to maximize results and that's the best approach IMO. WF wasn't monetized properly up until this point, they want to change that.

What most of us complained about (and I'm glad to hear that they're working on a way to fix this) was the fact that they didn't make it possible for sellers to keep their old threads. In other words, a lot of people are ready to click on PayPal's "Send" button, they're just waiting until the admins make it possible for them to use their old threads.
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