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i dont mind paying $100 a month, or $36.. hell I even mentioned $1k lifetime eariler...

but WTF about the 10 days making new threads? Not one person has answered the 10 days make a new thread thing. Shit, if its about charging us, make a Paypal sub every 10 days, but why make a new thread and close down prior?

I see this as a nail in the coffin for WF. Seriously, I love WF and bought way more services than I can remember. I sold some, but I primarly a buyer here. Here are problems I see ahead, if you care to know:

# The fee is too high for South East Asian providers. Many of which I have seen fab providers at really low prices.
>> $5 is reasonable and enough to turn away most of junk we've seen here. Plus it helps new starters, new ideas with small pockets...etc.

# Closing the thread within 10 days will effectively kill the quality score of the service. Some services take around 20-30 days, without including late delivery. If that's closed or the scammer run away, they can start a new one and scam even more, especially with a new service.
>> Keep the thread as long as there is interest from anyone other than OP and have a recurring monthly payment in place.

# Closing existing threads just sucked - big time. What happened to existing orders? people waiting? money spent? those who don't want start paying for a new thread?
>> Open active threads.

Just trying to get over the latest Panda and now this.:eek7:

i agree with you and i think every one will say the same
I agree to pay the fee. Even if it's 100$/month, but, WHY THE THREADS HAVE TO BE CLOSED EVERY 10 DAYS?

That's the only thing we don't get it. Let us pay 100$/month, but leave the threads as they are. Never close them. Some services even have 15 days TAT, what should they do?
^^^I agree
Yes we do agree with Jon, the problem here is why the thread have to be closed every 10 days because we do lot of stuff to build reputation in service threads, even many providers are running their threads for years what will they do....Instead they can charge the same $36 on every 10 days to run their threads...
May be Jon can think on this point.
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No one gives a shit about the money.

All we're asking for is to retain the sales history, feedback, bookmarks, etc. that keeping a thread alive would allow.

The whole point of this was to remove the garbage, locking threads every 10 days makes the garbage look exactly like the established sellers that have their shit together.

That's arguable, if you look at the whiners only people that complaint are people who are just too lazy to Copy-paste from their old threads or Indian providers with shit margins. There's iTrader for feedback and each of the testimonials you quote link back to the old posts that are never deleted.

Just think of the current system similar to Ebay/craigslist, everytime you want to sell an item you list it for a fee/free.

There's another option but Jon already covered that. :1bluewinky:
TL;DR - We are fine with paying $100/month or whatever to sell here. Just let us keep one thread open instead of having to create a new one every ten days.
What if someone wants to post a "WANT TO BUY" thread?

I'm all for paid BST section. However, I'll have to add in against the currently proposed 10 day rule. I'd prefer to see a 30 day option to keep and maintain a BST thread. Additionally, I feel automatic locking of the thread will open many more scamming opportunities.
One more thing came into my mind. I bet this will end up in a TON of paypal disputes with people going like 'hey I did not sell I want my money back'.

I would love to hear some arguments favouring the 10 day rule by the way.
Seems 95% of sellers and buyers (and I'm both) are happy to pay. Ignore the whiners about the fee that's not the issue.

The bit that gets everyone's goat is the 10 day thread issue.

Please, please set it up as $97 a month service on subscription and keep the threads open as long as people pay.
Seems 95% of sellers and buyers (and I'm both) are happy to pay. Ignore the whiners about the fee that's not the issue.

The bit that gets everyone's goat is the 10 day thread issue.

Please, please set it up as $97 a month service on subscription and keep the threads open as long as people pay.

Agree 100% Joe. $100/month and keep threads open will weed out 90% of the shit and WF will still make the same exact money.
Guys this is totally a bad action... " BC All threads are from ASIA and they dont want to pay $36"

my suggestion to WF is that you can create a premium type seen like DP have and Charge $10/m for every new thread...

I hope my voice will make some Action
i dont mind paying $100 a month, or $36.. hell I even mentioned $1k lifetime eariler...

but WTF about the 10 days making new threads? Not one person has answered the 10 days make a new thread thing. Shit, if its about charging us, make a Paypal sub every 10 days, but why make a new thread and close down prior?

This is retarded, why do we have to make a WHOLE NEW THREAD each 10 fucking days ?

Just make it a subscription payment!
I'm all in favor of charging for listings, the section was way too flooded with crap. The 10 day thing is absolutely ridiculous, the turnaround time on some of these services is longer than 10 days so there's not even time for any kind of reviews or feedback. I think a one time fee or subscription to keep your service active would be far more useful for the community.

Another downside to charging though is now when I post in somebody's for sale thread I get a bunch of PM's from the peasant sellers that are too cheap to buy their own thread pitching their related services.

I understand this is a work in progress, but the 10 day length part is just unreasonable and is so easy to change. Why not start with 30 days on a thread and see how that works out?
As a content writer I'd just like to voice my support for this.

It's exactly what the content section needs, and hopefully it will eradicate a lot of the crap in there.
Agree 100% Joe. $100/month and keep threads open will weed out 90% of the shit and WF will still make the same exact money.

It's seems the easiest option all around.

For my service I'll never get any reviews because the service won't even be anywhere near complete and my thread will have moved! So I won't get any positive feedback.

With the money this brings in go an hire someone to keep track of the subscriptions and cancelling threads that cancel the subscriptions. You could get someone really decent for $350.

Just think the 10 day issue that will cause buyers and sellers big headaches, it's a lose, lose situation.
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