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These things like threads closing, fee per thread is like launching new Windows. Firstly they release it and after that improving them (fixing bugs because they rushed too fast and so on) 1-2 years. Like here, firstly WF released this new thing and now a lot of things are unknown, nobody knows how everything will be in next days , of course something will be changed in this system, so why don't firstly decide what and how to do, discuss with WF members and then start revolution in WF?

My vote goes for this system:

50$ monthly fee and thread goes live and never gets deleted.

If any moderator can answer to the question we all have in mind right now....

the OTHER WF forum charges $40 for thread, and it has about 2000 times more traffic compared to WickedFire.

So Why would anyone pay $36 every 10 days?

Probably Noone will pay. And you will see that...
All you people with quality services that have past customers should have or be setting up ways for past customers to contact you and reorder.

List your Skype account, setup a separate website, whatever. Use BST to generate new customers, but do not solely rely on it for repeat business. Whatever the final decision is with respect to BST, You Should Be Doing This. Make it easy for your previous customers to get in contact with you and order your services again, as needed.

Some don't because of this

Putting emails in threads. I like to ban dumbasses that do this. If you can't keep business on WickedFire - the place where you're selling - then you can just go away.

Most probably didn't expect something like this to happen anyway (The closing thread stuff)
All you people with quality services that have past customers should have or be setting up ways for past customers to contact you and reorder.

List your Skype account, setup a separate website, whatever. Use BST to generate new customers, but do not solely rely on it for repeat business. Whatever the final decision is with respect to BST, You Should Be Doing This. Make it easy for your previous customers to get in contact with you and order your services again, as needed.

This is what I do all time. But open a new thread every 10 days penalyze both sellers and buyers.

Still, I don't understand why some threads are still open :stonedsmilie:
Why don't you make the BST posting a privilege only for people who subscribes (via PayPal or whatever). Limit the number of created threads per person and no need to create the same thread all over again.

IMHO, the fee is quite expensive, specially for writers who are struggling at the beginning. At ~$1.5/100 words it would take them to write more than 2,000 words to afford the publishing fee alone. I'm not a writer nor a seller, just my 2 cents.
I've already stated my opinions about making people pay for threads in a couple of other threads, when it was first suggested. I wasn't a fan of it then, and I'm not a fan of it now. [although it's Jon's forum, I know he can do whatever, and I know he doesn't owe us anything.] Wickedfire had the best BST of any of the forums I visit, and it was the only BST I used. I don't think that'll be the case for much longer, although we'll see how it turns out.

$108 per month is too high. I have no plans to sell in the BST anywhere, but it'll really affect some of the people from India who sell here. The average monthly wage in India is what, $300? I doubt the price would be getting the same generally positive reaction if people from the West the same percentage of the average salary. (~$2000 per month, so $660/month) I can't honestly really see any advantages of this system, ok, it brings in Jon some cash for the work he puts in, but I'd prefer to see ads on Wickedfire than this.
I can't honestly really see any advantages of this system, ok, it brings in Jon some cash for the work he puts in, but I'd prefer to see ads on Wickedfire than this.

I'm not Jon so I can't speak for him, but if I were to guess it's not about the money. This is about everyone bitching left and right about the quality of the SBT section, or lack there of. Everyone bitching about everyone, people outright stealing and repurposing packages, having to assign Zingo to moderate the section, dealing with everyone whining via PM.

To me this seems like an easy way to basically kill the SBT section, so no more whining about it if it doesn't exist. Sellers not happy about the fees and the 10 day threads. Buyers not happy that there will be no reviews and wary of purchasing anything. If a seller puts up the cash for a thread and no one buys, how long will they continue to throw money down the drain before they give up and move on.

All this is pure speculation of course, but just my view of a situation that has been out of hand for quite some time.

As always, be careful what you ask for, you just might get it.
Problems ahead

I see this as a nail in the coffin for WF. Seriously, I love WF and bought way more services than I can remember. I sold some, but I primarly a buyer here. Here are problems I see ahead, if you care to know:

# The fee is too high for South East Asian providers. Many of which I have seen fab providers at really low prices.
>> $5 is reasonable and enough to turn away most of junk we've seen here. Plus it helps new starters, new ideas with small pockets...etc.

# Closing the thread within 10 days will effectively kill the quality score of the service. Some services take around 20-30 days, without including late delivery. If that's closed or the scammer run away, they can start a new one and scam even more, especially with a new service.
>> Keep the thread as long as there is interest from anyone other than OP and have a recurring monthly payment in place.

# Closing existing threads just sucked - big time. What happened to existing orders? people waiting? money spent? those who don't want start paying for a new thread?
>> Open active threads.

Just trying to get over the latest Panda and now this.:eek7:
My vote goes for this system:

50$ monthly fee and thread goes live and never gets deleted.

If any moderator can answer to the question we all have in mind right now....


i agree with him.
Just read one of the new threads- there was a review request from a noob with 8 posts lol. before that a whole page of sales pitch which I read weeks ago. This is a waste of buyers time and a raping of seller's asses.

Time to migrate to the other forum for services and just bookmark the quality sellers websites/sales pages.

I have a feeling this might improve other areas of this forum though (less noob/wannabie providers traffic)
Read Before Posting: Pet Peeves That Will Probably Get You In Trouble

Putting emails in threads. I like to ban dumbasses that do this. If you can't keep business on WickedFire - the place where you're selling - then you can just go away.
I'm don't mean just add your email or Skype in BST. I mean use BST to promote your services and to keep promoting your services, but once someone has purchased your service and they are happy with your service, then you have a happy customer which is a very valuable thing.

If it is against the rules on WF then don't list the information in the thread. But if you do not have a way for an existing customer to contact you and say wickedfire were down for a few days or longer, what would you do then?

A happy paying customer who will come back for more is a very valuable thing. But they need to be able to contact you.

Plus not all communication is done via the thread. A lot of the information is private, so you either need to us WF's PM, Skype, Email, or some other way of communicating.
Why not...

10 days - $15
1 month - $35
3 months - $100
6 months - $150
lifetime - $250

If you buy the lifetime, your probably legit, no?

Bumping: Every 5 posts = bump or Normal Bumping (if people are talking about it, it's probably popular - make it so the OPs posts can't bump his/her own thread)
Threads: Close when membership ends, to reactivate that specific thread you just buy a new membership

The current system won't get rid of scammer, who ever thought that is a fucking idiot. All it will do is raise peoples prices and increase scammers. You will start seeing BS threads like "1,000 Google + Dripped over 90 days" of course after 10 days, the thread closes that scam fuck gets his money and opens a new thread to repeat, after doing that a couple times, leaves or makes a new account with a new BS service. You would think I am talking about Wa....Forum... at this point...

What about people that have services like mine that are legit, but take up to 90 days? I have seen others that can take up to a month and more. Why would people take the risk on services like ours? That is all it would be in a the end, a huge risk.
To me this seems like an easy way to basically kill the SBT section, so no more whining about it if it doesn't exist. Sellers not happy about the fees and the 10 day threads. Buyers not happy that there will be no reviews and wary of purchasing anything. If a seller puts up the cash for a thread and no one buys, how long will they continue to throw money down the drain before they give up and move on.

I have voiced this very thing to the admins in the mod section. I want this place to thrive as much as everyone else, and 10 days then thread locking will crush many good providers as well as hinder new providers from signing up or being able to establish there service.

All new changes take time to tweak, I am suggesting to extend the time before a thread locks or make it perm, this is an easy fix to the current setup and would promote a more healthy SBT.
I'm not Jon so I can't speak for him, but if I were to guess it's not about the money. This is about everyone bitching left and right about the quality of the SBT section, or lack there of. Everyone bitching about everyone, people outright stealing and repurposing packages, having to assign Zingo to moderate the section, dealing with everyone whining via PM.

To me this seems like an easy way to basically kill the SBT section, so no more whining about it if it doesn't exist. Sellers not happy about the fees and the 10 day threads. Buyers not happy that there will be no reviews and wary of purchasing anything. If a seller puts up the cash for a thread and no one buys, how long will they continue to throw money down the drain before they give up and move on.

All this is pure speculation of course, but just my view of a situation that has been out of hand for quite some time.

As always, be careful what you ask for, you just might get it.
Yeah, I wondered that too. It's a shame though, most of the junk is coming from the people who can afford the fees, the people from the west selling packages of 10 web 2.0s brokered from fiverr for $25. And the annoying thing is, people are buying them, not just newbies, I've seen established members buy this bullshit. Far more people from India/Pakistan/Phillippines are providing quality, nicely priced services than people over here. The only place for new sellers from those countries to start now really is DP, which is just full of shitty services, with not a lot of buyers.

Personally, I feel the solution is to keep it the way it was, and firstly, use someone on here's suggestion of a skype interview to verify them, and secondly, add more moderation. Don't get me wrong, Zingo does an excellent job of moderating here, probably one of the best I know (and I'm not just ass-kissing), but to be honest, it's too much to ask of one person, there's just far too many posts every day.
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This 10 day solution is genius and opens the gates for:

1) hit-and-run 10 day threads. 9 days of lovely reviews and from 10th on no renewal, collect payments and run away with the cash.

2) fake reviews. Providers will come up with pre-reviews etc. and fuck on the 10 days just to get some reviews in by guys they know. Well done.

3) kill new providers with cheaper services. Think what's happening in Greece is tough ? Take a look on India next week.

4) more work for admins who don't give a fuck as they don't get paid - guaranteed some threads will take longer to open than they stay open due to work overload.

5) killing reviews in the thread - best way to mix up the shit with the good stuff

Seriously this is probably one of the biggest mistakes ever made here on WF in my opinion. Closes the gates for both clients and providers for solid business / reviews / getting well reputed threads.
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