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$36 a Month isnt going to go well with people that provide quality service. Most of the top service providers here are from Indonesia, India and other nations where the dollar has a relatively high comparison rate. This should have been kept in mind when deciding on the 10 day thread dead rate.

Secondly, the concept of a paying member to do more work is simply stupid. If paying members need anything, it has to be ease.

Charge! Im not saying dont charge! I ranted about this a while back as well. The 10 day thread TTL is fucking crazy. A bit too crazy if you ask me.

Additionally, if guys are gonna be paying for their threads, Id say they would want to continue with their old ones. Thats the one they have built up with.

Bringing in this change is a great fucking idea but the mods are gonna have a tuff time maintaining it. My recommendations,

* Make the charge monthly.
* Let paying members keep their old threads.
* Consider global pricing with verification.

@clyde: There are no real monopolies here and I think people offering the best services around for a long period of time really deserve the extra attention. They earned it by doing business the way it should be done and delivering results. If you want to compete with them, simply create a better offer, deliver better results, it's not like anyone gets locked out.

I can think of one example, sellers with lots of buyers asking customers to post their Unique Transaction ID in the thread if they want their orders processed faster in an attempt to bump the thread. Also, threads with a lot of bickering/disputes/questions get the most exposure despite providing a crap service just because they don't have a FAQ or clear refund policy etc.

Just my opinion though, I'm fine with w/e as long as we don't close threads every 10 days. hm..
Do you really want to buy a service from someone that isn't successful enough to spend 100 bucks a month on getting new customers?

When I'm in need, I choose to go to the hospital with the excellent cafe, strong internet signal, and complementary waiting room massage chairs. I like knowing they have the money to spend on these things. It makes me feel like I'm in capable, successful hands.

I should think this is the same thing. I would want a provider that I know is successful enough to afford being on WickedFire. It means that they are serious, dedicated, and (most likely) successful.

If you don't like it, you really aren't doing yourself and your community justice by simply complaining about it. I figure that there are probably smart ways around it that don't cost money but take more time and effort. Don't you guys do this guerrilla marketing all the time?

Try contacting former clients with a PM to offer them a nice deal and possibly ask for more work. That is, until they start charging for PM's, too!
Why charge $5 when people are already showing they're willing to charge way more?

Things are worth what people will pay. I want to pay as much as it takes - I support WF because it provides me with a steady place to find tons of awesome clients.

Your proposed fee of $5 makes you look ungrateful and small.
Why charge $5 when people are already showing they're willing to charge way more?

Things are worth what people will pay. I want to pay as much as it takes - I support WF because it provides me with a steady place to find tons of awesome clients.

Your proposed fee of $5 makes you look ungrateful and small.

You are small and supports greed of coorporates. People like you are making people go jobless and filling up there bank balances in Swizz banks.
Sometimes the best way to search for quality stuff is to order by views or replies. Won't be able to do that with the new system. :(

I don't think starting new threads every month/10 days/whatever will help buyers or sellers.
Looks like Grindstone has been able to keep his latest service thread open, so hopefully other established services can continue to use the same threads.
I'm going to make a payment in a few moment and make a new thread
But I don't want to create a new topic every 10 days, find a way to at least keep our new topics
Most of us depends on returning buyers so if a buyer finds a closed threads he/she will think oh it must be closed because the seller is scammer
Believe me buyers won't read your rules about selling services

Also as seoers we tend to try to rank our topics higher in google to attract more clients, with the 10 days option we will lose this

Don't Close Topics
It's a conspiracy to bankrupt India.

I think $36 to open + $36 to bump. Then system kind of polices itself, people won't bump unless people are buying their service, and they won't be buying it for long if it's shit.
Most of us depends on returning buyers so if a buyer finds a closed threads he/she will think oh it must be closed because the seller is scammer

^^ exactly this just happened to me, semi-regular client thought I went out of business and wanted to cancel/refund. We sorted it out, but this is gonna be an issue down the road.
I noticed a few providers now have their threads unlocked again.

How did people get their old threads re-opened? What's the cheat code?
Do you really want to buy a service from someone that isn't successful enough to spend 100 bucks a month on getting new customers?

When I'm in need, I choose to go to the hospital with the excellent cafe, strong internet signal, and complementary waiting room massage chairs. I like knowing they have the money to spend on these things. It makes me feel like I'm in capable, successful hands.

I should think this is the same thing. I would want a provider that I know is successful enough to afford being on WickedFire. It means that they are serious, dedicated, and (most likely) successful.

If you don't like it, you really aren't doing yourself and your community justice by simply complaining about it. I figure that there are probably smart ways around it that don't cost money but take more time and effort. Don't you guys do this guerrilla marketing all the time?

Try contacting former clients with a PM to offer them a nice deal and possibly ask for more work. That is, until they start charging for PM's, too!

Understandable. However, just coz the big hospitals have the cash to spend on things not at all related to healthcare, it doesn't mean that the doctors that work their asses off at public hospitals for a comparatively lower rate aren't good at their jobs.
I must say, the sentiment was good here with enforcing payment for new threads, but holy fuck that was piss poor execution. I don't really give a shit because my livelihood doesn't depend on my threads in the BST, however:

1) closing all active threads was fucking stupid (because new threads need to be paid for anyway, so any noise would naturally taper off over time)

2) closing all threads after 10 days is fucking stupid. It's going to create more work for the admins over time, and the admins don't give a fuck anymore, so it's going to be neglected.

I don't know, I've been around here for a while, I've posted a shit ton here before, the BST is only a small percentage of why I'm here. But my god, what a fuck up.


Also, there are some threads still open....
^^ exactly this just happened to me, semi-regular client thought I went out of business and wanted to cancel/refund. We sorted it out, but this is gonna be an issue down the road.

Likewise - Exact same thing happened just a moment ago to me..

Client has just PM'd me and asked why my thread is closed and what I have done wrong and if there is anything they can do to help :S

Something needs to be done...
I've one question about this whole situation.

How come there are still active threads in the marketplace? As far as I know the payment option is not working right now, still there are many threads opened after 10-16-2011 are still active and working.

And one proposition, why don't you first start with people like this one:
He has opened numerous threads about the same freaking thing, and many of us are trying to build a business here, talking with clients and delivering as much as we can in both quality and attention, not messing around with other people's threads, STILL our threads are closed and we are starting to have problems with clients, while he has LIVE thread.

Please do inform us via PM when there's more clarity on the recent events, as it turned out a huge mess up to this point.

I admire the admin for taking the decision, yet it didn't roll out smoothly at all.

Kind Regards,

$36 a Month isnt going to go well with people that provide quality service. Most of the top service providers here are from Indonesia, India and other nations where the dollar has a relatively high comparison rate. This should have been kept in mind when deciding on the 10 day thread dead rate.

Secondly, the concept of a paying member to do more work is simply stupid. If paying members need anything, it has to be ease.

Charge! Im not saying dont charge! I ranted about this a while back as well. The 10 day thread TTL is fucking crazy. A bit too crazy if you ask me.

Additionally, if guys are gonna be paying for their threads, Id say they would want to continue with their old ones. Thats the one they have built up with.

Bringing in this change is a great fucking idea but the mods are gonna have a tuff time maintaining it. My recommendations,

* Make the charge monthly.
* Let paying members keep their old threads.
* Consider global pricing with verification.

Agree with this.

Monthly payment on subscription and threads are kept alive.

Also how do we get our old threads back? I don't want to PM these guys unless I have to.
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