Best Xrumer Service on WF - 5k-20k link packages

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Sent an e-mail to support a couple of days ago with a little question but never got a reply. Are you that buried? ;)
Yes actually I'm that buried :p - Just took a look and didn't see any unanswered emails, if you still haven't heard back from me drop me a PM.

When should i expect to receive the report?

Current delivery timeframe is up in the air as I'm having a hardware AND and email problem at the same time. Have a new server ordered but all orders will be delayed somewhat since the main one I have is barely limping along at the moment - I'll update here as soon as I have an updated delivery timeframe. At the moment I'd say if all goes as planned I should have all orders caught back up within 48-72 hours of this post.

Good news is once the new server is online I should be able to handle much more volume as I'm significantly upgrading. Need to reduce what has become a longer wait time than I am comfortable with for my clients.


I just received my report and i must say, i`m not very pleased with the stats.

I ordered a 5k package, received 7000 but :
*Only 2700 where actually found. The rest of 4300 are not found/not public viewable and i can`t help this get indexed faster...
*Out of this 2700 public viewable profiles, less then 1000 are with Anchor Text and the rest are just URL.

So as conclusion out of 7000 profiles about 900-1000 are public viewable with anchor ( which helps in SERP ) so this is not a Good Service to invest in...

Score : 3/10
Hi, i am new in this Blog! I just loved your service! so many good reviews!!!
Please PM me, how i payment you?

And one noob question, do you give me the forum login details? Sorry, i never test this kind of service before!


I just received my report and i must say, i`m not very pleased with the stats.

I ordered a 5k package, received 7000 but :
*Only 2700 where actually found. The rest of 4300 are not found/not public viewable and i can`t help this get indexed faster...
*Out of this 2700 public viewable profiles, less then 1000 are with Anchor Text and the rest are just URL.

So as conclusion out of 7000 profiles about 900-1000 are public viewable with anchor ( which helps in SERP ) so this is not a Good Service to invest in...

Score : 3/10

I talked to him and got to an agreement so overall it`s a trustworthy person. I really hope he will improve this, because i want this kind of guys as partners :(
I talked to him and got to an agreement so overall it`s a trustworthy person. I really hope he will improve this, because i want this kind of guys as partners :(

Yes agreed. He is the most trustworthy service provider i met on this forum till now. His service has a small glitch of getting backlinks on anchor texts. I ordered 10,000 urls for $20. The sad part, very few viewable forum links :(. But the best part is that i got 100% refund of my payment without any question :D. If he could just improve that part, i would have had so many projects for him. But overall nice customer experience with him.

His support is truly awesome. Wish him success with his ongoing projects.
I've been using matts xrumer profile nukes for a while now, always great t deal with, I've had numerous top rankings for keywords, (although make sure you do your "white hat" stuff as well, as xrumer profile sobmissions on their own will not cut it).

These days I don't even bother to check the forums, just use his little web order from and buy direct, because I know the price will always be cheapest around he always over-delivers, on my last two submissions he gave me close to 2x links that I ordered.
just ordered 5k package.
Transaction ID : 8XA97559F1167863S
Looking forward to receive the report.
Fast delivery.

Ordered the 20k blast, in fact the report file consisted of 19,161 URL's. Duplicate URL's: 1,915, duplicate domains: 133. Overally 17,113 URL's (unique domains). I've informed about this issue and received another blast (report file with 5,011 URL's, no duplicates). It seems that similar database has been used, only 140 new unique domains have been found in the report (comparing to the first one). Total URL's (unique domains): 17,253

More than half links pointed to profiles that were not viewable (Found links: 46%). Generally I'm satisfied with the results, but the forums database should be cleaned up...
what would likely happen if a brand new domian is used with xrumer? Would it be safe? If I use a old domian and forward to the new domian, would it be a better option to blast the old domian url? Thanks.
I use this service for 5-6 times.
Today I sad let me see if all links are there.
I checked about 50 random links.
10 links was there
35 links I had to login
5-6 links, all information was there, but ther was NO link to my site.
I will chacked all link witd scrapebox, and then will give my opinion.
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