Best Xrumer Service on WF - 5k-20k link packages

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I've been using matts xrumer profile nukes for a while now, always great t deal with, I've had numerous top rankings for keywords, (although make sure you do your "white hat" stuff as well, as xrumer profile sobmissions on their own will not cut it).

These days I don't even bother to check the forums, just use his little web order from and buy direct, because I know the price will always be cheapest around he always over-delivers, on my last two submissions he gave me close to 2x links that I ordered.

Thanks for your review - pleasure doing continued business with you :)

Fast delivery.

Ordered the 20k blast, in fact the report file consisted of 19,161 URL's. Duplicate URL's: 1,915, duplicate domains: 133. Overally 17,113 URL's (unique domains). I've informed about this issue and received another blast (report file with 5,011 URL's, no duplicates). It seems that similar database has been used, only 140 new unique domains have been found in the report (comparing to the first one). Total URL's (unique domains): 17,253

More than half links pointed to profiles that were not viewable (Found links: 46%). Generally I'm satisfied with the results, but the forums database should be cleaned up...

We are working on our database - with our 20k submissions we do have some overlap sometimes, once again my apologies for the first report we sent before the submission was fully completed.

what would likely happen if a brand new domian is used with xrumer? Would it be safe? If I use a old domian and forward to the new domian, would it be a better option to blast the old domian url? Thanks.

Many of my clients have blasted new domains with good results, from what I've seen personally new domains respond in wildly differing ways. The older the domain the better it seems to respond, assuming of course that the older domain has some sort of link history.

I use this service for 5-6 times.
Today I sad let me see if all links are there.
I checked about 50 random links.
10 links was there
35 links I had to login
5-6 links, all information was there, but ther was NO link to my site.
I will chacked all link witd scrapebox, and then will give my opinion.

Some forum admins do delete links and some forums require login to see the profiles.

Just because the links are behind a login screen does not mean that Google cannot see them.

For an example click this link
DAYN - Connect With A Click To Warez - It will show you a login page.

Now search google using the following string.

cache:DAYN - Connect With A Click To Warez

You'll see that Google has access behind the point where it normally requires a login

Made a order (20k Profile Backlinks)
Transaction ID: 98V617109V793641P


Thanks for the order :)

Heads up folks.
The botmaster authentication servers have apparently crashed and are having to be rebuilt. Because of the way that the Xrumer anti-piracy process works I'm currently unable to run submissions. Any orders that have been made will be processed as soon as possible. Thanks for your patience.
Heads up folks.
The botmaster authentication servers have apparently crashed and are having to be rebuilt. Because of the way that the Xrumer anti-piracy process works I'm currently unable to run submissions. Any orders that have been made will be processed as soon as possible. Thanks for your patience.

Just wanted to follow up to yesterdays post. The Xrumer authentication servers are still down but progress is (apparently) being made towards rectifying the issue.
I just talked with the support team for Xrumer about 10 minutes ago and was told "the OS is installed . support is installing and setting up the additional modules" This is a good step as the entire server they were running off of apparently crashed. I'll keep ya'll informed as to the status as I get updates and we'll do our best to expedite everyones orders once the servers come back up.
Hey guys

An update was just posted by the xrumer team on their forum that said the following.

Today all works on servers will be finished and Xrumer will work

Assuming the above is a true statement I'll let you know when we are actually up and running.
Alright guys - here's the good news.
We're back up and running.

The not so good news is we have probably a 2-3 solid days worth of backorders.
Me and my team will be working overtime to get the backlog caught up, will post here when we're back up and running.

Should you want a submission done please feel free to order but be aware you are adding yourself to a longish waiting list at this point :)
anchor text

I have question about this:

For each submission I accept up to 25 URL's and 25 anchor text(s), however each submission may only have one set of anchor text(s)
I need only one URL, can I use 25 keywords/anchors with it?

P.S. Your PM inbox is full.

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