Article Writing + Spinning and Submissions Services - $35

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i'm also interested in this service. please send me more details. thank you sir.

Hello seospecialist20. I am unable to PM you. Please send me an email at to discuss. Thanks.

I'm waiting to see what others think, but if you'd be willing to let me pay when work is done then I'll bite now, otherwise I'll wait to see what others say

Not a problem oneups. I see that you are in Baltimore. I am in NYC and open to a giving you a call if you would like to discuss. If not, I am sure some very good reviews will be coming as I am nearing completion of the first buyers.

Sounds good! payment sent. transaction id - #77J687069D333553Y

Regards Steve

p.s the OP is very helpfull and quick to reply, alls good so far!

Thanks for the order Steve and for letting everyone know that the communication behind this service is unbeatable!!!

My honest review

My honest review -

I had only purchased article writing and spinning from jmaresca. The topic was SEO. He really knew the ins and outs of SEO. He spun the article very well and sent me the original article along with the 50 others.

I did not purchase the submission portion of the service and I thank jmaresca for his flexability with me on that.

I recommend his service especially if you need an article related to SEO.
jmaresca, plz check ur email inbox. i just sent you an email for another article order. transaction id is in my email. thx.
Just placed an order. Will review when complete.

Thanks for the order. I will reply with transaction identification to confirm purchase asap. I am presently traveling from NYC to my home in jersey. Will be back on my computer in about 1 hour. Message sent via tapatalk.
jmac- your order has been confirmed and your are all set. I have sent you an email. Feel free to ping me if you have any questions, comments or concerns. I will be online for the next 5 - 6 hours.
rotem - your campaign is complete and 2 days early as well. i have sent you an email with your report, original articles and spun articles. please confirm that you received the project deliverables. thank you.

Note to all buyers: the project is only complete after you have confirmed 100% satisfaction.
Once again jmaresca delivers. He wrote another great seo article for me with an uncanny turn around time. The service is for writing 500 word articles. My article had 836 total words. His ability to spin the articles is amazing. Super service. Placing more orders soon.
order received seospecialist20. looking forward to working with you again. you are one more order away from my "repeat buyer" discount promo.




Please note: Any SERVICE I promote on WF is exclusive to WF members only. I like to keep it in the family.
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The only reviewer so far is a 7 post wonder who joined like yesterday, and he didn't take the submission service.

You list of Articles include Bukisa and SUite101 where the approval rate is harse.

As someone asked earlier, I will bite if you are willing to receive payment after Articles have been "Approved".

Please let me know ASAP. I can order bulk once I see approvals into the 50 sites
Hello blogspotter. I appreciate your comments. As far as the review from ss20, he only took article writing and spinning, not submissions (he indicated that in his review) so there wasn't any focus on /submissions/approvals thus allowing for greater turn around time (his topic of SEO was also a help to me because it is something I can write fresh unique articles for a long time with).

As far as the 2 sites you have mentioned, they have high PR and not attempting to syndicate an article there would limit the PR option of the service. If a submission is NOT approved, adjustments to the content are made for a resubmission or another article directory site is selected. THIS SERVICE HAS 100% APPROVAL!

My first FULL order was completed last night and well ahead of schedule. He has also made another purchase and I am sure he will be here to review the service soon (i don't mention member names or business names under any circumstances without permission however I am confident that he will be commenting soon).

Also, to mention the review I had received from a newb member. The content of my thread is ranking in search engine somewhere (where he found me looking for article services). He became a WF member because he saw my thread.

As far as to how active of a member he would be on WF, I can not say. All I can attest to is that he is happy with the work and has already referred me to another client outside of WF.

I appreciate your concerns as they are valid. My service is roughly 2 days old and I am sure that as the days and weeks go on and customers receive their orders that there will be reviews from more members.

If you have any other questions, comments or concerns please do not hesitate to ask. I will do my best to clarify things for you.
Did you just ignore my question if you will accept payment after the service is done?

There are many service providers who happily take payment after service.

Please answer that question. If yes, I will order right away.
Hello again blogspotter. Sorry if you felt that I ignored your question. I can offer you that request (based on your iTrader rating). However I can not offer to complete the project within the time frame that the the paid orders are given. If you are able to accept that please do let me know. A review of service would also need to be required. Thank you
Hello again blogspotter. Sorry if you felt that I ignored your question. I can offer you that request (based on your iTrader rating). However I can not offer to complete the project within the time frame that the the paid orders are given. If you are able to accept that please do let me know. A review of service would also need to be required. Thank you

Sure. I would most certainly leave an Honest review.

PM me the following:
What kind of time frame are we talking here?
What details do you need from me to get started?
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