Anyone here have any experience with Fed prison?









He didn't harm anyone, but its still weird he looked this stuff up. Especially something like this:

One video contained a 13 year old with his hands bound, and that is what nailed him to the cross.

Maybe some would understand if they were 17 or something, but 13 years old? smh.

MTV had a true life episode of two pedophiles that thought they were wrongly accused. The first guy was IMO, he slept with a girl that was 16 or something and she told her dad after a couple months, he was 18 or 19. The other guy slept with a 14 year old or something real young, he was 20-24 and the case got dismissed. You would think he learned his lesson? Nope. He did it again and I felt zero sympathy for the guy. That's how I feel about your friend. He just had so many files its just sick. Props to you for being a great friend and sticking by him no matter what though.

I don't think he should get that many years, but I just can't understand why people would look this stuff up. Its just sickening.
If he's going to the Fed, a lot of those facilities are 23-hr lockdown and solitary for those with certain security classifications. When he first goes in, he'll probably be classified somewhere between medium and high. After a year or 2, it should go down. Also, in the Fed, he'll probably be in for 75-80% of the sentence as opposed to most states 35-50%.

Consider no one a friend. It's cool to have 'acquaintances of circumstance,' but at the end of the day, it's every man for himself and there's no such thing as real trust. Keeping a loose association with various groups is helpful, but going so far as to get initiated by them, he'll eventually be forced to act against his own best interests. And his best interests are to do as little time as possible, and get out alive.

Stay away from gambling and drugs. This is the reason behind most ass whippings and stabbings. Drinking in there is a bad idea. People talk louder and like to fight when they get drunk. Talking loud is the other reason people get their ass whipped.

If he bumps into someone, he should say, 'excuse me',

If he's looking for trouble, he'll find it no problem. Don't go in there fighting. There are times when it may be necessary, but someone has to cross some very specific lines. For example, if someone touches his food- immediate ass whipping. If someone disrespects his visitor- ass whipping when they get back to the block. That being said, don't ever attack, or even threaten to attack a CO. This is a losing proposition 100% of the time.

He should take the opportunity, whether it be through a job, or a side hustle, to put himself in a position to not get his ass whipped. Meaning, it is not in someone's best interest to whip his ass if he is providing a valuable service to the community.

Segregation (racial) is real and voluntary. If he doesn't stick with his own kind, there will eventually be problems. This is especially true when eating in a group. But there is an unspoken rule of respect about it, typically it's rare to see anyone be outwardly racist. Having said this, 'his own kind' are the ones he should be the most wary of.

When talking about life on the outside, be careful not to get too specific and give out too much information that could be used against him later.

He'll eventually have 'some' control over which facility they put him. This is completely dependent on his behavior over a measurable amount of time.

If he walks by a room and notices some crazy shit going on in there, he should keep walking and never tell anyone what he saw. Use peripheral vision as much as possible. Never look at things like this directly.

He should know who he's dealing with. Someone who will never get out has a completely different take on what is acceptable behavior than someone who only has a few months. When he finds out his release date, he should keep it to himself for as long as possible. Some people make a sport out of fucking that up.
I came in here to point out that rape in prison is a very rare occurrence, despite what you see on TV. There are plenty of gays in prison more than happy to be someone's bitch. However, the fact that he is gay will not work out well for him if he's not in PC.

As far as people knowing what he's in for - you used to be able to keep that to yourself but everything is online now so someone, a cell mate, or whatever will have someone look him up and that shit will get out. However, sex offenders are normally kept with other sex offenders so that shouldn't be a big problem.

Tell him not to gamble, do drugs, drink, or get involved with anything shady. If he keeps to himself, reads, watches TV and works out he should be fine. The problem is guys let themselves get comfortable after awhile and that's when they find themselves in a bad spot. Oh yeah, tell him to stop shaving right now too.

One more thing - DO NOT go in there looking for a fight. Even if he wins, the guy will come back for revenge and it will be very bloody. Only fight in response to a physical attack or serious disrespect. It's not like a bar where you'll never see the guy again. He'll have to sleep.eventually so the last thing he needs is to have someone ready to fuck him up at any opportunity.

All of this. No one needs to know he is gay.

I would like to add that you buddy needs to know how to behave in a group like this, too many people simply do not know how to behave.

  1. Know what is going on around him at all times yet never make it seem as if he is observing or monitoring others. Some people have a real "stare" problem without knowing it. Keep observations brief.
  2. Observe what others are doing, if suddenly it feels like more people are outside, or somewhere not normal, observe why, maybe there is something about to happen inside. Always observe. If everyone disappears, then disappear, maybe its a count you missed, maybe its something else but you do not want to be the lone wolf.
  3. Keep your space and respect the space of others. In confined quarters, personal space is critical.
  4. Keep your hygeine up - you do not want to get sick. Stay healthy. Floss, brush - dental care inside - really thats what you want?
  5. NEver "see" anything. Do not participate and do not see it. If you see it, no second glance you snitch, just ignore it.
  6. When some are eating steak and you are eating crap at the cafeteria, do not complain, suck it up. All the good food goes to everyone else, that's life unless you can pay - but then you are participating in underground crap which is the gateway to more problems.
  7. Do not sign any petition. Do not join any protest. Do not do anything like that at all - you will be charged with inciting a riot and get more time.
  8. Do not stand out good or bad. Just part of the program.
I could probably add more - but these things have not yet been addressed and you were asking about survival not if he deserved it or not. Rape is rare though in Fed prison unless he gets into a USP - if that happens, well, I hope it does not. If Camp is out of the question, hope for a low, fight for camp.
Hello friend,

8 year in jail for look picture naked young boy seem like long time.

I hear there priests Catholic in America who no have go jail even though they rape young boys?

Good luck bro
Basically your boy has a fucked up case.... If he does some time, at some point he might get his ass kicked, but that's really the least of his problems. The best thing you can do for him is generate as much cash as you can, and get rid of his shitty attorney. Get the best attorney you can possibly afford. A good attorney can make a huge difference. It's very easy to get in trouble and very hard to get out of it. If he has bad representation, it will probably cost him considerably.
He didn't harm anyone, but its still weird he looked this stuff up. Especially something like this:

Maybe some would understand if they were 17 or something, but 13 years old? smh.

MTV had a true life episode of two pedophiles that thought they were wrongly accused. The first guy was IMO, he slept with a girl that was 16 or something and she told her dad after a couple months, he was 18 or 19. The other guy slept with a 14 year old or something real young, he was 20-24 and the case got dismissed. You would think he learned his lesson? Nope. He did it again and I felt zero sympathy for the guy. That's how I feel about your friend. He just had so many files its just sick. Props to you for being a great friend and sticking by him no matter what though.

I don't think he should get that many years, but I just can't understand why people would look this stuff up. Its just sickening.

He didn't look it up if you read the OP.

When you use P2P you download images/videos in batch and move on (who would download images 1 by 1), out of the thousands of jailbaits he downloaded only 1 video is of what you described. I think 8 years for that is ridiculous. It's a victimless crime.

8 years for the scumbag that made the video is totally justified though.
There is a lot to respond to, and I just popped a few soma's and chased them with some J Walker green so forgive me if I sound a little... off.

I'll respond individually later, but for now let me post something that may clarify some of the above statements, because it's hard to understand how the system works, and I see a lot of people saying you must REALLY be looking for the stuff or must have a TON of it to get busted.

First, let's look at the charde: USSC Title 18 SS 2256(A)A5B, which states
(B) knowingly possesses, or knowingly accesses with intent to view, any book, magazine, periodical, film, videotape, computer disk, or any other material that contains an image of child pornography that has been mailed, or shipped or transported using any means or facility of interstate or foreign commerce or in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce by any means, including by computer, or that was produced using materials that have been mailed, or shipped or transported in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce by any means, including by computer;
Link: United States Code: Title 18,2252A. Certain activities relating to material constituting or containing child pornography | LII / Legal Information Institute

This clearly states that ANY cp is bad, that means even a day under 18. That is the exact law he is being charged with.

Now, let's look at the federal sentencing guidelines, USSG 2G2.2
Link: 2010 Federal Sentencing Guidelines Manual - 2g2.2

You can see that this guideline adds and/or subtracts 'levels' depending on circumstances.

Let's break his down.
Base offense level is 22
(b)(1) applies so reduce 2 levels
(b)(2) applies although the subject was 13 (attorney is looking into this) so add 2 levels
(4)(a) applies (the 'bondage' image) so add 4 levels
(6) applies so add 2 levels
(7)(d) applies, so add 5 levels

According to the plea agreement: "If the defendant makes full and complete disclosure to the U.S. Probation Office of the circumstances... surrounding the commission of the offense... the US will recommend... a 2 level reduction". So remove 2 levels

According to the plea agreement: "If the defendant has an offense level of 16 or more... will recommend an additional 1 level reduction pursuant to USSG SS 3E1.1(b). So remove 1 level.

Total offense level: 30

Now, if you look at the Federal sentencing guideline chart at: US Federal Bureau of Prisons Sentencing Guidelines Chart |
You will see that he falls in the offense level 30; taking into account his null criminal history, he falls in at a category 0, which is labeled 1 by default (they are the same), and his applicable reductions, which means, according to to the guidelines, his sentence should be between 97-121 months (8.08 to
10.08 years).

As you can clearly see, 600+ images is as far as the actual legal code bothers to go, and it actually has a section for "at least 2 images, but less than 150: add 2 points" which means if you are under 10 images, they don't add two points. So, don't go thinking having just 2 or 3 images means you are safe. It is merely a few points.

So, he had 600+ images, you say. Well, if you go back and look at USSG 2G2.2 (2011 Federal Sentencing Guidelines Manual - Chapter 2 - §2G2.2) you can scroll down to the "Commentary" (aka footnotes) and find this lovely gem: 4(7)(ii) "Each video, video-clip, movie, or similar visual depiction shall be considered to have 75 images. If the length of the visual depiction is substantially more than 5 minutes, an upward departure may be warranted."
(note they say "substantially more than 5 minutes" may add FURTHER time. One of the videos was something like 23 minutes, and another was something like 40)

As you can see, the way the Federal system works is quite unusual, at least to most of us, or to anyone familiar with state statutes.

Thus, while 600 images is the max on the USSC 2G2.2 guidelines, it takes only 8 videos to reach that max. Add in some images and it takes even less.

If you do the math on the numbers I posted in my OP, you can see that using this kind of math, it comes out to 5,650. So, 7 videos and a few dozen images equates to you having 5,650 'images'.

Just to be the devil's advocate here, head on over to this link: maria teen model 10 sets (download torrent) - TPB

Now, don't download it, because I think we all know why that could be a bad idea, but if you look at the very top of the 'info' section, it says
"Files: 451"

I think it is quite easy to imagine that a mere 60 seconds of clicking around in results just on TPB could net you a few thousand files.

Now, once you download those files, are you really going to look at every single sub-folder, and then every single file within the sub-folder?

Now, imagine yourself doing that, then having a quick wank while looking at maybe 200-300 pics, and then later going 'Hey, I wanna download a few songs!' and opening up your P2P program.

Someone connects to you, gets the same file you got, which many others also have, and takes the time to analyze every file. They find a few bad ones and bam, that's all they needed.

I hope many of you take the time to read this. Once again, I am not trying to justify child porn or anything like that. I am simply clarifying how this process seems to work, because I'm sure many of you, just as I, had no idea it could be so fucking easy to go from 'not that bad' to full-throttle 'possession and distribution of child pornography'.

They dropped the distribution charge because they had no case for it. He wasn't in the trade of sharing or partaking in CP in the traditional sense.

I hope this clears up some misconceptions.

You snag a few files that you see others getting, pop open the zip and see a few pics you like, close it, and continue on your way. Finally, you decide to have a look at one and have a wank, but you don't look at nearly everything. Somewhere in there, a few seedy files exist.
The FBI kicks your door in and takes everything. You go to court, get convicted, and sent off. You sit there in your cell going "WHAT THE FUCK! I wasn't even looking at the kid shit! I didn't even know I had it!"

I wanted to write this out because maybe one of you will take it in properly and go 'Damn, I could see that happening.' and thus help remove the mandatory 'He HAD to have been taking part in bad CP to get busted, the OP is just trying to side-step it and make his friend sound better'.

I'll reply to all of the new posts shortly.
To keep posts somewhat short, I'll do this reply in 2 parts. Here is my reply to the first half of the new posts.

here's the thing to keep in mind,

the currency that a lot of these child predators trade in is.....kiddie porn.

the girl i referenced above was abused by her father. the SHEER VOLUME of kiddie porn he produced was based on his ability to trade it to other predators. he had a network of guys who would share their "artwork".

and when someone admires your artwork, you make more of it. the admiration for your sick fucking stunts and poses is the currency.

absolutely. take for example a kid that shoots up his school or the Jarad Laughtner guy, his notoriety as top sicko is his currency, thats how he gets paid.

you and i like money for the power it gives us. these guys get power from little kids. and the more you look into the whole child porn network its all about "what you got?" so if you discount supply/demand and "victimless" downloading you just don't understand how the whole kiddie porn trade works.

I do agree with you. I especially agree on the sentiment regarding the people that produce the shit. I *DO* have a moral stipulation that if someone is taking their own pics, then it isn't wrong to view, but considering kids don't do this and only mid-teens and up do, it isn't really an issue, at least to me.

As for the last paragraph here, I want to compare the actual circumstances of this particular case to something easier to grasp, so let's use weed.

You go to a flea market in a bad part of town. Flea markets are known to have shady shit, but many people use them for legitimate purposes.

You happen to have a thing for handbags, and you come across someone selling a 'lot' of them, say 100, for a damn good price. You can't resist the offer, so you buy them. As they are loading up in your SUV you grab a few random ones, inspect them and see that they are indeed exactly what you want.

As you are unloading them from your SUV when you get home, you grab one, and a little nug of weed falls out. You say to yourself "Oh fuck! I didn't know that was in there! haha I should probably toss this!" and you throw it in your trash can.

Later on, you are selling the handbags. Someone comes over to take a look at them and you aren't really paying much attention to them, and just let them do their thing. They are going through all of them to inspect them and they find one with a pipe in it. They continue their search and find 2 more with a little bit of weed in the inside pockets.

They are a cop, and they get a search warrant.

They come back, take all the handbags, and while going through your house they also find the weed you threw out. They charge you with possession and distribution of all of it, because you did indeed distribute it, and you did indeed possess it.

Now, you may have made a slightly shady purchase because you bought 100 handbags at the flea market, but does that make you a fucking drug dealer? Or does it make you a dude that did something you MAYBE shouldn't have, which ultimately led you to being accused of doing something you had no intention on doing, but ultimately did? Or does it make you a full-blown drug dealer that deserves life behind bars, just like the rest of them?

I know it isn't the same, but it is the best I could come up with, and I feel it captures the essence of this situation quite well, especially if you look at the same circumstances in a different form.

I have never been to jail so no experience there, but I have watched shit tons of shows on National Geo and also Spike Tv in regards to hard times, state and federal prisions, honestly, all the jails are different, from state to state, some are real hard and some look like they are easy going, but mentally you do lose sense of who you are, sorry to hear about your friend man.

Thanks bud. I appreciate it.

I don't much of anything other than, HOLY SHIT HE MUST HAVE A TON OF PICS TO GET FED TIME. In which case, yea hes a creep and deserves what he gets.

Please read the first post I made below yours, as it expands on this assumption in great detail.

well also keep in mind that these kids FIRST raped, molested

but then many times, they are ENDLESSLY REMINDED and EMBARRASSED by these criminal investigations YEARS and YEARS after they have been raped and molested and are trying to move on. i need to call my buddy and ask him more specifics of how it works, but basically this "kiddie star" is endlessly getting civil judgements against these pic collectors, a lot of which are loaded. her head consul literally ONLY handles civil cases against downloaders of her images.

its not victimless. but i see what you are saying, this dude is on the lower rung of a very evil enterprise.

i admire OP for being a good friend, but thats it.

This is true.
For those 3 or 4 they are formally charging him for, they had victim statements (made by the victim when their abuser was busted), and there is a statute which allows each identified victim to receive $4,000 from each person convicted of possessing or sharing their images/videos.

In my friends case, all victims declined the restitution, but the prosecution did indeed attach copies of their victim statements to the sentencing recommendations.

He didn't harm anyone, but its still weird he looked this stuff up. Especially something like this:

Maybe some would understand if they were 17 or something, but 13 years old? smh.

MTV had a true life episode of two pedophiles that thought they were wrongly accused. The first guy was IMO, he slept with a girl that was 16 or something and she told her dad after a couple months, he was 18 or 19. The other guy slept with a 14 year old or something real young, he was 20-24 and the case got dismissed. You would think he learned his lesson? Nope. He did it again and I felt zero sympathy for the guy. That's how I feel about your friend. He just had so many files its just sick. Props to you for being a great friend and sticking by him no matter what though.

I don't think he should get that many years, but I just can't understand why people would look this stuff up. Its just sickening.

Yeah, I do agree that it is weird. But I also try to keep a rather open mind when it comes to things that aren't harmful. For instance, the debate about jailbait. If they show a titty, it is technically illegal. But if a hot 16 or 17 year old wants to take a pic of her ta-ta's in a bathroom mirror while scantily clad, is there really a victim there? Is there really ANY harm there? Some say yes, but I myself say absolutely not.

Then again, even if you think that is a different ballpark and should just be legal, or at least not worth fucking arresting people over LOOKING at, you could, in the course of your search for it, stumble upon something much worse, and in doing so, you are technically and literally searching out child porn with the intention of viewing it.

Two vastly different things, one crime.

I try to take 'morals' out of the picture when it comes to analyzing right and wrong and simply use what I like the 'Hurt' principle. Did anyone get hurt in any way, whether physically or financially? If yes, bad. If no, get over it.

That's how I judge basically everything in life.
These kind of people are prosecuted the way they are because they are low hanging fruit.

The media/government/justice system have an interest in producing spectacular sexual cases.

The guy did was essentially amounts to nothing. He loaded some porn and some of it was bad and it got loaded back up because of all the people that use P2P, only like 10 know that it automatically loads stuff back up if you dont deactivate it.

The system works exactly the same like with drug dealers if you think about it. They never prosecute the big time guys, because they cant get to them anyway. They pick up lots of drug USERs and slap huge prison time on them for the off-chance that they take immunity in exchange for ratting a dealer out. Only in the CP case, you cant rat anyone out because you dont know anyone.

The people behind this can never be caught. The first thing they do is program their victims in such ways that they have full control over their mental state at any given time. Just like the people who are at the top of the drug business. Or people who run big frauds. They know what they are getting into and have all the time and money in the world to take preemptive measures. They have the best lawyers and will never be caught.

Because of that, the justice system goes after people who dont even know what they are doing. Telling the guy to never do P2P or any CP again would likely lead to him just not doing it anymore. Instead he goes to jail for 8 years and very likely more because of the shit he gets in inside. A life ruined for nothing.

Over the years, justice got twisted into a weird system that can produce victims at will, should there be need for some kind of case, while leaving real crime out of the picture. The law in the complicated state that it is in favors rich people heavily because they can and will pay lawyers that are orders of magnitude better than the shitty state attorneys.

What you are witnessing is the moral degeneration of "justice".

Btw. you hate the guy now because he did something bad but once he served his time hes good to have another shot at taking part in society? WTF? Way to give some authority the right to slap good and bad signs at whatever they want. I understand that Child porn is disgusting. Its equally disgusting to openly promote combo rebills that strip people who dont have the money off 400 bucks when they thought theyd get in for 2 trials that amount to less than $10. Difference being that after doing that for the while, you have the lawyers that tell you to shut the hell up and just pay about 10% of what youve made back. Those who intentionally do wrong are way harder to prosecute than those who just happen to fuck up.
You are arguing the toss on behalf of a (soon to be) convicted peadophile here. Just sayin'.

So what? I hate Westboro Baptist but think that they're legally in the right. Just because an opinion isn't popular or conventional doesn't mean it should be criminal. Does that mean I agree here? No. But the laws are definitely outdated and a mess due to technology.

If a 16 year old girl takes a photo of herself and posts it publicly on the internet or sends it to an unknowing adult male, are the adult(s) who viewed it guilty of possession of child pornography? Under current law, they are, which is why this can be so muddy.
[ame=]Federal Pound Me In The Ass Prison - YouTube[/ame]
And here is part 2 of my reply

If he's going to the Fed, a lot of those facilities are 23-hr lockdown and solitary for those with certain security classifications. When he first goes in, he'll probably be classified somewhere between medium and high. After a year or 2, it should go down. Also, in the Fed, he'll probably be in for 75-80% of the sentence as opposed to most states 35-50%.

Consider no one a friend. It's cool to have 'acquaintances of circumstance,' but at the end of the day, it's every man for himself and there's no such thing as real trust. Keeping a loose association with various groups is helpful, but going so far as to get initiated by them, he'll eventually be forced to act against his own best interests. And his best interests are to do as little time as possible, and get out alive.

Stay away from gambling and drugs. This is the reason behind most ass whippings and stabbings. Drinking in there is a bad idea. People talk louder and like to fight when they get drunk. Talking loud is the other reason people get their ass whipped.

If he bumps into someone, he should say, 'excuse me',

If he's looking for trouble, he'll find it no problem. Don't go in there fighting. There are times when it may be necessary, but someone has to cross some very specific lines. For example, if someone touches his food- immediate ass whipping. If someone disrespects his visitor- ass whipping when they get back to the block. That being said, don't ever attack, or even threaten to attack a CO. This is a losing proposition 100% of the time.

He should take the opportunity, whether it be through a job, or a side hustle, to put himself in a position to not get his ass whipped. Meaning, it is not in someone's best interest to whip his ass if he is providing a valuable service to the community.

Segregation (racial) is real and voluntary. If he doesn't stick with his own kind, there will eventually be problems. This is especially true when eating in a group. But there is an unspoken rule of respect about it, typically it's rare to see anyone be outwardly racist. Having said this, 'his own kind' are the ones he should be the most wary of.

When talking about life on the outside, be careful not to get too specific and give out too much information that could be used against him later.

He'll eventually have 'some' control over which facility they put him. This is completely dependent on his behavior over a measurable amount of time.

If he walks by a room and notices some crazy shit going on in there, he should keep walking and never tell anyone what he saw. Use peripheral vision as much as possible. Never look at things like this directly.

He should know who he's dealing with. Someone who will never get out has a completely different take on what is acceptable behavior than someone who only has a few months. When he finds out his release date, he should keep it to himself for as long as possible. Some people make a sport out of fucking that up.

This is the kind of solid advice I was looking for. Both him and I are very street smart, and quite aware of what's going on around us at all times, and thus very good at avoiding confrontations, or at least preparing for them and thus usually avoiding them.

I will save this and show it to him. Thank you

All of this. No one needs to know he is gay.

I would like to add that you buddy needs to know how to behave in a group like this, too many people simply do not know how to behave.

  1. Know what is going on around him at all times yet never make it seem as if he is observing or monitoring others. Some people have a real "stare" problem without knowing it. Keep observations brief.
  2. Observe what others are doing, if suddenly it feels like more people are outside, or somewhere not normal, observe why, maybe there is something about to happen inside. Always observe. If everyone disappears, then disappear, maybe its a count you missed, maybe its something else but you do not want to be the lone wolf.
  3. Keep your space and respect the space of others. In confined quarters, personal space is critical.
  4. Keep your hygeine up - you do not want to get sick. Stay healthy. Floss, brush - dental care inside - really thats what you want?
  5. NEver "see" anything. Do not participate and do not see it. If you see it, no second glance you snitch, just ignore it.
  6. When some are eating steak and you are eating crap at the cafeteria, do not complain, suck it up. All the good food goes to everyone else, that's life unless you can pay - but then you are participating in underground crap which is the gateway to more problems.
  7. Do not sign any petition. Do not join any protest. Do not do anything like that at all - you will be charged with inciting a riot and get more time.
  8. Do not stand out good or bad. Just part of the program.
I could probably add more - but these things have not yet been addressed and you were asking about survival not if he deserved it or not. Rape is rare though in Fed prison unless he gets into a USP - if that happens, well, I hope it does not. If Camp is out of the question, hope for a low, fight for camp.

This is more of the shit I am talking about. Good stuff. I will also save this and show it to him. It sounds like you know your ins and outs.

I'm not sure if he'll go to USP or maybe even an FMC. Camp would be nice, but from what I've read, it sounds like anyone with any type of 'sex crime against children' is automatically disqualified.

If memory serves correctly, there are 4 levels: Maximum, Medium, Low, and Ultra Low (this is probably camp).

I'm hoping for low. Considering his record, and the 30+ character witnesses submitting letters on his behalf, as well as attending court, coupled with the statements from the guys he was around as children, and even two of their parents (2 guys, their parents; dad is a lieutenant in a local PD) attending to speak on his behalf, I am really hoping he can at least get into a Low facility or a Low FMC.

Then again, given that he served in the military, had a house full of guns, a ton of books on combat, tactics, video game posters for things like hitman (yes, they put this in the report), and a tattoo on his forearms that says *NOTE BELOW (latin for *; got it when he thought he would be progressing in the military), they might put him in a much higher security facility.

I can only hope for the best.

Hello friend,

8 year in jail for look picture naked young boy seem like long time.

I hear there priests Catholic in America who no have go jail even though they rape young boys?

Good luck bro

haha I told him "Dude, you should just become a priest, then you'll walk!"

He didn't find it as funny as I did.

Basically your boy has a fucked up case.... If he does some time, at some point he might get his ass kicked, but that's really the least of his problems. The best thing you can do for him is generate as much cash as you can, and get rid of his shitty attorney. Get the best attorney you can possibly afford. A good attorney can make a huge difference. It's very easy to get in trouble and very hard to get out of it. If he has bad representation, it will probably cost him considerably.

I am working on the cash situation as we speak. I had him sell off a lot of assets, and set aside a little cash to get him through the first year or so of prison. I am also having him hand over the rest of his assets (TV, xbox, truck, all kinds of other little odds and ends I could sell) to me in case I need to sell them and send him money while he is in there.

He also has like $6k in Google stock I can liquidate if need be, but as of right now, he doesn't want to touch it for legal funds. I will still talk to him about this.

The lawyer thing is a tough one, because the plea has already been signed. I'm not sure what a new lawyer could do for him at this point. From my understanding, not a damn thing. If anyone more familiar with the law than I could chime in and tell me differently, then I will take that into account and likely try to frie his current council and find someone better.

He didn't look it up if you read the OP.

When you use P2P you download images/videos in batch and move on (who would download images 1 by 1), out of the thousands of jailbaits he downloaded only 1 video is of what you described. I think 8 years for that is ridiculous. It's a victimless crime.

8 years for the scumbag that made the video is totally justified though.

I agree with all of this.

Take this as an example: Man sentenced for sex with 12-year-old in church-owned building - Police Fire Courts

That guy worked at a church as a sunday school teacher and he fucked a 12 year old, and got sentenced to "no less than 3 months, with a maximum of 2 years. What the fuck.

Note: I decided to remove the tattoo specifics, just to avoid personally identifying information. Just to err on the side of caution.
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So what? I hate Westboro Baptist but think that they're legally in the right. Just because an opinion isn't popular or conventional doesn't mean it should be criminal. Does that mean I agree here? No. But the laws are definitely outdated and a mess due to technology.

If a 16 year old girl takes a photo of herself and posts it publicly on the internet or sends it to an unknowing adult male, are the adult(s) who viewed it guilty of possession of child pornography? Under current law, they are, which is why this can be so muddy.

Just wanted to quickly add that under the current law, if she sends it to her 16 year old boyfriend, he is guilty of possession of child pornography.

And she is guilty of both production and trafficking of child pornography.

How fucking fucked is that?

Child Porn Laws Used Against Kids Who Photograph Themselves | Threat Level |