Anyone here have any experience with Fed prison?

I've been working probably 30+ hours a week lately on trying to find relevant case law to try and prepare for his stupid fucking attorney (got the best he could afford, but it isn't much) who seems to have no solid experience in Federal courts, plus trying to prepare myself and other friends for losing him.

just tell you buddy to get the lube now... because he's fucked

the difference be tween (no pun intended) a shitty lawyer and a great one is being assfucked by the whites/sa/and the brothas to chilling in club fed while eating steak on friday nights.


ahaha you watch to much tv. this cat is accused of chesse pizza.

he could do all the befriending and not ratting he wants. once they check his jacket he's fucked. unless he go to a fed camp where its filled with rats and snappers, a place where no one wants trouble because they will get sent to a real prison.

a snapper is lower than a rat according to the streets..hahah

here's the thing to keep in mind,

the currency that a lot of these child predators trade in is.....kiddie porn.

the girl i referenced above was abused by her father. the SHEER VOLUME of kiddie porn he produced was based on his ability to trade it to other predators. he had a network of guys who would share their "artwork".

and when someone admires your artwork, you make more of it. the admiration for your sick fucking stunts and poses is the currency.

dude why the fuck you come into this thread lying and shit.

if you dont have pics STFU.

like they or it didn't happen


like i needed some stranger on the internet to tell me who am i.

I would like to add:

  1. Become a robot, lose your will, keep your "self" inside your head.This way when rules change, patterns change, cells change - you just do it without it affecting your "self". Otherwise you get pissed over little things or fight the system or whatever and well, the system wins. The alternative is just embrace it. As was said earlier you only serve your first and last days - the rest is nothing. just make it home, figure out the systems, and survive. The big bad evil crap increases with each level of security, the USP being the last place he wants to be.
  2. As mentioned earlier. No talk of the outside. No money. No support. Put money on his books, do it regularly in small quantities, he does not need $1000 at any given time.
  3. Get a radio and batteries first thing. Non digital the batteries last longer. He can live in his head with music, news, talk radio, etc
  4. If he snores real bad, like apnea bad, get the operation before going in - at a minimum beg the judge to keep him out of places that will beat him for all the noise. Get Doctor's letter.
To be honest - your buddy sounds like a thin, fit, tattooed, kinda nutty guy with all the combat, tactics etc bullcrap that already shows he's a little off - I mean, no offense, but at least in the Low - who do you think is already in there? I think he will be fine.

This is a good list, I appreciate it. He is a little nutty, but in a good way (at least I think). I can't stand people that are too normal.

Sell e-cigs in jail :x

Good god. No smell. No smoke. You would make a fucking KILLING. You could even rent it out!

Either your friend's been super unlucky or he's been into something serious...

Wish him the best of luck in prison anyway.

A little bit of both it seems. Thanks for the words

Tell him to learn to meditate, and spend an hour practicing every day in his cell. Someone I know did 5 years' hard labour in a Japanese prison followed by a couple years over in the UK (idiot was drug trafficking. Lucky he didn't get caught on the other side of the border, otherwise he's have got the death penalty). His brother (who has a lot more sense than he does) sent a Zen master to visit him in jail in Japan, and it really saved his ass by giving him a lot more control over himself.

I'm not sure how he'll take to this, especially with everything else I'm trying to cram down his throat (Dun-Dun-PSH!) at the moment, but I will bring it up. If anything, I'll recommend that once he gets his placement and determines his level of comfort and/or safety (I wouldn't put it past someone to want to beat someone up for being a 'Yoga Fag!', and that's strictly speaking about NON incarcerated americans), he can let me know if he wants to check it out and I'll grab him some books from Amazon and have them sent on over.

i have mixed feelings on this...for sure it sounds like he was looking for underage kids at that point i say fuck him.
However, when we were younger about 24 we were hanging out with some girls around 18-19 etc.
Anyway our one friend took one girl home and banged her, she wasnt allowed to be out all night but she slept at his house anyway.
The next day she told her dad that the guy raped her, as her dad was freaking out about where she had been all night.
So he is charged with rape, and her dad went on a campaign and plastered posters at the guys work annd all over town with his face on it that said Rapist.

We stood by him for a bit, but then one day he lost his temper at a party, and started yelling at some girl. After that we all said fuck him and cut him out.

two years go by, the dad has made his life a living hell...luckily his work kept him on at least....the girl was lying they find out in the trial.

now he has sued the shit out of the father

he was a good guy, wish we hadnt cut him out. point?? i lost it somewhere...but it sounds to be like your friend is a bit more guilty

Yeah, in the very beginning, after all the dust settled and shit, even I was a bit wary. I sat him down and made him tell me EVERYTHING he had done and what they were going to find and everything (although for the first few months we thought it was about JB type shit, and thus wouldn't be such a big deal, but then they found those other few files).

He did fuck up, because he WAS looking for something illegal. There is no arguing that. He was just unlucky/dumb enough to come across something else while in his search. When you're doing something illegal (but not so amazingly reprehensible morally), and then do something even MORE illegal, even by mistake, it's a null effort to attempt to explain your innocence. lol

As for your friends situation, that shit sucks. When I was a kid I got into a bit of trouble (usual teen bullshit) and had to go to court. My attorney was awesome. Anyways, a few years later, I read an article about him and a case he was defending where a 19 year old guy in San Diego met a 17 year old girl at one of the local '18-21 year old' clubs. She said she was 18, and even had a fake ID. He somehow got busted for fucking her, and it was a mess.

I never did find out what the outcome was.

given those you associate with perhaps you should drop the $3 and RENT the movie, you know, so that you don't accidentally get illegal content via the p2p client you used to save the cost of an iTunes rental.

Touche my friend. haha

I did some time in a state prison. if hes in a minimum security fed prioson he has nothing to worry about, medium or high security prison and he better suck some dick to stay alive. child molestors (Which is what the inmates will hear) dont usually make it in prison.

As far as I can tell from reading the placement procedures and whatnot, it seems like he is LIKELY to go to a 'Low' security facility, which is still above 'Minimum', but it could be worse. Any other facility would be a nightmare. And yeah, in his mind he is just like many of his friends (not afraid to admit a 17 year old is hot), but I've been trying to get it in his head that to the rest of the world, he is essentially a child molester, and he needs to prepare for that.

Haven't read all the responses but this is fucking bulllshit.

No matter what porn you searched for in Limewire it would ALWAYS have fucked up tags. A NORMAL porno would have a ton of sick looking tags.

I feel so sorry for your friend dude. Unless he was actually searching 'preteen' or whatever then he can get fucked but if he was searching 'teens' and got hit with some sick stuff then that is such a shame.

This. This about sums it up. I know many of us had to have had this experience at one time or another using Limewire and Bearshare and shit. NOTHING is ever labeled correctly, and most of it is mis-labeled purposely.
LMSInc., you're a friend on a level which is some knights of the round table type shit, unbelievable. Like others have said, if this was an honest mistake on his part - it's fucked up that he's looking at 8 years of his life for it. If he was looking for it and they proved that, well it's a different story.

Have him look into Mindfulness (A type of meditation) and cognitive behavioral therapy. Acceptance and forward thinking: Instead of waking up thinking he's in prison and all the things he can't do he must immediately (the very second he wakes up every morning) shift his focus on what he can do(classes, books, writing, drawing/art, study stocks/business/investments, become an expert on nutrition/fitness, survival... anything he can get better at and look forward to). Although the 'looking forward to' part will only come when his mind is at peace.(Which is why he must study meditations and self-therapy.)

If he's white, befriend white. If he's black, befriend black. Going against race rules means you will never be accepted by anyone.

Question to ask himself: What value can he provide to those who are worthy of being friends with. From protection to connections, there will be legit people in there - you don't want to be a useless twat in terms of value to others. This would only be used after he knows who's who.

He probably knows this but, never ever rat, even if you got beaten and you were totally in the right... the rat is always wrong. Rat names are written on walls in prisons and synchronized, so if he ever rats it will follow him for his entire prison time.

The absolute worst thing he could do is nothing, this would make him rot and conform to his environment. There's plenty of people who come out of prison a better person, there's no reason you're friend can't be one of them. His body will be behind bars, his mind can be anywhere he chooses.

Awesome words dude, and thank you for all of that. I appreciate it.

I'll relay all of this to him.

He's pretty familiar with the whole 'Don't see, don't tell' rule, so I think he'll be alright with that.

As far as keeping him busy, I've gotten him into quite a few things lately that will help keep him busy on the inside. I got him to start investing and learning how investments work, how companies work, etc.

I've also gotten him into a lot of different reading categories (religion (in particular, the Atheistic study of religion), biology, business, technology, and more), so I should be able to send him quite a few books while he is in there to help keep his mind busy. Although, I'm thinking that while we both enjoy the likes of Dennet and Dawkins and Hitchens and many others on the outside, I'm thinking it may not be safe to send him any of their writings while in prison. I have seen first-hand how angry religious people can get at you if you don't partake in their beliefs, I couldn't imagine what that anger may look like coming from a prison inmate.

As for skills to offer, I've discussed this with him in depth. He is a generally 'handy' kind of guy. You know, the dude that will tell you the right way to care for your leather boots, or tie the exact knot you need for that job, he's THAT guy. He has mediocre writing skills, but I'm sure they are more than enough to offer up letter writing, lessons on reading, etc. He is also a certified TIG and MIG welder, and while I don't know yet if they have any programs for anything like that, if they do, we will get him involved.
I'd be more worried about what to do when he gets out. He will have to register as a sex offender. That means he can't live within 500 yards of a school and more than likely no one will hire him. Every job application has:

"Have you ever been convicted of a felony"

"If yes, what were you convicted of"

Unless the guy doing the hiring is a CP ring leader his application is going in the trash ASAP. Maybe he could work in the porn industry ... just a thought.

Get him to learn how to start his own business, run a company, management skills, time management skills, etc, etc, etc ... These are things he's going to need on the outside. You don't just get butt-fucked in jail, society butt-fucks you once you are out and "rehabilitated" as well. So much for second chances eh?
LMSInc :

Let me give your friend some relevant fucking advice.

If his current lawyer has NO federal court experience - take a federal public defender. They are nowhere near as incompetent as state level PD's, and they have alot more ins @ federal court. There is a good chance that his lawyer will make an ass of himself and his client (your friend) if he has no federal court experience. It is a completely different ballpark. I would also take into consideration the location of where he is being indicted, and where he/his lawyer is located. - If they are far apart - get local counsel/appointed PD.

I would also work with the prosecuting attorney and see if he can get recommended for a downward depature ($5k1.1) to lower the points given circumstances, cooperation, etc.

If time is inevitable - you better make damn sure he has a lawyer who is familiar with the BOP so you can at least have some sort of say with what type of institution he is going to have to spend the next some-odd years of his life in.

Good fucking luck - he's gonna need it. the feds are nothing to fuck with.

and if your friend actually did that shit, hes a fucked up pervert.
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LMSInc :

Let me give your friend some relevant fucking advice.

If his current lawyer has NO federal court experience - take a federal public defender. They are nowhere near as incompetent as state level PD's, and they have alot more ins @ federal court. There is a good chance that his lawyer will make an ass of himself and his client (your friend) if he has no federal court experience. It is a completely different ballpark. I would also take into consideration the location of where he is being indicted, and where he/his lawyer is located. - If they are far apart - get local counsel/appointed PD.

I would also work with the prosecuting attorney and see if he can get recommended for a downward depature ($5k1.1) to lower the points given circumstances, cooperation, etc.

If time is inevitable - you better make damn sure he has a lawyer who is familiar with the BOP so you can at least have some sort of say with what type of institution he is going to have to spend the next some-odd years of his life in.

Good fucking luck - he's gonna need it. the feds are nothing to fuck with.

and if your friend actually did that shit, hes a fucked up pervert.

Good thoughts ^^^^

Also even though he has taken the plea the judge has the ability to deviate from guidelines (several decisions on this), one way or another, so do not be laxed abut per-sentanceing. If you can afford a good shrink, it is not bad either.

If he is self surrender - go all the way to the final destination in order to avoid diesel therapy getting bussed to the final location.
[ame=]John Mongrel (The Numbers Gang) - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Fleece Johnson is Boo'dy Warrior - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Tossing The Salad In Jail - Life In American Prison - YouTube[/ame]