Anyone here have any experience with Fed prison?

He won't go to federal prison, he'll go to state prison. Infact he may just go to county jail. If they were just nude self shots and not alot of crazy shit he could even get probation. He'll be a sex offender and have to register.

Jail, prison and federal prison are really different things.

He won't really have to worry about being attacked or raped as if his record is as good as you say it is. He'll be in low security. If he's gone for over a year he can probably get work release in a state pen. If its under a year he'll have to get a prison job (laundry, food, cleaning / whatever).

Tell him if he goes to jail or prison to be sure to put as much money on his books as he can. If he doesn't have a career or a girlfriend/kids who should look at as a vacation. He will no longer have to worry about bills, he can sit around and watch tv all day. Sleep as long as he wants. Gets free health care, will have a fitness room or gym he can go to whenever.

As long as he has money on his books he can trade soup, cheetos, playing cards, ect for cigs, drugs, hooch, or whatever he wants in there. If he wants to keep clean he can get as fat as he wants off honey buns and twinkies.

What he did no longer really matters, he'll understand that when he goes in jail. Time is the only real thing that matters.

Those are just random thoughts. You can ask other questions if you want.

Really though... he's fucked for a long time, lol.

It's fucked up either way.. thats all im saying. Obviously I think there is more to the story.. I highly doubt he was singled out because he looked at 1 random self-shot of a 17 year old.

And we're talking about grown men looking at teens, not some 13 year old and his girlfriend :/

Yeah I agree, it's depraved either way. I just don't think it's justified to classify self shots as the same level of depravity as the other stuff, that's all. It's still fucked up for a grown man to do, but at least he seems to have limits and doesn't want to see people getting hurt.
No prison experience, but I spent about a month in county lockup once. Basically it sucks and that was with being a trustee and having a room to myself. I don't really think there's anything you can do to prepare him for going. The best advice I've ever heard (and it did help me, at least mentally) is that you only serve two days. The day you go in and the day you get out. You have to try and block out all the shit in between.

On top of that, I highly doubt he'll be going to a club fed. For sure he'll be in a federal pen, but I doubt he's going to end up in one of these swanky places with a tennis court and a room with a view. Most likely he's going to end up (at least initially) in a federal pound me in the ass prison. I know that sucks to think about, but that's the mindset he needs to have right now. At one point I was looking at a max of 5 years in prison (which was ridiculous) and worked it down to like 30 days in country and out in like 23 days with behavior and trustee days off, but the day of sentencing none of that was a sure thing yet and I went in there thinking I was going away for 5 years. Not getting the worst of what I was thinking was a win in and of itself, but if would have went in thinking "I'm only getting a month" and then got more, I would have been devastated. If it ends up being at a club fed or a low-level place that's a bonus. But his mindset needs to be preparing for the worst, because that's likely what he's going to get.

He should probably also start getting into the best shape possible, even hardcore criminals tend to not be too fond of child sex criminals. If something were to happen being in good shape could be the difference between being able to take a beating and survive or having it kill him. And make no mistake, if he's in there for 8 years with the charge he's facing, he's probably going to get his ass kicked more than once.

Best of luck to both of you, but if he's guilty of what you said, he's got the prison time coming to him. Really the only thing you can do is be there to help him through it anyway you can. Once he's in write him letters, send him cards, go see him once in awhile. You wouldn't believe how much a letter from a friend can lift your spirits when you have no contact with the outside world. Shit, they lifted my spirits and I wasn't even locked up for an entire month.
He said "nudie self-shots of teens on the interwebz." not at all the same thing (aside from the law at least). Any more back story FFS?

Back story added to the OP for clarification.

I'm assuming he was searching for shit like "preteen nudes" or something similar? Or was searching for jailbait shit and then found questionably aged pics of girls? I'm no lawyer but I would imagine directly searching for underage porn versus stumbling across it makes a big difference

Given his sexuality and what he had, I'd assume something like "teen boys" or "nude boys", which I'm sure has to be one of the dumbest search terms to ever enter into a P2P program expecting late-teen results. lol

It seems like either

1) he was looking at a bit more than "nudie self shots"


2) he'd been looking at a metric fuckton of "nudie self shots"

to get the interest of a prosecutor.

Doesn't seem like they'd go after someone over just a few .jpgs.

At any rate, I doubt there's much you can do to prepare him for prison other than the last few minutes of the 25th hour:

25th Hour-You all came so close to never happening-ending - YouTube

He would have been fine if he were just looking, or streaming content, shit like that. But he used a P2P program and thus eventually got scanned by one of many agents. He wasn't targeted, just stupid and not quite lucky that day.

Also, been meaning to watch that movie with him, as he hasn't seen it. I'm gonna download it now so I don't forget.

I have a friend who did like 3.5 years for sexual assault on a minor. It was bogus shit like your friend is going through, he was finger banging a girl he thought was 18+ (met her at a club) turns out she was 15 and he was 26 i think. Father found out about it and she turned on him saying he got her drunk at the bar then took her home etc. It was he said vs she said situation and he lost.

This is the stuff he's told me from our numerous conversations:

1. If he has a vice, quit now. Don't smoke, don't do drugs, don't drink etc. It's a sure way to get in debt.

2. Don't trust any one. If you get beat up then someone offers protection, it's the dood who offers protection that had someone beat you up.

3. Try to get a job while inside. It makes the time go quicker.

4. Don't be disresectful and don't take disrespect. You don't have to shank a guy cause he stepped on your shoes, but if someone steps on your shoes don't turn around and apologize to him.

5. Get a full medical, dental cleaning, etc etc before he goes in. The medical care on the inside is terrible.

He doesn't need to tell anyone what his crime was. My friend said he told a few people the story of what happened and he was never targeted as a child molester. The people who are targeted are either involved in famous crimes or they brag to people like their cell mate about the crimes they've done. If he's a normal guy and holds his own, no one is going to single him out because he looked at 16 year old girls on the internet. This is in Canada, I don't know where you are - could be different there.

Last but not least if his lawyer isn't competent he should fire him. You don't want to spend 8 years in federal prison because your lawyer wasn't experienced.

Awesome. This is the kind of stuff I am looking for. When I was younger I was an idiot and did a lot of dumb/bad shit with friends. I got lucky and escaped prison, but some of them went on to do some time in State, so I've been trying to get some advice from them as well, but from my understanding, State and Federal can be quite different.

Also, as for the lawyer, I do agree, but he has no money left, and I think he's still in better hands with who he has currently, rather than a public defender. Then again, it's a crap shoot. Sometimes you get a PD fresh out of law school, and sometimes you get a well-seasoned attorney that likes to offer his services periodically.

1) Your friend should watch a shit load of OZ to get himself ready.
2) Learn how to make weapons from common house hold items.

He is actually quite good at this, as we have always fucked around with a lot of weapon/tactical shit for fun, and he was on his way to to Spec. Forces before his injury. That being said, he is a very fit guy, but naturally quite small (6' and maybe 145-150 lbs). I've been trying to brush him up on things like reactive defense and counter-attack, and will continue to do so until he goes.

sounds like he got busted for jerking his dick raw to that honeypot named motherless

What's the fucking deal with that site anyways? I've heard rumors around the web that it's actually a FED site, but then I've never seen anyone busted in relation to it.

I've been over THOUSANDS of cases lately, most from the last 4 years or so, and everyone that gets busted either did something stupid IRL (like touch a kid, or leave a thumb drive somewhere, etc) or got busted sharing/submitting/P2P files. I've yet to read a case where someone was busted for looking at something, especially in regards to streaming and not saving/storing the file.

I hope he doesn't have a family because a friend of mine's husband (we were in the church band growing up too, but I never liked the guy) is going to "club fed" for the same thing plus lewd and lascivious acts (he was fondling and sexting as the girl's youth pastor) and it's been devastating for her and the kids.

No offense, but fuck your friend; they don't just prosecute anyone who randomly came across that kiddie porn picture that someone posted on 4chan. He's going to do real well in prison, he'll never feel alone.

Oh, and never been in an American prison.

No family in that sense.

Not that it will matter much, but I did add clarification to the OP regarding what he did.

You can't punish them all the same way, I mean it's way worse if the kid is forced into it and held against their will and stripped of their innocence like traditional cheese pizza, but if it's self shots then their innocence is already gone and they aren't forced into anything. My girlfriend sent me nudies when we were in high school, should I be in federal prison? (that's of course different than searching for underage shit on the web, that's more shady)

But there's probably more to the story, he probably did some real questionable searches and they flagged him and tracked him for a while to build a case. Honestly, I would get some plastic surgery and make a break for mexico to live my life as a drifter who solves mysteries out of a van, what is there to lose at this point?

I tried to go further into detail in the OP, so go back up and read the edit I added.

And I actually considered this. (I'm making this all up, in case any LE agency is curious :))

Identification isn't expensive, and I found a few ways out of the country, and even looked into extradition treaties for numerous countries, as well as how they treat what would essentially be illegals. He could run, but the problem is he could never stop, and if, say in 20 years, did get caught, he would still have to do the time.
He won't go to federal prison, he'll go to state prison. Infact he may just go to county jail. If they were just nude self shots and not alot of crazy shit he could even get probation. He'll be a sex offender and have to register.

Jail, prison and federal prison are really different things.

He won't really have to worry about being attacked or raped as if his record is as good as you say it is. He'll be in low security. If he's gone for over a year he can probably get work release in a state pen. If its under a year he'll have to get a prison job (laundry, food, cleaning / whatever).

Tell him if he goes to jail or prison to be sure to put as much money on his books as he can. If he doesn't have a career or a girlfriend/kids who should look at as a vacation. He will no longer have to worry about bills, he can sit around and watch tv all day. Sleep as long as he wants. Gets free health care, will have a fitness room or gym he can go to whenever.

As long as he has money on his books he can trade soup, cheetos, playing cards, ect for cigs, drugs, hooch, or whatever he wants in there. If he wants to keep clean he can get as fat as he wants off honey buns and twinkies.

What he did no longer really matters, he'll understand that when he goes in jail. Time is the only real thing that matters.

Those are just random thoughts. You can ask other questions if you want.

Really though... he's fucked for a long time, lol.

The way the Federal courts work is completely different than how state courts work. If you google "Federal Sentencing Guideline Chart", you will see that all Federal sentences are based on a chart system.

Every Federal crime has a "point" it starts at, his particular one is 18. That is the base point. Then, any stipulations can add or remove points from there. Taking a plea, for instance, can remove 2 points. Using the internet to look at CP (rather than say, printed or developed images) can add 5 points (I think it's 5).

You can google USSG 2G2.2 to see the form used to create the final score pertaining to this specific charge.

If you go back and look at the first chart, he is a History Category 1 (no record), and offense level 31 or 32 (can't remember exactly off the top of my head)

And he is in fact being federally charged in a District court, so he will go to prison, and it will almost certainly be federal and not state.

As to everything else, I appreciate it. And I agree, he is superbly fucked regardless.

Oh, also, you mentioned the sex offender thing. Yeah, along with the governments recommendation of 8 years to the Judge, they also recommend lifetime registration as a sex offender, and lifetime supervision (probation until he dies).

....Superbly fucked.

Kind of like this guy right?

A Life Sentence for Possessing Child Pornography - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

Many judges LOVE to make examples of out sexual predators.

I agree. I actually read over those case files.

To contrast that, I read another case from Tuscon where a school superintendant was busted for possession of CP (about 4x the amount of files my friend had), as well as (this is what he was initially busted for) caught in a sting which involved him partaking in sex tourism by planning a trip to Mexico to have sex with a 12 year old girl, and he also got a 'furnishing false information' charge to top it all off.

He got 4.5 years.

No prison experience, but I spent about a month in county lockup once. Basically it sucks and that was with being a trustee and having a room to myself. I don't really think there's anything you can do to prepare him for going. The best advice I've ever heard (and it did help me, at least mentally) is that you only serve two days. The day you go in and the day you get out. You have to try and block out all the shit in between.

On top of that, I highly doubt he'll be going to a club fed. For sure he'll be in a federal pen, but I doubt he's going to end up in one of these swanky places with a tennis court and a room with a view. Most likely he's going to end up (at least initially) in a federal pound me in the ass prison. I know that sucks to think about, but that's the mindset he needs to have right now. At one point I was looking at a max of 5 years in prison (which was ridiculous) and worked it down to like 30 days in country and out in like 23 days with behavior and trustee days off, but the day of sentencing none of that was a sure thing yet and I went in there thinking I was going away for 5 years. Not getting the worst of what I was thinking was a win in and of itself, but if would have went in thinking "I'm only getting a month" and then got more, I would have been devastated. If it ends up being at a club fed or a low-level place that's a bonus. But his mindset needs to be preparing for the worst, because that's likely what he's going to get.

He should probably also start getting into the best shape possible, even hardcore criminals tend to not be too fond of child sex criminals. If something were to happen being in good shape could be the difference between being able to take a beating and survive or having it kill him. And make no mistake, if he's in there for 8 years with the charge he's facing, he's probably going to get his ass kicked more than once.

Best of luck to both of you, but if he's guilty of what you said, he's got the prison time coming to him. Really the only thing you can do is be there to help him through it anyway you can. Once he's in write him letters, send him cards, go see him once in awhile. You wouldn't believe how much a letter from a friend can lift your spirits when you have no contact with the outside world. Shit, they lifted my spirits and I wasn't even locked up for an entire month.

I was somewhat kidding when I said 'club fed', as I do know it won't be Federal Camp (he doesn't qualify), just to clarify.

As for getting in shape, he is in relatively good shape, but could use some size. I have been helping him brush up on hand-to-hand shit, and next week we begin his crash course in Krav, Aikido (specifically joint locks, takedowns, and knife defenses), and BJJ.

Thanks for the input as well.
He won't go to federal prison, he'll go to state prison. Infact he may just go to county jail. If they were just nude self shots and not alot of crazy shit he could even get probation. He'll be a sex offender and have to register.

Since this was initiated by a federal agent in another state, he will likely go to a federal prison because it crosses state lines. In any even he almost certainly won't go to a county jail. County jails are generally for people with 1 year or less. If he's going away for 8 years, he's going to spend at least some of his time in a real prison. There's virtually no way around this. He'll probably go to county for maybe up to a week while they process him and then transfer him to prison. Whether that ends up being a federal prison or a state prison likely won't be decided until sentencing.

To OP:

Your edit explains a lot. The fact that he was actively seeking out underage porn means he's certainly fucked. And no he doesn't have to say what he's in for, but people will almost certainly find out. On top of that, the fact that he's gay WILL make him a target in prison. This may actually increase his chances of going to a lower-level prison. Combined with his charges and the fact that he's gay increases the likelihood he will be targeted for violence. If this is known at sentencing it could help him be placed in a safer environment.

I try to keep a level head about shit, but I mean he fucked up huge. And it sounds like he knowingly did, even fi he does barely know how to use a computer. So yes fuck your friend. That being said, once he's served his time, he ought to be given a chance to rejoin the rest of society. And then if he fucks up like that again he should get his sack cut off and spend the rest of his days locked the fuck away from society.
District court does not mean prison time. You can go to district and get a few days in jail. He'll still be charged with state laws not federal laws.

He's just charged with a felony, right?
Since this was initiated by a federal agent in another state, he will likely go to a federal prison because it crosses state lines. In any even he almost certainly won't go to a county jail. County jails are generally for people with 1 year or less. If he's going away for 8 years, he's going to spend at least some of his time in a real prison. There's virtually no way around this. He'll probably go to county for maybe up to a week while they process him and then transfer him to prison. Whether that ends up being a federal prison or a state prison likely won't be decided until sentencing.

To OP:

Your edit explains a lot. The fact that he was actively seeking out underage porn means he's certainly fucked. And no he doesn't have to say what he's in for, but people will almost certainly find out. On top of that, the fact that he's gay WILL make him a target in prison. This may actually increase his chances of going to a lower-level prison. Combined with his charges and the fact that he's gay increases the likelihood he will be targeted for violence. If this is known at sentencing it could help him be placed in a safer environment.

I try to keep a level head about shit, but I mean he fucked up huge. And it sounds like he knowingly did, even fi he does barely know how to use a computer. So yes fuck your friend. That being said, once he's served his time, he ought to be given a chance to rejoin the rest of society. And then if he fucks up like that again he should get his sack cut off and spend the rest of his days locked the fuck away from society.

I didn't realize this was from across state lines. I guess that's a totally different game.
And tell him to wear multiple pairs of tighty whities and possibly socks on sentencing day. I shit you not. If he doesn't go in on a commissary day or doesn't have any money in his account he's going to be living with a single pair of drawers for a while. That shit would suck. And most places, as far as I know, don't allow boxers.
If he requests protective custody, he's fucked. Best bet for survival is to be violent enough that they have to put him in solitary. But that could easily add years to his sentence. And when/if he gets out, he'll have to register and possibly do that chemical castration shit. If it were me I'd run and then off myself if they caught up. In this situation, you gotta ask yourself if there are any experiences left in life that you really want to stick around for.
I'm assuming he was searching for shit like "preteen nudes" or something similar? Or was searching for jailbait shit and then found questionably aged pics of girls? I'm no lawyer but I would imagine directly searching for underage porn versus stumbling across it makes a big difference

^^ this
Best bet for survival is to be violent enough that they have to put him in solitary. But that could easily add years to his sentence. And when/if he gets out, he'll have to register and possibly do that chemical castration shit.

This is fucking horrible advice. Being as violent as possible is a great fucking way to get the shit kicked out of you until you aren't breathing anymore. There's a fucking hierarchy in there. Walk in and take a shot at the wrong guy and you're fucked. Keep your nose to yourself, don't take shit, don't start shit. That's his best bet.

And he isn't going to have to undergo chemical castration when he gets out. Yeah he'll have to register, but he isn't getting castrated for looking at underage porn. They don't even chemically castrate rapists for the most part, even after multiple convictions. Jesus where the fuck do people get some of this shit. You motherfuckers watch too much fucking TV.
I think this is what you're looking for: PRISON COACH - Home

The only reason I know about this shit is because I was supposed to do SEO for this guy a couple years ago. Never worked out.

Awesome. I'm gonna take a look at it now. Thanks

Since this was initiated by a federal agent in another state, he will likely go to a federal prison because it crosses state lines. In any even he almost certainly won't go to a county jail. County jails are generally for people with 1 year or less. If he's going away for 8 years, he's going to spend at least some of his time in a real prison. There's virtually no way around this. He'll probably go to county for maybe up to a week while they process him and then transfer him to prison. Whether that ends up being a federal prison or a state prison likely won't be decided until sentencing.

To OP:

Your edit explains a lot. The fact that he was actively seeking out underage porn means he's certainly fucked. And no he doesn't have to say what he's in for, but people will almost certainly find out. On top of that, the fact that he's gay WILL make him a target in prison. This may actually increase his chances of going to a lower-level prison. Combined with his charges and the fact that he's gay increases the likelihood he will be targeted for violence. If this is known at sentencing it could help him be placed in a safer environment.

I try to keep a level head about shit, but I mean he fucked up huge. And it sounds like he knowingly did, even fi he does barely know how to use a computer. So yes fuck your friend. That being said, once he's served his time, he ought to be given a chance to rejoin the rest of society. And then if he fucks up like that again he should get his sack cut off and spend the rest of his days locked the fuck away from society.

While I don't share your disdain for him, I do understand it.

They are aware that he is gay, and I plan on touching on this in regards to a lower-security facility in my character statement to the court when he is sentenced.

jailbait and child porn are two different things

I really find it hard to believe this nigga is going down for looking at jailbait as the prosecutor would have no way of proving the jailbait wasn't actually 18

child porn on the other hand...good luck to him when the niggers and nazis find out he's in for pedo charges.

good luck bros

Well, its a grey area. He was searching for JB but in the process naturally came across some younger-than-JB. Nearly all porn he did have (I want to say the total was around 7,200 files) was nothing more than 'questionable', and according to their report on it, their expert could not discern if they were or were not underage.

Less than 1% of what he had was, in fact, illegal, and that is what got him charged.

There are 3-4 (without looking) files that are actually his charges.

District court does not mean prison time. You can go to district and get a few days in jail. He'll still be charged with state laws not federal laws.

He's just charged with a felony, right?

Good question. Because of how charges work, I haven't really bothered to make note of this, and thus I don't know if it's technically a felony or federal offense, but if I had to guess, I would say the latter.

I didn't realize this was from across state lines. I guess that's a totally different game.


And tell him to wear multiple pairs of tighty whities and possibly socks on sentencing day. I shit you not. If he doesn't go in on a commissary day or doesn't have any money in his account he's going to be living with a single pair of drawers for a while. That shit would suck. And most places, as far as I know, don't allow boxers.

Good tip. Appreciate it.

In my research, I found a list of what you can and can't have on you when you surrender, so I will add this to that list.