Anyone here have any experience with Fed prison?

How do you know? Have you been?

How do I know that's shitty advice?

Let's see, there was this:

No prison experience, but I spent about a month in county lockup once.

While I was there I was in the trustee dormitory for the most part. This was also the place where felons convicted of non-violent crimes (mainly drug related) on their way to State or Federal Prison were housed for the 3-7 days after sentencing before they were transferred into the prison system. During my 20-some odd days I had a lot of time to talk to a variety of people who had previously done a stretch of hard time, both inmates who were in the process of transfer and inmates who were at county for other crimes after they had already served prison stretches. This was a common topic of discussion, because what the hell else do you have to talk about. In fact, what they said is that it works pretty much the same way in a long-term County Jail, which is where I was.

You don't walk in starting shit, but you also don't take shit, which I clearly said here:

There's a fucking hierarchy in there. Walk in and take a shot at the wrong guy and you're fucked. Keep your nose to yourself, don't take shit, don't start shit. That's his best bet.

There is a hierarchy but how do you think you're established in that system?

The hierarchy inside isn't about 1 man being the baddest. It's about which group of men have the control. One man walking in there starting shit on his own is going to get beat down by a group of men who are more than likely more hardened than he is. Unless you have prior respect from current inmates in a position of power, you're walking in at the bottom of that hierarchy. Unless you join in with another group of inmates you're going to be one of two things. A target or a fly on the wall. Walking in and starting shit for no reason turns you into a target unless you happen to put an entire group of inmates in the infirmary. Taking a beating and not fighting back makes you a target. So of course you fight back if needed, but you don't go in and start shit for no reason.

The hierarchy isn't necessarily built on who can whoop who's ass. It's built on respect and usefulness. If you aren't useful to a group and you show that you won't just take a beating like a bitch you'll probably be left alone after your initiation. It's about showing that you aren't submissive. That doesn't mean you provoke anything or attempt to assert dominance. It means you fight back if needed, aren't a prison snitch, and mind your own business. Unless you join a group and show you are useful to them in some way or you start a group of your own you aren't moving on that hierarchy. And as long as you show that you aren't there to get in anyone's shit and that you aren't going take random beatings lying down then you can pretty much go through without having to worry about it after awhile.

How do I know that?

Because of conversations over a three week period with various individuals who had been through it while I was confined with them. Also during my undergrad (years before I had the "joy" of spending nearly a month locked up) I did an internship at Jackson State Prison and saw this hierarchy first hand.

You come in fighting. They want to get a feel for you (no pun intended, really) so he said with the first "feeler" they sent out, he went bat shit crazy.

This is exactly correct from both my understanding and my observations, except the part about coming in fighting. But the key with your friend is that he was approached, he didn't just go in and start shit for no reason. Of course you fight back and don't just take it. The key is to show that you aren't a bitch. Going in and starting shit isn't how you do that, all that does is put a target on your back. You show you aren't a bitch by minding your fucking business unless you have to defend yourself.

So yeah assuming the guy that made that statement I was originally responding too hasn't done hard time at prison, I feel like I'm probably more qualified to comment on it than someone who gets all his prison knowledge from OZ, The Wire, or some other television show.

Now it's time for a smoke........:rasta:

I came in here to point out that rape in prison is a very rare occurrence, despite what you see on TV. There are plenty of gays in prison more than happy to be someone's bitch. However, the fact that he is gay will not work out well for him if he's not in PC.

As far as people knowing what he's in for - you used to be able to keep that to yourself but everything is online now so someone, a cell mate, or whatever will have someone look him up and that shit will get out. However, sex offenders are normally kept with other sex offenders so that shouldn't be a big problem.

Tell him not to gamble, do drugs, drink, or get involved with anything shady. If he keeps to himself, reads, watches TV and works out he should be fine. The problem is guys let themselves get comfortable after awhile and that's when they find themselves in a bad spot. Oh yeah, tell him to stop shaving right now too.

One more thing - DO NOT go in there looking for a fight. Even if he wins, the guy will come back for revenge and it will be very bloody. Only fight in response to a physical attack or serious disrespect. It's not like a bar where you'll never see the guy again. He'll have to sleep.eventually so the last thing he needs is to have someone ready to fuck him up at any opportunity.

Thanks for this.

From what I've gathered on my own it seems that you are pretty correct about prison rape. It does happen, and it is a problem, but it isn't as bad as it is portrayed in films.

And we are on the same page regarding your views on drugs and violence. He's never been a drug kinda guy, real straight and narrow for the most part.

Same goes with violence. He never goes looking for a fight, and considering some of the situations we've been in together in the past 6 years while he routinely exercised his CCW permit and only once ever had to remove his gun from it's holster (there was an altercation between 2 nasty looking guys and an undercover police officer in front of a gas station and the PO wasn't armed), he exercises great caution and composure.

He is the kind of guy that will avoid the fight at all costs until he has no other options. I am trying to train him to push that 'line' forward a little bit, but not too much.

Example: Rather than wait until he is already getting hit to respond, I am trying to teach him to respond once there is clearly no way out of the altercation.

Edit: Never mind:

The statute of limitations is also tolled indefinitely for the following offenses because the commission of these offenses is said to happen in a continuing and uninterrupted manner:

  • Escape from federal custody. 18 USC 751.
  • Flight to avoid prosecution. 18 USC 1073.
  • Failure to report for sentencing. 18 USC 3146(a).
  • Re-entering the United States illegally after deportation. 8 USC 1326(a).
  • Possession of counterfeit money. 18 USC 472.
  • Regardless of the offense, a person who is a fugitive from justice is not protected by any statute of limitations for that offense. 18 USC 3290.

Statute of Limitations Federal Crimes | 18 USC 3282

Yep. That's what I figured.

Looking for a fight on day one is the fast track for becoming a homicide victim.

When it comes to crazy and unfair sentencing I live near Jeffrey Epstein, see him jogging once in a while too, look at his wrap sheet and ask yourself "How is that man free?"
Jeffrey Epstein - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's totally up to the judge [errr money and influence too].

I agree. Just be 'average' and don't stick out either way, as much as is possible anyways.

Picking a fight and refusing to take part in one that is already happening against you are both bad and should be avoided.

How do I know that's shitty advice?

Let's see, there was this:

While I was there I was in the trustee dormitory for the most part. This was also the place where felons convicted of non-violent crimes (mainly drug related) on their way to State or Federal Prison were housed for the 3-7 days after sentencing before they were transferred into the prison system. During my 20-some odd days I had a lot of time to talk to a variety of people who had previously done a stretch of hard time, both inmates who were in the process of transfer and inmates who were at county for other crimes after they had already served prison stretches. This was a common topic of discussion, because what the hell else do you have to talk about. In fact, what they said is that it works pretty much the same way in a long-term County Jail, which is where I was.

You don't walk in starting shit, but you also don't take shit, which I clearly said here:

The hierarchy inside isn't about 1 man being the baddest. It's about which group of men have the control. One man walking in there starting shit on his own is going to get beat down by a group of men who are more than likely more hardened than he is. Unless you have prior respect from current inmates in a position of power, you're walking in at the bottom of that hierarchy. Unless you join in with another group of inmates you're going to be one of two things. A target or a fly on the wall. Walking in and starting shit for no reason turns you into a target unless you happen to put an entire group of inmates in the infirmary. Taking a beating and not fighting back makes you a target. So of course you fight back if needed, but you don't go in and start shit for no reason.

The hierarchy isn't necessarily built on who can whoop who's ass. It's built on respect and usefulness. If you aren't useful to a group and you show that you won't just take a beating like a bitch you'll probably be left alone after your initiation. It's about showing that you aren't submissive. That doesn't mean you provoke anything or attempt to assert dominance. It means you fight back if needed, aren't a prison snitch, and mind your own business. Unless you join a group and show you are useful to them in some way or you start a group of your own you aren't moving on that hierarchy. And as long as you show that you aren't there to get in anyone's shit and that you aren't going take random beatings lying down then you can pretty much go through without having to worry about it after awhile.

How do I know that?

Because of conversations over a three week period with various individuals who had been through it while I was confined with them. Also during my undergrad (years before I had the "joy" of spending nearly a month locked up) I did an internship at Jackson State Prison and saw this hierarchy first hand.

This is exactly correct from both my understanding and my observations, except the part about coming in fighting. But the key with your friend is that he was approached, he didn't just go in and start shit for no reason. Of course you fight back and don't just take it. The key is to show that you aren't a bitch. Going in and starting shit isn't how you do that, all that does is put a target on your back. You show you aren't a bitch by minding your fucking business unless you have to defend yourself.

So yeah assuming the guy that made that statement I was originally responding too hasn't done hard time at prison, I feel like I'm probably more qualified to comment on it than someone who gets all his prison knowledge from OZ, The Wire, or some other television show.

Now it's time for a smoke........:rasta:

This is too long to reply to right now, so thanks for the input is all I can really say. lol
maybe some thug will dress him up like a 13 year old girl, butt fuck him, and post the pics online so we can all beat off.

i have a friend that is a lawyer for one of the biggest "child porn stars" out there. she is a adult now, but she has been downloaded a million times. they are literally petitioned every time one of these degenerates is caught. if you knew anything about what these young girls go through, you would know why i have less sympathy for this deviant than almost anyone in prison. its absolutely disgusting to exploit children sexually and people that participate should be....wait for it...thrown in a cage and ostracized by society.

that being said, i've known people that have stuck by these same sickos because they were loyal family or friends and i can admire that as well. its not easy.

but fuck this guy. another child predator out of our communities. and don't make any mistake, thats what you are, even if you just download it "harmlessly" from the internet. there is a large market for kiddie porn and young boys and girls are getting raped, kidnapped and tortured for this faggots amusement. burn in hell.
but fuck this guy. another child predator out of our communities. and don't make any mistake, thats what you are, even if you just download it "harmlessly" from the internet. there is a large market for kiddie porn and young boys and girls are getting raped, kidnapped and tortured for this faggots amusement. burn in hell.

How is downloading something for free on Limewire (no money changing hands) increasing the exploitation of children in any way shape or form?

Despite how heinous it might be, what this guy did pretty much falls under the category of "victimless crime".

If this guy was abusing kids, or was causing child abusers to profit more (and have more incentive to abuse more kids) I would agree with you. However, he has done neither of these things.
How is downloading something for free on Limewire (no money changing hands) increasing the exploitation of children in any way shape or form?

Despite how heinous it might be, what this guy did pretty much falls under the category of "victimless crime".

If this guy was abusing kids, or was causing child abusers to profit more (and have more incentive to abuse more kids) I would agree with you. However, he has done neither of these things.

ok, so if you give me free pics of your daughter being raped thats not exploitation? WTF are you fucking talking about?!?!

"victimless" jesus christ.

guess what demand drives? supply. a lot of these freaks get off on giving it to other sickos. i could give a fuck if they trade a dollar, a reach around, anything.

EDIT: and if you are on a PEER2PEER network! guess how this exploitation gets proliferated? downloading it and seeding it. receiving it WHILE GIVING IT TO OTHERS. we're not talking about the new fucking coldplay album here.
ok, so if you give me free pics of your daughter being raped thats not exploitation? WTF are you fucking talking about?!?!

"victimless" jesus christ.

guess what demand drives? supply. a lot of these freaks get off on giving it to other sickos. i could give a fuck if they trade a dollar, a reach around, anything.

EDIT: and if you are on a PEER2PEER network! guess how this exploitation gets proliferated? downloading it and seeding it. receiving it WHILE GIVING IT TO OTHERS. we're not talking about the new fucking coldplay album here.

So does demand for snuff video cause murder and torture?
ok, so if you give me free pics of your daughter being raped thats not exploitation? WTF are you fucking talking about?!?!

"victimless" jesus christ.

guess what demand drives? supply. a lot of these freaks get off on giving it to other sickos. i could give a fuck if they trade a dollar, a reach around, anything.
In the case of the OP's friend, all of the kids who were in those photos would have been abused regardless of whether the OP downloaded the file or not. And the OP's friend viewing the photos had pretty much no impact on whether more kids would be abused. Will any more kids be abused because the OP's friend downloaded those files? That answer is no, and that makes it very close to a victimless crime.

I'm not saying that he shouldn't be punished, but I think 8 years in federal prison is excessive for an almost victimless crime when under certain circumstances (such as a DUI) you get only 1 year for killing someone.

The real people who should be punished here are the ones who are abusing the kids and the ones who are creating and distributing the pictures. Going after people like the OP's friend don't do a whole lot to solve the problem besides making the FBI look like they're being productive.
maybe some thug will dress him up like a 13 year old girl, butt fuck him, and post the pics online so we can all beat off.

i have a friend that is a lawyer for one of the biggest "child porn stars" out there. she is a adult now, but she has been downloaded a million times. they are literally petitioned every time one of these degenerates is caught. if you knew anything about what these young girls go through, you would know why i have less sympathy for this deviant than almost anyone in prison. its absolutely disgusting to exploit children sexually and people that participate should be....wait for it...thrown in a cage and ostracized by society.

that being said, i've known people that have stuck by these same sickos because they were loyal family or friends and i can admire that as well. its not easy.

but fuck this guy. another child predator out of our communities. and don't make any mistake, thats what you are, even if you just download it "harmlessly" from the internet. there is a large market for kiddie porn and young boys and girls are getting raped, kidnapped and tortured for this faggots amusement. burn in hell.

While I do feel differently than you do (well, only in some aspects), I understand your feelings toward this.

It would be a nearly impossible task to accurately communicate the entire circumstances with this case, as it would be with nearly any case. The best I can do is ask this: Have you ever used Limewire or any other P2P to download porn?

And if so, have you, not even one single time, downloaded a video that said "Two_lesbians_sex_on_couch_dildos_7.mpg" only to find once it's been downloaded that it is in fact a video of a naked child, or someone fucking a horse/dog/etc, or a completely fake video that simply shows an ad for a paysite?

This may well have never happened to you, as not everyone looks at porn, and not everyone was in their teens just under a decade ago, but I'm sure it has to many.

Now couple that with "When you browse porn on the internet, do you watch just 1 film, or do you find yourself clicking through many many videos, simply looking at each one briefly before moving on to the next?"

In my experience and discussion with many friends, this is how they consume content.

It isn't hard to download dozens if not hundreds of things (if you don't know about streaming), only to briefly look at a small percentage of the content.

Also, another thing I will add here that I refrained from doing before (while his attorney did confirm it, I have yet to see the actual report detailing it, thus I don't like to speculate) is this: One of the main videos he is being charged for, and "other" files (I haven't been able to confirm the number yet) were found in the recycle bin.

The problem, as explained to me by his attorney, is if you have 3 or more illegal images, even if they have been completely deleted/destroyed but were recovered in the process of forensic analysis, it then makes no difference. In other words, you still had them, and it is the same as having them on your desktop.

Once again, I completely understand where you are coming from, and I'm not telling you that you are incorrect or unfounded in any way. Just trying to add a little clarification.

I will go read through all of that now. Thank you.

How is downloading something for free on Limewire (no money changing hands) increasing the exploitation of children in any way shape or form?

Despite how heinous it might be, what this guy did pretty much falls under the category of "victimless crime".

If this guy was abusing kids, or was causing child abusers to profit more (and have more incentive to abuse more kids) I would agree with you. However, he has done neither of these things.

In a way, even I feel like this is kind of a shitty argument/excuse, but at the same time, reason brings this thought forth to me quite often.

I'm still on the fence about it, but aside from trying to show allegiance to the views that the masses hold on the issue, it actually kind of does make sense.

ok, so if you give me free pics of your daughter being raped thats not exploitation? WTF are you fucking talking about?!?!

"victimless" jesus christ.

guess what demand drives? supply. a lot of these freaks get off on giving it to other sickos. i could give a fuck if they trade a dollar, a reach around, anything.

Just to clarify, I think what he was getting at was that it was solely consumption. What hurts them in regards to the sharing is that they are often traded for other content of other children being abused. THAT is what causes/creates the market.

There is a trade that takes place, and the content is the currency, and to create that currency, children are harmed.

I do personally believe there is/should be a distinction though between partaking in this trade/market, and merely grabbing a tiny amount of the currency, especially if not on purpose, however thin that line may be.

But that may just be me.
here's the thing to keep in mind,

the currency that a lot of these child predators trade in is.....kiddie porn.

the girl i referenced above was abused by her father. the SHEER VOLUME of kiddie porn he produced was based on his ability to trade it to other predators. he had a network of guys who would share their "artwork".

and when someone admires your artwork, you make more of it. the admiration for your sick fucking stunts and poses is the currency.

absolutely. take for example a kid that shoots up his school or the Jarad Laughtner guy, his notoriety as top sicko is his currency, thats how he gets paid.

you and i like money for the power it gives us. these guys get power from little kids. and the more you look into the whole child porn network its all about "what you got?" so if you discount supply/demand and "victimless" downloading you just don't understand how the whole kiddie porn trade works.
here's the thing to keep in mind,

the currency that a lot of these child predators trade in is.....kiddie porn.

the girl i referenced above was abused by her father. the SHEER VOLUME of kiddie porn he produced was based on his ability to trade it to other predators. he had a network of guys who would share their "artwork".

and when someone admires your artwork, you make more of it. the admiration for your sick fucking stunts and poses is the currency.

absolutely. take for example a kid that shoots up his school or the Jarad Laughtner guy, his notoriety as top sicko is his currency, thats how he gets paid.

you and i like money for the power it gives us. these guys get power from little kids. and the more you look into the whole child porn network its all about "what you got?" so if you discount supply/demand and "victimless" downloading you just don't understand how the whole kiddie porn trade works.

Ok, fair enough. I was assuming that these people were doing this for monetary profit.

I'll amend what I said before. Downloading stuff like this on Limewire is not always a victimless crime. In situations that you mentioned, you are right, because there is a victim.

However, the OP's friend was not involved in this 'trade' and he did commit a victimless crime. He had no intention of distributing files of his own and wasn't trying to partake in any of what you described above.
I have never been to jail so no experience there, but I have watched shit tons of shows on National Geo and also Spike Tv in regards to hard times, state and federal prisions, honestly, all the jails are different, from state to state, some are real hard and some look like they are easy going, but mentally you do lose sense of who you are, sorry to hear about your friend man.
I don't much of anything other than, HOLY SHIT HE MUST HAVE A TON OF PICS TO GET FED TIME. In which case, yea hes a creep and deserves what he gets.
Ok, fair enough. I was assuming that these people were doing this for monetary profit.

I'll amend what I said before. Downloading stuff like this on Limewire is not always a victimless crime. In situations that you mentioned, you are right, because there is a victim.

However, the OP's friend was not involved in this 'trade' and he did commit a victimless crime. He had no intention of distributing files of his own and wasn't trying to partake in any of what you described above.

well also keep in mind that these kids FIRST raped, molested

but then many times, they are ENDLESSLY REMINDED and EMBARRASSED by these criminal investigations YEARS and YEARS after they have been raped and molested and are trying to move on. i need to call my buddy and ask him more specifics of how it works, but basically this "kiddie star" is endlessly getting civil judgements against these pic collectors, a lot of which are loaded. her head consul literally ONLY handles civil cases against downloaders of her images.

its not victimless. but i see what you are saying, this dude is on the lower rung of a very evil enterprise.

i admire OP for being a good friend, but thats it.