Anyone here have any experience with Fed prison?

I think there are elements to your friends case that your friend may be too embarrassed to tell you.

I think there are elements to your friends case that your friend may be too embarrassed to tell you.

I think you're quite wrong.
I won't even mention the kind of shit we discuss, but we hold nothing back.

I also have copies of every single document relating to this case. EVERY single one. The investigation, the warrant, the charges, the reports, etc.

I even have copies of the psych evals, and even the psychosexual eval results.

Papa John: Fapping to CP threads since 2008
I would like to add:

  1. Become a robot, lose your will, keep your "self" inside your head.This way when rules change, patterns change, cells change - you just do it without it affecting your "self". Otherwise you get pissed over little things or fight the system or whatever and well, the system wins. The alternative is just embrace it. As was said earlier you only serve your first and last days - the rest is nothing. just make it home, figure out the systems, and survive. The big bad evil crap increases with each level of security, the USP being the last place he wants to be.
  2. As mentioned earlier. No talk of the outside. No money. No support. Put money on his books, do it regularly in small quantities, he does not need $1000 at any given time.
  3. Get a radio and batteries first thing. Non digital the batteries last longer. He can live in his head with music, news, talk radio, etc
  4. If he snores real bad, like apnea bad, get the operation before going in - at a minimum beg the judge to keep him out of places that will beat him for all the noise. Get Doctor's letter.
To be honest - your buddy sounds like a thin, fit, tattooed, kinda nutty guy with all the combat, tactics etc bullcrap that already shows he's a little off - I mean, no offense, but at least in the Low - who do you think is already in there? I think he will be fine.
Either your friend's been super unlucky or he's been into something serious...

Wish him the best of luck in prison anyway.
[ame=]Who can guess what Circle the Wagons means? - YouTube[/ame]
Tell him to learn to meditate, and spend an hour practicing every day in his cell. Someone I know did 5 years' hard labour in a Japanese prison followed by a couple years over in the UK (idiot was drug trafficking. Lucky he didn't get caught on the other side of the border, otherwise he's have got the death penalty). His brother (who has a lot more sense than he does) sent a Zen master to visit him in jail in Japan, and it really saved his ass by giving him a lot more control over himself.
i have mixed feelings on this...for sure it sounds like he was looking for underage kids at that point i say fuck him.
However, when we were younger about 24 we were hanging out with some girls around 18-19 etc.
Anyway our one friend took one girl home and banged her, she wasnt allowed to be out all night but she slept at his house anyway.
The next day she told her dad that the guy raped her, as her dad was freaking out about where she had been all night.
So he is charged with rape, and her dad went on a campaign and plastered posters at the guys work annd all over town with his face on it that said Rapist.

We stood by him for a bit, but then one day he lost his temper at a party, and started yelling at some girl. After that we all said fuck him and cut him out.

two years go by, the dad has made his life a living hell...luckily his work kept him on at least....the girl was lying they find out in the trial.

now he has sued the shit out of the father

he was a good guy, wish we hadnt cut him out. point?? i lost it somewhere...but it sounds to be like your friend is a bit more guilty
Also, been meaning to watch that movie with him, as he hasn't seen it. I'm gonna download it now so I don't forget.

given those you associate with perhaps you should drop the $3 and RENT the movie, you know, so that you don't accidentally get illegal content via the p2p client you used to save the cost of an iTunes rental.
I only ask because while there is a good chance none of our members do, maybe they know someone that does.

I've been stressing like a motherfucker lately about this shit, and it would be nice to get some first-hand advice, or, well, fuck... Just talk about this shit.

One of my closest friends, who I am closer to than my own brothers, is about to do some major time for trying to look at nudie self-shots of teens on the interwebz.

I've been working probably 30+ hours a week lately on trying to find relevant case law to try and prepare for his stupid fucking attorney (got the best he could afford, but it isn't much) who seems to have no solid experience in Federal courts, plus trying to prepare myself and other friends for losing him.

His actual charge is "Possession of child pornography" and according to the most recent paperwork (United States Probation/Pretrial Release Sentencing Recommendations) that was drawn up for his case and submitted, it looks like at the end of April, he is going away for 8 years.

I'm afraid he won't make it through, and these may be the last 2 months I'll ever spend with him, and at the risk of sounding like a bitch, its breaking my fucking heart.

Anyways... I've been trying to stuff as much shit in his head as I can before he goes, to try and prepare him as best as I can, but I know people with "sexual crimes against children" aren't really treated well in prison.

So, anyone ever gone to club Feb? I know there has to be someone here with a white collar stain on their record! haha

Advice? Recommendations? Input? Shit talking? Let it flow.

Right after I submitted this, I realized that people might ask for a little further clarification of the charges, so I'll just try to expand on that a little.

He was 26 when he got raided by the FBI in late 2010. No criminal record, a clean service record for the US military where he was honorably discharged for military-caused hearing loss, has always been an average and steady hard worker with a shit job. I've known him for 6 years. He is gay, but you would never fucking know it if he didn't tell you. He has dated a few times, but is rather timid when it comes to taking charge and getting laid, and thus, he is still a virgin.

He isn't like us, in that he has a very basic understanding of computers, and uses them accordingly. As anyone around from the Skittles era of WF will know quite well, if you wanna see a 16 year old chick snap titty pics on her iPhone, you don't need to look very hard to find them in abundance. Well, apparently the opposite isn't quite the same. So, he used a file sharing program to try and download and thus view images (a newb mistake I'll never forgive him for). He downloaded mostly zip and rar archives of teens.

Anyone that has done this (don't lie, we all downloaded porn at one time or another from shit like Limewire back in the day) knows as well as I do that you don't always get what the title implies.

He also didn't understand how P2P worked, and that everything he downloaded was also being shared. So, downloaded archives of 'teens' thinking 16-20 year olds, looked at probably 5% of the images (in my old porn experience, archives contain hundreds, if not thousands, of files) and went on about his business. One of the archives contained 110 or so images of 'children' (from the evidence I've been able to get his attorney to provide, these were 13-14 year olds, and comprised nearly exclusively of nudity, but not abuse/sex/sexual acts), and another multi GB archive of videos he downloaded contained 74 "questionable" video files, with three of them being confirmed children. One video contained a 13 year old with his hands bound, and that is what nailed him to the cross.

An agent in NY (we are in the southwest) was searching for illegal files by connecting>grabbing files and got one of these archives from his computer (now it is distribution across state lines).

Warrant was issued, raid took place, everything seized, etc etc etc

US filed indictment for possession and for distribution.

Was offered a plea of only possession, and took it.

In explaining all of this to anyone that hasn't been in the middle of the whole situation, I feel akin to a mother trying to defend her sons character and saying "my boy is a good boy!", but it isn't like that.

He fucked up, and he indeed did intend to look at underage images, but the really young shit was a fluke, it's not what he's into, and I do know that for a fact.

I know I'll probably catch a lot of shit here, but sometimes you cunts can be quite level-headed and rational people, so I figured why the fuck not try. :)

I did some time in a state prison. if hes in a minimum security fed prioson he has nothing to worry about, medium or high security prison and he better suck some dick to stay alive. child molestors (Which is what the inmates will hear) dont usually make it in prison.
Haven't read all the responses but this is fucking bulllshit.

No matter what porn you searched for in Limewire it would ALWAYS have fucked up tags. A NORMAL porno would have a ton of sick looking tags.

I feel so sorry for your friend dude. Unless he was actually searching 'preteen' or whatever then he can get fucked but if he was searching 'teens' and got hit with some sick stuff then that is such a shame.
LMSInc., you're a friend on a level which is some knights of the round table type shit, unbelievable. Like others have said, if this was an honest mistake on his part - it's fucked up that he's looking at 8 years of his life for it. If he was looking for it and they proved that, well it's a different story.

Have him look into Mindfulness (A type of meditation) and cognitive behavioral therapy. Acceptance and forward thinking: Instead of waking up thinking he's in prison and all the things he can't do he must immediately (the very second he wakes up every morning) shift his focus on what he can do(classes, books, writing, drawing/art, study stocks/business/investments, become an expert on nutrition/fitness, survival... anything he can get better at and look forward to). Although the 'looking forward to' part will only come when his mind is at peace.(Which is why he must study meditations and self-therapy.)

If he's white, befriend white. If he's black, befriend black. Going against race rules means you will never be accepted by anyone.

Question to ask himself: What value can he provide to those who are worthy of being friends with. From protection to connections, there will be legit people in there - you don't want to be a useless twat in terms of value to others. This would only be used after he knows who's who.

He probably knows this but, never ever rat, even if you got beaten and you were totally in the right... the rat is always wrong. Rat names are written on walls in prisons and synchronized, so if he ever rats it will follow him for his entire prison time.

The absolute worst thing he could do is nothing, this would make him rot and conform to his environment. There's plenty of people who come out of prison a better person, there's no reason you're friend can't be one of them. His body will be behind bars, his mind can be anywhere he chooses.