Any Childfree by Choice Here?

Damn bro, I'm very sorry for your loss.

That had to be a whole level of soul-destroying pain that I can't even comprehend.

There are no words that can describe it to be perfectly honest - stupid crazy amount of gut-wrenching hurt is the best I can think of right now.

It was a long time ago now though but I'm still so saddened by the events of that day.

This might sound a bit silly but I actually have had worse things happen since. Much worse. Shit that makes that pale in significance. Fucking horrible shit in fact. :( but that remains one really sad moment in my life.
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We've taken our kids out a few times to restaurants (no where fancy, just places like fucking applebees.) The few times they got loud / annoying at like age 2'ish, one of us took them outside or walked around. We didn't spank them like morons (after all, they're 2, they're curious and want to play), and we didn't force everyone to get irritated with our annoying kids; we just occupied them in other ways or we got our food to go.

I wish more parents took that (nonviolent) approach. :)

Having said that, a lot of restaurants are hospitable to loud kids. Here, I'm thinking of Red Robin, Outback Steakhouse, and maybe even Applebees. That's great since I imagine most people assume as much and plan accordingly.

Guys like myself avoid those places, which are better off for it since they can cater to their target market.

Everyone wins.
I wish more parents took that (nonviolent) approach. :)

Having said that, a lot of restaurants are hospitable to loud kids. Here, I'm thinking of Red Robin, Outback Steakhouse, and maybe even Applebees. That's great since I imagine most people assume as much and plan accordingly.

Guys like myself avoid those places, which are better off for it since they can cater to their target market.

Everyone wins.

I'm real aware of it because I remember being younger, eating at places that are typically louder like applebees and being so fucking pissed off at loud children. I'm probably too anal about it.
There are no words that can describe it to be perfectly honest - stupid crazy amount of gut-wrenching hurt is the best I can think of right now.

It was a long time ago now though but I'm still so saddened by the events of that day.

This might sound a bit silly but I actually have had worse things happen since. Much worse. Shit that makes that pale in significance. Fucking horrible shit in fact. :( but that remains one really sad moment in my life.

Damn, that sucks. I won't ask but can't imagine what would be worse than a dead baby.
Oh man, Stefbot really threw down the guantlet in this vid on spanking:

[ame=]The First Real-Time Study of Parents Spanking Their Kids - YouTube[/ame]

I've seen well over 100 of his vids and I've never seen him threaten people before... That's some serious dedication.
^- You've just opened up a whole new can of worms in this thread. Inb4 denialism in 3, 2, 1....
Bro, this is pretty much why people don't like kids, not because of the kids but because parents think like you.

All those concerns are perfectly legitimate. Small kids don't belong restaurants where people pay good money to enjoy their meals in intimacy. They do not belong on long flights, which is akin to torture for a hyper young kid. They absolutely do not belong as babies in a movie theater where they don't understand a thing.

It might sound harsh, but this really is the truth. Other people's kids are annoying as hell and every thinks so. Of course to you, they are the best thing in the world and rightfully so, but please have the awareness to realize that the world still doesn't revolve around your children.

Yea that didn't come out right. when i say "i'm that guy" I meant it differently. I always thought I would be bothered if I had a kid that acted up and was always amazed at how calm other parents were when their kids were acting crazy. As it turns you realize that kids are just acting the way they're supposed to act. They cry - they can be loud - they're super curious - clumsy - messy - and will test you at times. And now that I have a kid, I don't realize notice that stuff from other kids any more.

Now, that's not to say that I won't dig in my kid's ass if he isn't acting right. My son has a habit of roaring like the Ultimate Warrior when he's frustrated & doesn't agree with something. He gets a free pass from my wife ("he's just learning about his feelings") and the inlaws. Not me.

I made the pledge that I would never hit my kids; I got beat so much that my grandkids don't need to get hit. But my son knows that if he doesn't act right (ESPECIALLY in public), I will bury him in the back yard.
Damn, that sucks. I won't ask but can't imagine what would be worse than a dead baby.

Christ there's a list as long as the Nile of shit I witnessed and they're all fucking gory as hell - seriously shit you see on fucked up websites type stuff, but loosing my baby girl is unquestionably the most emotional pain I've ever ever known.

It was me driving the car, and me that fucked up. :(
Christ there's a list as long as the Nile of shit I witnessed and they're all fucking gory as hell - seriously shit you see on fucked up websites type stuff, but loosing my baby girl is unquestionably the most emotional pain I've ever ever known.

It was me driving the car, and me that fucked up. :(

Damn man, sorry to hear that, if I went through that, I don't know how I would ever function normally.

But the way I look at it, kids or no kids, its your choice, if you are not mentally ready to have one, then don't, if someone pressures you, then you have to do what you think is right and either change it or move on.
Could you give us more stories to help justify your decision to not have children? It's riveting stuff.

The quoted post was directed towards someone else; I felt compelled to respond anyway.

If you haven't accomplished what you want to in life, having kids (assuming they're not part of whatever your goal is/goals are) will only get in the way.

The chances of any offspring reaching their potential is lesser now than in prior generations due to our dilapidated education system, compromised food sources, decadent media, and grossly misrepresentative gov't.

Any kid growing up in this current environment, even if they're lucky enough to have private schooling and access to a good diet, is still likely to say "fuck it" due to all the pervasive bs in our societal institutions.
Wow... you fuckers have a horrible outlook on life.

It's selfish to have kids... Are you fucking kidding me?

Yes, parents spend "$200k", their sanity, and 18 years of their life raising kids because they are "selfish". Got it. But I guess having kids and raising them are two different things.
Wow... you fuckers have a horrible outlook on life.

It's selfish to have kids... Are you fucking kidding me?

Yes, parents spend "$200k", their sanity, and 18 years of their life raising kids because they are "selfish". Got it. But I guess having kids and raising them are two different things.

Having children is mostly selfish. Raising them right takes heroic selflessness.
I cant have any children. My parents never see me and give me shit, all I have is my grandmother who bakes dank cookies though. Can't even get my goddamn license because my teacher is a pain in the ass and I work day and night at this fast food joint with this greedy boss. My best friend is a dumbass and the only chick I like is a fucking animal. My pet won't stop meowing and is the slowest shit in the world and does nothing but eat and poop, sleep, eat and poop. Worst of all, I live in a pineapple under the sea.
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For the record, I never made the above claim.

The main idea is that sex with women can be very expensive.* When you're 20, you're willing to pay the price. When you're my age and have had your fill, the price outstrips the value. The allure of a vagina no longer mesmerizes you like the siren's song.

* I'm not talking about buying dinner. I'm talking about...

- tolerating asinine conversation
- being expected to return phone calls
- dealing with jealousy
- enduring passive-aggressive behavior designed to prompt a specific response
- tears / anger when delivering unpalatable news
- etc.

Isn't this what hookers are for?

They're not just for the pathetic and needy - high priced hookers for busy people who still need to bust a nut. Think Wolf of Wall Street.
Isn't this what hookers are for?

They're not just for the pathetic and needy - high priced hookers for busy people who still need to bust a nut. Think Wolf of Wall Street.


When I think of hookers, I don't think of the $5 girls who haunt dimly-lit street corners. I think of the higher-class girls that guys like Richard Branson have on retainer.
This has been a GREAT sociological/what will my next Ebook be study; thanks to all who have posted in this thread!

I was expecting the garbage that childfree women experience if they voice this stuff in a venue/forum/meeting place predominantly inhabited by other women; a shitstorm of "You're not fulfilling your function as a woman/as God's breeder slave/as a good being of the planet if you don't have kids!"

That's what my wife has dealt with for some 17 years since she's been "out" as childfree by choice.

I had hoped that in a more male-oriented gay webmaster forum things would be more reasonable; and fuck yeah, it has been ! So thanks for that.

And also, true sympathy for the poster who talked about losing his kid in that accident; so many levels of trauma there, can't imagine your grief/mixed feelings/trauma; all the best to you.

I'm going to just list all of the false equivalencies that childfree by choice men are bingoed with, if they "come out" to people about their choice; I'm listing these for your educamation and/or so you can be forewarned/prepared:

* If you're a guy and you don't want kids, then clearly all your relationships with adult women and lovers must therefore be immature/not fully formed/ on a level of just wanting a whore.

While this is SOMETIMES true, among the childfree men I know, most of them are like me; in long-term marriages or live-in relationships with kickass, cool, like-minded women. Both of them are simply busy DOING OTHER THINGS and honest with each other that having kids is something they simply don't want to do.

*If you don't want kids, this indicates moral failure; you suck at life and are a horrible human being.

I never became a pro soccer player, although I probably could have. I never chose to become a farmer, although many people in my family were farmers and taught me about farming at a young age. I never had kids. What's your point again? A false equivalency is where people try to equate having a kid with some inaccurate, high, God-ordained moral ground; when really, like anything, it's a choice. You're a gaywebmaster; you're not a straight webmaster; so what. That's your choice. Don't let people get you entangled in useless and braindead arguments about the "morality" of whatever the hell you choose to do --- or not do. It's just choices.

*You're not fulfilling your biological function/God's will.

When the Old Testament's "go forth and multiply" was written, experts estimate that the entire WORLD'S population was roughly the current size of the state of New Jersey's population. We have PLENTY of people to go around. 40% of children in the US live in poverty; between 60-70% of all children born in the US were unplanned for and unwanted. We will soon have 9 billion people on this planet, most of them destined for poverty, famine, and war. This is likely to happen by 2050 or earlier. You think we need more people? Or do we need better systems, better people, better structures, better methodologies, more scientific and societal advancements....and some fucking conscious use of birth control? Replacement population levels are 2 kids per couple; we need to drastically scale things down if we want this delicate ecosystem to survive. Problem is, religious types, your grandma/mother, and the women in your family are likely still tuned into the "Everybody needs at least two kids" paradigm which will kill this planet off very soon. Catch up with modern events, braindead assholes. Understand the times you are living in.

*If you don't want kids, you hate them.

Some people who are childfree by choice do hate kids. Or they hate screaming babies. I actually recommend that any of you considering having kids "rent" or borrow a baby or a toddler for a week and bring them into your home. This is when you will truly discover how you do with sleep deprivation and excess noise; both of which drive a certain percentage of the population into batshit depression/anger/post-partum depression issues. Best you find out about this NOW before you bring a helpless, utterly dependent little one into your life. This is something you can research NOW. Don't put it off. There are also a huge number of childfree people who are working their asses off helping to raise YOUR children or save YOUR children's lives; EMT's, social workers, teachers, coaches, and more. Look around and count the childfree folks in your life and you'll see a lot of them are very much "contributors to the community" and all that. To paint them with the inaccurate brush of "You're all child-haters" is imbecilic non-thinking at best, conscious trolling at worst.

*Sex and/or marriage are for babies only, so get with the program!

You are actually, as a man, allowed to love the shit out of sex with women WHILE NOT WANTING TO HAVE A CHILD AT ALL. This is what the birth control and societal advances, so heavily fought for by both liberated men and liberated women, have allowed us to admit to ourselves. SEX IS GREAT! (And if it isn't, you're doing it wrong; or maybe you're an inhibited gay webmaster who hasn't hit his stride yet.) What goes wrong is when you allow others to manipulate you into constantly running that risk of spawning a kid just because you really, really want sex. There are solutions; look them up; condoms; spermicide for the woman as a CONSTANT back-up, even if she's using the Pill; women can also take herbs to reduce pregnancy risks (and to even write about this means the blogger in question gets constant death threats and fundies visiting their house, but this info is widely available; many women are using herbs like parsley to safely, quickly, bring on their period at the first sign of a missed period at ZERO RISK to their health.) Vasectomies; tubal ligations. Pulling out. Get real, be more aware, and have loads of fun, guilt-free sex! (Because yeah, you're actually allowed to, no matter what your guilt-inducing, genocidal maniac "God" tells you.)

*Borrowing other people's kids to be the world's greatest uncle or babysitter can be loads of fun; plus, since if you're childfree you won't be spending $200,000 after taxes plus college money after the kid is 18, you'll have cash to help SPOIL your niece or nephew and do really cool things. We took our niece on a helicopter ride around Manhattan, took her on trips and educational visits her parents couldn't even remotely give her; that type of thing.

Okay, my latest cocaine stash is wearing off I guess, so that's all for now. Carry on.
Clearly if you don't want children your relationships with others are immature, and what about the morality of the issue? Where are your morals?

Furthermore, you're entirely neglecting God's will *along* with your biological purposes. Finally, sex is for CREATION.