Any Childfree by Choice Here?

I'm married and have no interest in kids...nor does my wife. It gives you a lot more time to just pay attention to each other and strengthen your marriage.

Ok, I'll go the other way for you guys.

I have a 4 year old girl and a 2.5 year old boy and I can't imagine life without those two. My wife and I were married for years before we decided to have kids, so we started a little later than most. I was 35 when our oldest was born. My wife had some fertility issues so we had to spend some serious coin so we could have kids and it was an emotional roller coaster. But we were blessed with 2 great kids that I would give up my life for in a heartbeat.

When you're 24 years old doing whatever the fuck you want to do, you're outlook on life is considerably different than when you've been married for a dozen years and a bit older /wiser.

For those of you who are in that boat right now, I'd challenge you to come back in 10 years and say you don't have any kids. I'd bet about 75% of you will probably have at least one, and you'll say you're life wouldn't be nearly as good without them.

Personally, I'm looking forward to taking my boy to baseball games, and teaching them how to drive. I hope I'm still alive when they get married and have kids. I look forward to all of that stuff, but I also enjoy every day I get to spend with them. Raising children isn't for everyone. But I don't know one person who has kids who wishes they didn't. I do know several couples that never had kids and now wish they did.
Ok, I'll go the other way for you guys.

I have a 4 year old girl and a 2.5 year old boy and I can't imagine life without those two. My wife and I were married for years before we decided to have kids, so we started a little later than most. I was 35 when our oldest was born. My wife had some fertility issues so we had to spend some serious coin so we could have kids and it was an emotional roller coaster. But we were blessed with 2 great kids that I would give up my life for in a heartbeat.

When you're 24 years old doing whatever the fuck you want to do, you're outlook on life is considerably different than when you've been married for a dozen years and a bit older /wiser.

For those of you who are in that boat right now, I'd challenge you to come back in 10 years and say you don't have any kids. I'd bet about 75% of you will probably have at least one, and say you're life wouldn't be nearly as good without them.

Sounds almost like my story. 4.5 yr old / 1.5 yr old. Wife and I were together 9 years before our first, I was 27.

IN before sixteen religiously minded guys who never took birth control very seriously and have more kids than they ever wanted tell you you are FUCKING SELFISH and a BAD OVERALL PERSON. :)

Sounds like you've had a run in with a bunch of religious nuts, because I haven't ever seen people be ostracized because they don't want children.

I think a lot of people shouldn't have children. Most aren't ready, most are clueless, most are still stuck in stone age authoritarian belief systems that hit their kids and treat them as inferior beings.. ushering in another generation of damaged goods.

Fuck that shit. You're right, absolutely, do *not* have kids if it's something you don't want. Fortunately I wasn't pressured.
I'm pretty sure that if I get married, it will be with the chick I'm with now, and neither of us want kids. We get shit for it sometimes, but nothing too bad since people know in general that they'll get told to go fuck themselves by either of us if they take it too far.

I'm cool with kids as long as they aren't screaming in a fucking restaurant while I'm trying to eat.
So there's this cousin-in-law of mine....I guess that's what you call a cousin of your wife's? Anyhoo, he got into Drexel, major geek genius type only without many social skills (surprise surprise). First girl he met in his life who would agree to fuck him is a Korean immigrant, freshly-off the boat, gorgeous, brilliant, thinks that he comes from money just because his poor as shit parents put all their money into sending him to a private school instead of regular high school

Fast forward. It's six months into his freshman year, he's fucking her, everything is great; except she thinks he has money so doesn't REALLY take the pill when she promised she was taking it; gets pregnant.

Fast forward; kid comes; quickie marriage.

A bit into the marriage, turns out the kid is majorly fucked up. Some messed up combo of Downs but also some other stuff, not just normal Downs.

By the age of six this poor girl is operating at the level of a ten month old cognitively, physically; can't walk, talk, function; etc.

The parents try to be there for the kid but since they can't face the fact that this kid really needs round the clock professional and developmental care, they attempt to care for her at home in shifts (because the stress of all of this broke them up as a couple long ago.)

various family members attempt to intervene, help out, or at least get the poor kid into a private clinic or situation where she can be properly assessed/looked after.

Guess what? Neither of the parents could face the fact that this was an unfortunate byproduct of a fuck buddy freshman college "relationship" that should ahve never resulted in marriage; neither had any money; they hated each other so much at that point that they couldn't see past their collective shit to actually CARE for their majorly disabled daughter.

Fast forward; the mother of the kid marriage a "rich" laundromat owner who first kept her as his mistress, then later found out about her severely disabled kid, now the kid is only just BARELY looked after by anybody and is still at the level of a five year old and she is almost 16 years old. No extended family has even been permitted to see the kid much less send money/help out.

The father of the kid dropped out of college ages ago; lives with his elderly and disabled mother; works on and off at various gas stations pumping gas.

ALL THE BYPRODUCT OF A RANDOM FRESHMAN COLLEGE FUCK with a hot gal he thought was using rigorous birth control (although he never bothered with a condom, so he was pretty clueless, too.)

A severely disabled daughter was brought in on his sperm. And that girl is FUCKED.

Just want to mention that: not all the fairy tale stories of "I accidentally got a girl pregnant at 20 but it all worked out for the best and I love my kid and everything is fine" stories work out that way.

AGAIN, moral of the story is, if you don't want a kid, be EXTREMELY CAREFUL, 'kay?

I'm confused what's the point of this story?

Shouldn't have sex with Koreans? Or you should disown a child for having a handicap?

It's a genetic lottery things like that happen. What's this bullshit about not succeeding in life because of something happening? You overcome things to get ahead or you fall down and stay down. Thus you don't go anywhere.

The way I read your post was that if there is risk you shouldn't do that thing because something bad could happen. I guess I shouldn't start a business because I might lose all my money.

I get it man you don't like kids and you are trying to convince people that you are a good person otherwise. People who don't like people because they don't conform to society are assholes anyways so why should you care?
This is the most committed trolling I've ever seen. So much effort being put into it. To the point where it's obvious there is something wrong with the OP, but it'll really depend on how he's able to play it off that'll determine the end of this fascinating adventure.

I mean, the story-arc is incredible. We go from pre-cum flying everywhere and managing to land inside of a uterus, to parents only loving their children due to stockholm syndrome, to whacked out half-asian babies (...wait a second!...), to rich idiots who'll get to their 5th accidental child instead of having a vasectomy or using a condom. I'm not even watching Game of Thrones. I'm re-reading this thread.
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I think a lot of people shouldn't have children. Most aren't ready, most are clueless, most are still stuck in stone age authoritarian belief systems that hit their kids and treat them as inferior beings.. ushering in another generation of damaged goods.

Fuck that shit. You're right, absolutely, do *not* have kids if it's something you don't want. Fortunately I wasn't pressured.

I just saw a clip from a documentary while waiting at the dispensary, and it was showing a bunch of statistics where abortion was legal and illegal, and crime rates tied to each.

It made the argument that in places where it's outlawed, there's more prevalence of unwanted kids, many of whom commit crimes in early adulthood. Used an eastern eu country that made it illegal and you would get fined for not having kids, crime rates went way up 15-20 years later.

In the US it was only legal in a few states, then made legal nationwide, and there was a significant drop 15-20 years later in the rest of the country.

It also said longer incarcerations keeps a lot of repeat offenders locked up, technology in catching people advanced, etc. but it was mainly making the point that politicians have jack to do with crime rates when considering a dozen other factors.

My gf has an IUD that you change like once every 10 years, fuck taking pills that make your hormones fluctuate and shit and are easy to forget.
It made the argument that in places where it's outlawed, there's more prevalence of unwanted kids, many of whom commit crimes in early adulthood.

That's because they're ill prepared, neglectful, shitty ass parents.

Same thing with the welfare state. People know that if you have more children, the more money you get from the state. They're bred for money, neglected once they come out, etc.. Then the fathers are locked up for years for having a plant on them (fatherless childhoods = higher % of violence among teens.)
Do I want kids? Absolutely. Am I going to have them? I seriously doubt it. I can't honestly or rationally justify the decision. I swear to God. The unchecked audacity it takes to snatch a soul out of the ether, stick it in a meat-suit, and thrust it on this ass-backwards planet is breathtaking.

I wonder if "I want kids" or "we're ready for a child" is really a good enough justification for involuntarily forcing a human being to be here. They're not accessaries. They're not pets. They're not Pokemon. Stop acting like it's no big fucking deal.

People out here thinking life's some fantasy with a happy ending, I swear.

The unchecked audacity it takes to snatch a soul out of the ether, stick it in a meat-suit, and thrust it on this ass-backwards planet is breathtaking.

My nigga.

There's no other way to chop it up. Having a child is an inherently selfish decision of the willing parents. On unwilling parents it's irresponsible decisions.

In the end, it's the child's and every human who ever exists' destiny to feel pain and misery.

Fortunately, mental suffering is optional.

May all beings be rid of dukkha and find dat sukkha. Samsara can be the Sukkhavati.

Yours truly,

The 14th Incarnation of the Revered Bodhisattva Hobbster
People out here thinking life's some fantasy with a happy ending, I swear.

Nobody gets out of this life alive. Time is a gift. I say do whatever the fuck makes you happy with your time on this godforsaken mud ball we call Earth.
Having children is incredibly selfish. Forcing someone to live 80+ years because of a temporal urge. Absolutely selfish.

I can't find the sources, but I've read some research into some of the reasons people have children. And all of them were frightening.

For instance, the research found one of the main reasons women opt for having children is that their immediate social circle was having children.

Read that again. Think about that.

Because their friends and siblings were having children, they felt the need to "Keep Up with Joneses."

And people wonder why the world is so fucked up?

To parents:

I have to know. Other than "I want to have kids," were there any logical or rational reasons you decided to bring a human being onto this planet? You know, a good reason for forcing life upon a planet in spiritual/economic/cultural decay?

This thoughts been torturing my mind for a while now. I WANT kids, I just can't think of an unselfish reason to do something as profound as creating a human life.

Most of my childless friends tend to be rambling fucking idiots. You would probably get along with them well.

make new friends. oh i forgot. you've got kids. which makes you teriminally destinited to talk about kids, and terminally boring ass fuck to those who "terminally ramble about stuff" other than kids.
As Stefan Molyneaux once said: 'The moment your child leaves your house and interacts with the society I live in, your horrible fucking parenting skills ARE MY GOD DAMN PROBLEM, FUCKO!'

(Ok, maybe he didn't use that much cursing.)

When I was 20 and about as smart as a newborn cocker spaniel, I had a super-close call getting my live-in college girlfreind preggo. She took consecutive tests that said positive. I was convinced she was pregnant, and I had really just been fucking her with no reason to like her whatsoever outside of the bedroom. I could never even respect someone with that much religion, much less marry them... But for about 48 hours I talked myself into doing just that. It would have been the worst possible marriage ever.

Luckily it turned out to be a false alarm and I kicked her out of the apartment so fast her ass still hurts today. Not before she broke a giant wall mirror over my head though... Ah, memories.

Anyway, obviously I gave more care about whom I stuck my willy in everafter that event. In fact it only took a few more years, not even a full decade for me to declare that I pretty much fucking hate this world and most of the people on it because it's such a cruel and unfair place.

To me, and I feel this way more and more over time, bringing a child into existence on Earth on purpose is pretty much child abuse... No one would agree to enter this shithole on purpose, so being a parent today is definable as the act of forcing someone into a bad situation and then telling yourself that it's ok, because everyone does it and YOU are the exception that will do a better job than anyone else and making your child more comfortable here.

Fuck. That.

Sadly, the world is _SO_ fucked, that the vast majority of people born don't even have that good of a situation... Their parents are surprised, much like I was at 20, and they'll have an extremely shitty start in life because there was no preparation at all for their arrival.

There is only one thing that would make me ever approve of having a child now. We'd have to totally break the cage and remove all traces of government left on the planet. After that's done we'll enter an age of enlightenment that no one on the earth today can fathom... Hopefully that will be a world worth giving birth in.
This is the most committed trolling I've ever seen. So much effort being put into it. To the point where it's obvious there is something wrong with the OP, but it'll really depend on how he's able to play it off that'll determine the end of this fascinating adventure.

I mean, the story-arc is incredible. We go from pre-cum flying everywhere and managing to land inside of a uterus, to parents only loving their children due to stockholm syndrome, to whacked out half-asian babies (...wait a second!...), to rich idiots who'll get to their 5th accidental child instead of having a vasectomy or using a condom. I'm not even watching Game of Thrones. I'm re-reading this thread.

Good. Reread it, 'cuz it's clear you have comprehension problems. But thanks for playing!

Every once in a while if I can help one sex-mad fuck prevent having an unwanted child that he can't afford, I've done my job. :)

And also I think it's a great idea to "come out" as childfree by choice, since this is still NOT something that people are allowed to do in our culture, especially if they're male.

But, you know, have fun trying to pin the troll badge on me! I like trolls; they tend to be fierce, ugly motherfuckers who don't give a shit what other people think, because, you know what? They're not people! :)

And people are over-rated, anyway.
..And you know what? Hijacking this thread which is supposed to be for people who do not want children (but who often feel ostracized for expressing this fact) with your lame comments of: "Waaaaaah waaaah I have kids I didn't want, but now I can't imagine life without them" does NOT exactly act as a selling point for having those same kids....that you didn't want in the first place.

Just thought I'd mention that for the cognitively impaired contributors on this thread.

Mindless sperm contributors who didn't actually CONSCIOUSLY WANT AND DESIRE AND PLAN FOR YOUR BELOVED KIDS....fuck the hell off. This thread isn't about you, so stop fucking hijacking it.

Just because you had an orgasm that resulted in an accidental kid does NOT make you a true dad. It makes you an accidental sperm donor. Whether you choose, after that point, to try to conform to society's proscribed norms of 1) marry the woman 2) pretend to love her and commit to her 3) work on trying to love and provide for the kid has no bearing on this thread because.....wait for it....this thread is for the CHILDFREE BY CHOICE. Not the accidentally knocked up a woman so fuck I guess I'm in it for 18 years of child support and trying to give a shit about my DNA byproduct.

But thanks for trying to hijack the thread anyway! :)