Any Childfree by Choice Here?

We are witnessing the rise of a new paradigm of idiocy here. I'm calling it: Militant Babyism. This is what happens when grown men who've successfully been emasculated by the feminism movement cling to out of anger and bitterness.
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We are witnessing the rise of a new paradigm of idiocy here. I'm calling it: Militant Babyism. This is what happens when grown men who've successfully been emasculated by the feminism movement cling to out of anger and bitterness.

or... when a guy that gets banned wants to express an opinion. crazy that.
I don't know, recently turned 23 and I'm just not interested in having kids at ALL. Fuck, I don't even want a serious relationship at the moment.. I also have a friend who got a girl pregnant, she had the kid, and now they fucking hate eachother. He is stuck with the kid, probably not gonna be in the kid's life too often, and yeah, that shit has to suck really bad.

Thankfully the bad choices I've made so far in life haven't been irreversible. Oh yeah, and I ALWAYS wear a condom (my own, so I know its not been fucked with - call me paranoid or whatever, but at least I won't be the one with a child I don't want with a woman I can't fucking stand 9 months later) and will continue to do so.

For now, fuck kids and relationships - GRIND HARD GET $$$ FUCK 19 YEAR OLDS! (With a condom on, my own condom at that cause I don't trust these hoes)
As Stefan Molyneaux once said: 'The moment your child leaves your house and interacts with the society I live in, your horrible fucking parenting skills ARE MY GOD DAMN PROBLEM, FUCKO!'

(Ok, maybe he didn't use that much cursing.)

When I was 20 and about as smart as a newborn cocker spaniel, I had a super-close call getting my live-in college girlfreind preggo. She took consecutive tests that said positive. I was convinced she was pregnant, and I had really just been fucking her with no reason to like her whatsoever outside of the bedroom. I could never even respect someone with that much religion, much less marry them... But for about 48 hours I talked myself into doing just that. It would have been the worst possible marriage ever.

Luckily it turned out to be a false alarm and I kicked her out of the apartment so fast her ass still hurts today. Not before she broke a giant wall mirror over my head though... Ah, memories.

Anyway, obviously I gave more care about whom I stuck my willy in everafter that event. In fact it only took a few more years, not even a full decade for me to declare that I pretty much fucking hate this world and most of the people on it because it's such a cruel and unfair place.

To me, and I feel this way more and more over time, bringing a child into existence on Earth on purpose is pretty much child abuse... No one would agree to enter this shithole on purpose, so being a parent today is definable as the act of forcing someone into a bad situation and then telling yourself that it's ok, because everyone does it and YOU are the exception that will do a better job than anyone else and making your child more comfortable here.

Fuck. That.

Sadly, the world is _SO_ fucked, that the vast majority of people born don't even have that good of a situation... Their parents are surprised, much like I was at 20, and they'll have an extremely shitty start in life because there was no preparation at all for their arrival.

There is only one thing that would make me ever approve of having a child now. We'd have to totally break the cage and remove all traces of government left on the planet. After that's done we'll enter an age of enlightenment that no one on the earth today can fathom... Hopefully that will be a world worth giving birth in.

man, do you know there is more than Bitcoin in life ?
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Strange fucking dysfunctional thread seriously.

The anti-kids group is just bizare, reminds me of fanatic atheists. The kind of zeal OP comes up with, something else is going on I think.
It's ALL biological, natures course...

People who have kids, RARELY say they regret it, because their brains are pumping out a fuck TON of chemicals to bond with their child. They start shifting their purpose in the world towards raising their kids to live on their own... It becomes one of the ultimate rewards in life for them. I have asked older adults this over and over, and it's the same general belief every time among those who have had children.

We were meant to reproduce, it's natural. Nothing wrong with having kids..

People without kids don't often understand this concept. (Just saying)

With that said, it's perfectly fine to NOT have kids, it's anyone's choice. Do what you want, lol.


But here's the deal...

If you're into psychology as much as I am, you'll know there are certain age groups we all fall into. From the moment were born to the day we die of old age.

Nature's course of time will slowly push you towards having kids.

We are influenced so much by society and acceptance of the people around us.

I'm just saying it's easy to say "no kids" in your 20's, and but you'll find yourself having a very hard time in your "30's".


Anyways... (No I don't have kids, just dropping truth bombs)
Something to consider. When you're old and infirm, having someone to be your advocate and make sure you're not shipped off to old folks home hell is a good idea. This is one thing kids are good for, provided you don't raise a bunch of shits.
I actually wholeheartedly agree with those who choose not to have children.
Those who feel "I don't want anything to impact MY life" improve the species with their genetic death.

I think a lot of posters realize they are very close to the Walmart breeders they see so often. It has to be scary realizing that is your future, unless you go like Jake Stratham and not have sex with women.

Total troll
Haha, it's this thread again!


I'm a happy father of a great dude, but you do whatever the fuck you want.
I am somewhat glad that the OP's not going to have children. And I hope he doesn't change his mind, ever.
Seems op really trying to fight off and justify him denying his biological urges. There is no societal pressure dude. It is really all in your head.

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Seriously debating a vasectomy to avoid any accidents.

Years down the road IF I changed my mind I might have a 70% chance of sucess getting a girl pregnant with all of the different reversal/in vitro fertilization methods.
IN before sixteen religiously minded guys who never took birth control very seriously and have more kids than they ever wanted tell you you are FUCKING SELFISH and a BAD OVERALL PERSON. :)

Yea, but the funny thing is that having kids is COMPLETELY selfish. It's for yourself so that you have a legacy and so that you don't grow old alone. Now, raising them can be pretty selfless but the act of having them is not. The only way having kids isn't a selfish act is when you adopt them because they are already here and need someone to take care of them.

Furthermore Mothers Day & Fathers Day are ridiculous. You get a holiday because YOU decided to have a kid? Even more self centered and selfish...
I'm still not done living life. No kids yet.

Not interested in sitting at home all day with some crying shit factory just yet.