Any Childfree by Choice Here?

My nigga.

There's no other way to chop it up. Having a child is an inherently selfish decision of the willing parents. On unwilling parents it's irresponsible decisions.

In the end, it's the child's and every human who ever exists' destiny to feel pain and misery.

Fortunately, mental suffering is optional.

May all beings be rid of dukkha and find dat sukkha. Samsara can be the Sukkhavati.

Yours truly,

The 14th Incarnation of the Revered Bodhisattva Hobbster


a real bodhisattva


As an experiment, finish this sentence: "I want to have a child because..."

Any ending to that sentence will demonstrate selfishness or delusion.

GimpSpack hit the nail on the head.

By far the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

I understand some of you hate children, but try to pull yourselves back from the brink before looking truly stupid.

Giving life to another sentient being is a supremely generous act when done under the correct circumstances.

I don't see you calling your parents up and castigating them for selfishly keeping you alive instead of aborting you. If you truly believed that what they did was a morally evil act, you would rectify it immediately by walking off the nearest bridge.

Some of you fuckers need to get outside and get some fresh air, including the OP, who sounds one or two steps away from clinical psychosis.

A case can be made that having children with somebody you love forces you to live for others, which is about as selfless as it gets.

And that conversely, growing old alone causes you to become more selfish, as the only person you have to care for is yourself. It would certainly explain some of the bizarre festering bitterness among the "child-hating" crowd here.
By far the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

Hyperbole is fun!

I understand some of you hate children, but try to pull yourselves back from the brink before looking truly stupid.

Who are you referring to?

Are you saying that I hate children (it's a reasonable question since you quoted me in your post)? If so, please quote where I said I hate children. Indeed, I've implied something very different: kids are fine; their parents are often the problem.

Giving life to another sentient being is a supremely generous act when done under the correct circumstances.


I don't see you calling your parents up and castigating them for selfishly keeping you alive instead of aborting you.

Why on earth would I castigate my parents? I happen to think my parents are awesome.

Having said that, the three of us have had fun conversations regarding the selfishness of having children. Looking back, they agree.

So, I'm not sure where you're going with the above assumption. Something tells me you don't where you're going with it, either.

If you truly believed that what they did was a morally evil act,

Please quote where I've said that having a child is a morally evil act. I said it was selfish. Not morally evil.

Are you equating selfishness with immorality?

I bought a coffee instead of sending the $2.45 to the Red Cross. I did it because I'm selfish. Did I commit a "morally evil act?"

I put gas in my car instead of giving the money to the single mom who lives several houses down from me. I did it because I'm selfish. Did I commit a "morally evil act?"

If you cannot quote where I've said that having a child is a morally evil act, be a man and own up to it.

you would rectify it immediately by walking off the nearest bridge.

You sound like a very reasonable person.

A case can be made that having children with somebody you love forces you to live for others, which is about as selfless as it gets.

GimpSpack already touched upon this. Did you not read his post? If you did, did you not understand what he was implying?

And that conversely, growing old alone causes you to become more selfish, as the only person you have to care for is yourself.

That might be true. It depends on the circumstances. Consider Mother Teresa. Also consider that there's nothing inherently wrong with selfishness.

It seems like you're ignoring the nuances of this discussion. That's fine. Do whatever works for you. But to do so, and then tell me to "pull myself back from the brink before looking truly stupid" is laughable.

jriddick, I'll let you have the last say on this matter. Call me names, proclaim that I've said yet more things that I haven't actually said, and do it without apologizing for your gaffes above.

You have the floor. Carte blanche, as it were. I'll read your reply, but won't respond to it. Frankly, given your approach, I don't think you and I are cut out to enjoy conversation together.

Profound response. And it's in response to the most salient part of my post too. How interesting.

I bought a coffee instead of sending the $2.45 to the Red Cross. I did it because I'm selfish.

I put gas in my car instead of giving the money to the single mom who lives several houses down from me. I did it because I'm selfish.

You did those things because you acted out of rational self interest.

There's a difference between doing things out of self interest and doing things out of selfishness. Methinks you do not understand the distinction.

there's nothing inherently wrong with selfishness.

Of course there is. It's why Gimpsmack said it with such derision, it's why you agreed with it, it's why others responded with disgust, and it's why Gimpsmack made a distinction between having them(evil & selfish) and raising them(good & noble). There was a clear negative connotation to the statement. Or I suppose there's nothing inherently wrong with "delusion" either, eh?

If there's nothing inherently wrong with selfishness, then what's the point of even making the post? That people do things out of self-interest?

No shit Sherlock, it's kind of the entire basis of economics. People act out of rational self-interest.

But Gimpsmack's statement isn't even accurate.

Within the correct framework and with full knowledge of what the responsibility would entail, having children is actually one of the most selfless acts a human being can commit.

I'll let you have the last say on this matter.

I'll read your reply, but won't respond to it.

I don't think you and I are cut out to enjoy conversation together.

Thanks, but I really couldn't give a fuck less.
For the record, I never made the above claim.

The main idea is that sex with women can be very expensive.* When you're 20, you're willing to pay the price. When you're my age and have had your fill, the price outstrips the value. The allure of a vagina no longer mesmerizes you like the siren's song.

* I'm not talking about buying dinner. I'm talking about...

- tolerating asinine conversation
- being expected to return phone calls
- dealing with jealousy
- enduring passive-aggressive behavior designed to prompt a specific response
- tears / anger when delivering unpalatable news
- etc.

Not sure where you are, but if you have access to traditional-minded, feminine latinas they might be worth giving a shot.

By far the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

I understand some of you hate children, but try to pull yourselves back from the brink before looking truly stupid.

My argument against having children has nothing to do with hating them. Quite the opposite, it comes from a place of empathy. I like kids a lot, and they typically like me.

Giving life to another sentient being is a supremely generous act when done under the correct circumstances. .

How so? How is conceiving someone generous to a previously nonexistent human?

If it were possible to communicate with a child's soul before you conceived him/her and get his/her consent first, your statement would make sense.

But it isnt.
Keep in mind that the mother is half the equation; in my observation traditional latinas make excellent mothers on average - the best of any ethnic group IMO.
I don't have time to read this whole thread but all I'll say is don't go having a vasectomy before you're 35ish. Neither me nor my wife wanted kids and we've been together for 24 years now. We were happy with our two dogs.

Then at around 35 something just clicked in us (call it the biological clock if you will). Suddenly the thought of kids became quite appealing and it got stronger and stronger. Before we knew it it was our main focus. Thankfully I'm now 41 and have two wonderful kids (1 and 4yrs) who enrich our lives more than anything else could possibly do. I'd rather have my kids than a trillion dollars. Oh, and I did the gentleman thing and got a vasectomy which is no hassle compared with what the women go through with childbirth.

Point is, just because your 25 don't think you will never want kids. Things change and sometimes you can't stop change.
Yea that didn't come out right. when i say "i'm that guy" I meant it differently. I always thought I would be bothered if I had a kid that acted up and was always amazed at how calm other parents were when their kids were acting crazy. As it turns you realize that kids are just acting the way they're supposed to act. They cry - they can be loud - they're super curious - clumsy - messy - and will test you at times. And now that I have a kid, I don't realize notice that stuff from other kids any more.

Now, that's not to say that I won't dig in my kid's ass if he isn't acting right. My son has a habit of roaring like the Ultimate Warrior when he's frustrated & doesn't agree with something. He gets a free pass from my wife ("he's just learning about his feelings") and the inlaws. Not me.

I made the pledge that I would never hit my kids; I got beat so much that my grandkids don't need to get hit. But my son knows that if he doesn't act right (ESPECIALLY in public), I will bury him in the back yard.


Just noticed 1999 posts. Won't post again until I've made it to baller status (or close enough), so I can get into Enlightened forum.
Not sure where you are, but if you have access to traditional-minded, feminine latinas they might be worth giving a shot.

My experience with traditional-minded, feminine latinas is limited. I've spent time with a few latinas, but none of them were traditional-minded.

The only woman I know who fits that bill is indeed a fine woman. She immigrated in her 20s and is now close to retirement age. She's sincere, loyal to her family, a great conversationalist, and a great mom. She's also sharp and hard-working, having built a successful business.

Frankly, I can't tell if those traits stem from her age, her ethnicity, or the fact that she had to start from scratch after immigrating to the U.S.

Keep in mind that the mother is half the equation; in my observation traditional latinas make excellent mothers on average - the best of any ethnic group IMO.

In my experience, traditional Korean moms are pretty good too.
There's a clinical term for what you've experienced: Stockholm Syndrome.

You learn to love the being who has imprisoned you, because you really have no other fucking choice.

Let's not call it anything else. It's an adaptive behavior brought on by extreme trauma and your life being totally out of your control, and you've mentally and emotionally navigated to a place where you are making the best of it -- and truly trying to be emotionally, spiritually, and financially present for your unwanted child. Kudos to you, I guess?

Aren't we all trying to make the best out of our live situations? I don't know many people whose lives are perfect. And this is applicable to not just having babies but also to where we are at financially, emotionally, or spiritually.

But I wouldn't call it Stockholm Syndrome. That's a bit much.

I'm going to channel my best Rustin Cohle...

"It's all one ghetto, man"

The birth rate for a replacement population is 2.1 births per woman. Immigration can make up some of that difference also. But in general it's not clear cut to call having children a "selfish" behavior. Sure there's a drain on resources, but you must also account for the contribution to society for every individual born. Some people are leeches, some people are contributors, some are world changers.