PositionSniper v3.0 - RANK/SERP Tracker, Comp Analysis, Keyword Research, EMD Finder!

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Jun 1, 2009
Appleton, Wi
Rating - 100%
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PositionSniper is the leading web-based tool for finding exact match domains in a matter of seconds and perform keyword research. Now with the release of version 3, we have added the ability to track your website rankings in Google, Yahoo, and Bing. It also support competitive analysis and a bunch of other things all rolled into one easy-to-use interface for a very affordable price that you simply cannot live without!

Watch the PositionSniper v3 Overview video...
Position Sniper v3.0 - Overview on Vimeo

With PositionSniper v3 you get the following features and functionality:

  • EMD Finder
  • Keyword Research
  • RANK/SERP Tracker
  • Competitive Analysis
  • 100% Web-Based
  • Fast Support
  • Great Low Price!

With PositionSniper finding exact match domains is a breeze (just look at the amazing testimonials below). You can filter the data by selecting a minimum and maximum # of searches so that you find the domains that fit your criteria without lifting a finger! Simply enter a seed keyword or niche that you're interested in and PositionSniper will do the rest by using our integration with Google to grab the data and then running each keyword thru another integration to see if there are available domains. Once done, it shows you a nice list where you can easily see the data and buy the domains you want.

You can simply enter a seed keyword or niche and it'll generate a list of keywords that shows search query data (# of searches). It will also show you if domains are available incase you wanted an exact match domain. In the next version, this is going to get ramped up a LOT.

Every webmaster or internet marketer knows that you need to have a handle on where your website is ranking in the big three (Google, Yahoo, and Bing). Our rank tracker will give you laser accurate rankings for an unlimited number of websites in all three. It also supports international rank tracking for most countries and even allows you to drill down on the keyword level to see historical ranking data.

Ever wonder how hard it would be to rank for a specific search term? Simply enter a search term and we'll pull the top 10 results from Google and then run each URL through one of our integrations with a partner and it'll show you the authority for the domain, the specific page, and even the total # of links that URL has. Makes it great for determining how competitive a term is and how long it'll take you to rank for it.

No annoying CAPTCHAS. No separate google accounts. Just login and go using our very user-friendly and nice-on-the-eyes interface for a seamless and simple experience to make money and advance your internet presence!

What Are You Waiting For? Signup NOW To Get Locked In At The Discounted Rate!

Here are the features slated for the next dev cycle:

  • Advanced Keyword Research - Our goal is to really take the keyword research portion to the next level so it will beat any keyword research tool on the market (exciting things for this in the pipe!)
  • YouTube Keyword Research
  • Enhanced Competitive Analysis (Will give you a percentage and tell you how difficult a term is so you don't have to do anything to figure it out yourself, and will provide more accurate backlink data)
  • Enhanced Rank Tracker with more features and charts/graphs
  • New Dashboard that'll have sexy graphs, charts, and more functionality

Get Locked In NOW At The Insane Discount Price of $19.97, normally $27.00!

Still not sure? Read some of the testimonials from our previous versions...



I begged David to raise the price when he let me under the hood on this. He didn't listen. I wish he would have. Your gain, my loss.

As for details, within 10 minutes of using it, I found a 12100 exact match term that's perfect for this offer I want to run, as well as a closely related 75k exact search term that will work with a little reverse marketing. I'd had google keyword tool and namecheap tabs open for two days, trying to find something with some volume but didn't see either of these terms. Manually double checking them in google keyword tool shows the same search data, they just never popped up during my searching, even though I put the same seed keyword into PositionSniper and GKT. Think about that for a minute.

David, it's not too late, raise the price!!!


I used this tool and much like Grindstone I found a few 7500-12000 monthly exact search available .net/.org domain's. You could basically say that the service will pay for itself (theoretically) within an hour.

..... It takes a normal 10-15 minute research iteration down to 10 seconds, wait 30 seconds, read 10 seconds, win.

Definitely worth using, I know I will be.


Soooo, David just made me money.

Can I just lie and say that this tool is a piece of shit?

FFS, raise the price!!!


This is tool is very simple to use and zeros in on the exact monthly search volume you want and contains it for you.

After using it for 10 mins I found 3 available exact match domains in the 10-15k range for a niche I am going to abuse that has low competition. I have already been working on this niche but it just pointed out some sweet domains I was missing.

I am always looking for way to speed things up and this just puts the goodies right in your face and it does it fast.

You can put in one broad kw set your monthly search volume, set to exact match and presto.

.... I give this a no bullshit 10/10


Signed up, this shit's amazing. I spent 2 hours researching keywords and domains this morning, in <2 mins, I've already got 3 domains that are each miles better than any of the ones I'd come up with.



Position Sniper is a must have tool no matter if you are a newbie or even an advanced marketer. It is a marketers dream whether you do organic, or Paid Traffic it will save you hours or even days of time for the data it gives you.

If you have ever wish you could find great domains like .orgs, .nets. or .coms with specific monthly exact search terms without having to spend huge amounts of time searching for them then this is your tool. And with the new upgrades and additional features it will be better then anything other keyword or niche research tool out there.

It's an all in one keyword and niche research tool that will give you all the data you need to make bucket loads of money. Customer support was also great and David was very responsive to all my questions. If you don't have this tool you will be missing out. Period.

Seriously WF get on this now before David decides to raise the price!

Soon it will have some sick upgrades. I am not going to go into much detail about the features but it is going to be better the Market Samaria, SpyFu, SEM Rush, and SEO BOOK combined. And should be helpful for guys who do Organic and Paid Traffic


I'll leave a better review when I'm at a computer, but this tool is AMAZING the developer clearly knows his shit.

I've been using this a few days now, and I seriously can't remember how I lived without it - 165k searches a month, EMD available, long tailed so VERY low competition.....yes please


I am a domain searching junkie. Just got the tool and found about 15 great domains I love you position sniper


This tool is so fucking stupidly good. In the past three days I've picked up the following:

40,000 exact match searches ($3+ CPC) with absolutely no competition (somebody in the top 3 has 1 link to their page and the whole site only has 10 links).

10,000 exact match searches ($20+ CPC) competition is also stupidly easy.

4,000 exact match searches ($5+ CPC) .com was available. Ended up picking up the .com, .org, .net and .info - hello SERP domination.

And a bunch of other great shit.

I pretty much just leave this running in the background and check it every 30 minutes or so, sure it's pretty slow but who fucking cares.

OP is making me rich.


Two words about this product...Holy shit.

What are you waiting for? Get locked in now at the discounted price before it goes up to the normal price! $19.97 limited-time, normally $27.00!

I've somehow never heard of this sick tool until today...

The interface is clean and simple. It isn't the prettiest tool(graphs are apparently on the way), but it's HIGHLY functional.

I'm mostly attracted to the ranking tracker which is stupidly easy to setup and monitor, though it would be nice to have a ranking history so you can track progress. Again, might be rolling out with the aforementioned graphs?

The keyword research and EMD finder are also likely to save me a shit ton of time, now that I don't have to manually search for exact match domains. Domains falsely show up as available from time to time, but I've yet to find a domain tool that is immune to this.

The competitive research tool grabs the top 10 results from google, and tells you how difficult it will be to rank based on their own algorithm. More importantly, it provides you with the number of incoming links. You aren't going to know everything there is to know about your competition from this particular feature, but is great for getting a quick look of what you're up against.

Overall, this is quite the bad ass tool, and the rank tracker alone is worthy of a subscription.
Position sniper keeps on getting better and better - trust me when I say you need to buy this tool and buy it now. Less than $20 a month for this tool is fucking ridiculous - get on it now before the price goes up.

As soon as some pretty graphs and historical data get added to position sniper I'll be dumping sescout and moving all my shit over to here.

Three thumbs up.

Youtube Keyword Research Tool is 100% DONE!
Google Keyword Research Tool is 100% DONE!
Charts/Graphs are 75% DONE!

These things are expected to be fully fleshed out within a week or so and then we'll plan to incorporate them into the live server within a week.

Get in now! You guys are going to love this mini-update, we're really beefing up the keyword portion so that it's not just for finding EMD's, it's for finding SEO keywords, youtube keywords, etc...

Thanks again for the great reviews, comments, and amazing support we get from our super loyal customers!

If you're not a member, you're missing out, seriously. I have people email or IM me all the time telling me how much money they're making DAILY for a small investment of 19 bucks a month!
This is a nice tool... so nice I've been paying for it even though I'm not currently using it! (too busy!)

Will be looking forward to trying the new features!
Nice collection of core tools any effective SEO'er would need.

I've found the keyword tool to be most useful with the advantage to see search demand and TLD availability of multiple related keywords. Using this feature along with the keyword competition module is also great to help you ultimately find high search volume keywords with EMD domains that are also low SE competition.

^-This formula alone can give even the biggest of newbs the potential to make $xx,xxx monthly with relatively little work.
Thank you everyone for the great testimonials, feedback, etc... it's YOU guys who make PositionSniper awesome.


We have charting implemented, it's just not on the live server yet, still on dev server. How do you guys want us to use the charts and graphs? Any feedback there would be greatly appreciated.
I'm a little confused.

If I check "dog training", lots of stuff comes up but NOT dog training itself!
Is this intended? I would have thought the seed keyword would be shown as well!
@Zandor - The list itself may not have returned "dog training" because it didn't fit inside of your criteria. Does that make sense? Generally the seed keyword is, only if it fits inside of your parameters. For instance, if you search "pink shoes" and you set minimum searches to 2,000 and maximum to 5,000 but "pink shoes" gets 8,000, it would not show in the list.
Hmm.. I just tried Dog Training broad match with no filters other than word length set to default.

The closest match I got was "dogs training".
There's still no dog training.

Can you give it a try?
The default. 0-999999. Min words: 0. Broad match.

I've used other keywords that have searches within both limits, and yet have them not appear, but all the variations do appear.

When I check "blue widgets", it is not listed with the searches. BUT it lists "blue widget" without the "s". Again, a variation.
@Zandor - It's because "dog training" falls outside of the parameters. It gets 1,000,000 searches globally and you have it set maximum to 999,999.

No idea why "blue widget" doesn't appear. The data comes directly from Google.

LOL, you got me there! Ok, those were poor examples.
Please see my PM for one of my kws.

18k broad match, same problem
We are in the process of adding a brand new section for doing real keyword research (not finding exact match domains). We could use any and all insights/help into how to make this the best possible keyword research tool around using data from Google.

Any thoughts? :)
FYI, I'm located in Australia and when I set the country to the USA I end up with local results sometimes. Aside from that minor issue the tool is great.
@owennw - Never had a problem like that before. Do you mean the search numbers are Australian numbers or USA numbers when you set it to USA? And thank you for the kind comments, we greatly appreciate it! :)
I'd just like to reiterate how great this tool is. 3 days ago for example, I did some searches, ending up with 25 .infos (other extensions were available, but I went for .info since they're cheapest.) which were all EMDs for terms with over 3000 searches a month (some over 10000/20000) with CPCs of over $1, and existing affiliate products were available with a payout of around $50 per trial/sale. Fucking awesome.
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