PositionSniper v3.0 - RANK/SERP Tracker, Comp Analysis, Keyword Research, EMD Finder!

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The engineering team found that a few of our API's broke! Well, not broke, but were not functioning properly and we should have this resolved today. They're working with the API providers to get this fixed.

Thank you for everyones patience and feedback during this process.


We are currently in the middle of transitioning over to the new API protocols that some of our API providers failed to mention to us before they killed the legacy protocols. During this time, you may experience DB errors or weird behavior.

We expect to have it all cleared up within a few hours.

Thank you for your patience!

Warmest regards,
I was out all weekend with my new girlfriend, sorry for the delay, I thought I posted last week that the problems were fixed, but apparently not.

All issues have been resolved including the problem where it would stall on 4 or 5 searches.

If you have anymore issues (you shouldnt), please PM me or email or post on the support forum.

Thank you,
I'm having the same issue. After a couple of searches, it locks up and after logging out the site just keeps timing out when trying to log back in.
@owenw - When was the last time you encountered this issue? I would suggest logging out, clearing your cache, and then logging back in and trying it. If this does not resolve your issue, please email: support@positionsniper.com and our support team will get you taken care of right away!
We applied our previous temporary fix for the stalling issue and just now I spoke to one of the engineers and we should have a permanent solution in place. If you still experience that issue or similar issues, please just email us at support@positionsniper.com and we'll get you handled. While it's negative to have issues, it's a positive sign of our continued growth and we have plenty of new and exciting on the horizon!
Signed up a couple days ago and I must say this tool is great. Found some great EMD's and the best part is how much time you save.
come on guy keep getting the same problems comming back after they get fixed. I Had the problem of getting stuck after a few searches way too many times. Then got fixed not sure really cause I only stopped searching about a dozen times that time did not need to use after that so stopped. Came back later few days later got the same problem and never got the refund was told that I would get for that month cause only was able to use a few dozen times the last month. This month used it only a few dozen times and now open it up and told I reached my monthly limit I was getting this a few months ago and I did log out and log in and nothing. Way too many problems with this since I signed up months ago only been able to use this less than 100 or 200 times in over 4 or 5 months. Also what about the 50 search result limit still waiting for news if you will increase at least to 100 returns per search.
@alc - We apologize for the problems you've been experiencing. The truth is that PositionSniper is online and operational 99% of the time. Unfortunately, you've been the lucky one to hit it during times of problems or errors. I am not going to lie, we are a web-based software company and from time to time, we have issues. Even Facebook and YouTube go down at times.

For this, we apologize. We are not trying to minimize the issues or your frustration with them.

If you want a refund, all you have to do is submit the request to support@positionsniper.com --- just include your username, password, and email and we'll get it processed right away.

I've talked about the 50 results limit and said that at this time we cannot increase that from 50 to 100. It would literally double the resource demands and it's just the way it is. If you want better results with that tool, you'll need to use the filters more and that can help you get much better results. I am more than happy to jump on Skype and answer any questions you may have or help you get the full potential!

Again, we are deeply sorry about the problems. But, that being said, it's to be expected. Our team is working a lot of hours to make sure things are working properly and that we can provide the best uptime we can.

If you have any further requests, please email support@positionsniper.com and we'll get you taken care of right away.

Warmest regards,
I freakin love this tool. I signed up when it first launched and then kind of forgot about it and just a week ago or so started playing around with it again.

It's a GOLD MINE for finding EMDs. If you can't find at least a few in your first 15 min of using this you're doing it wrong.

Yeah sometimes it times out for me too for whatever reason, just log out and log back in...doesn't really bother me because the tool is so awesome it makes me feel like a kid in a candy store.
Exciting things!

We have upgraded a bad domain lookup API and that should help speed up performance again.

We have also applied some apache fixed/tweaks, and have rewritten some of the optimization tables to increase performance! It should scream now.

We are looking at a new possible integration for doing domain lookups, if this deal goes through (it's expensive and still pending) it should cut current lookups in half! That would be sweet, at least we think so :)

Thanks for all the business. We're growing at a rapid pace and we're exciting where things are headed!

I noticed it was much faster today, this tool is soo dope it should be illegal. Just registered another 7 EMDs today with 1500+ searches / month =)
We're working on huge updates to the competition analysis portion. Once we launch the new upgrades it'll work in a way where you simply enter a keyword you want to rank for and it'll compute all the data and spit out a number and tell you how hard it is to rank for and what you need to do.

Any interest in something like that?
It would be a lot of metrics but it would include running the top 10 SERPs for a keyword thru a series of metrics and algorithms to determine a "score". We've been working on it for a few months and so far it's 95% accurate, there is always that 5% that seems to defy whatever logic we come up with.

Basically, you take the top 10 serp's and then factor in if keyword is in title, meta description, then grab the # of backlinks to each of the top 10 and run that thru a basic correlation script if the # of backlinks is pretty consistent across the board, then you run the 10 thru comparing DomainAuthority against MozRank and create an average and then benchmark the average against what you'd need to get a page 1 listing. I'd say 15% margin of error +/- to start.

In all the tests we've done so far, it's been 90 to 95% accurate.

We want to start beefing up the other sections of PositionSniper to compete with other options out there but want to do it right, out of the gate.

Our rank tracker is getting revamped too! :)
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