@alc - We apologize for the problems you've been experiencing. The truth is that PositionSniper is online and operational 99% of the time. Unfortunately, you've been the lucky one to hit it during times of problems or errors. I am not going to lie, we are a web-based software company and from time to time, we have issues. Even Facebook and YouTube go down at times.
For this, we apologize. We are not trying to minimize the issues or your frustration with them.
If you want a refund, all you have to do is submit the request to support@positionsniper.com --- just include your username, password, and email and we'll get it processed right away.
I've talked about the 50 results limit and said that at this time we cannot increase that from 50 to 100. It would literally double the resource demands and it's just the way it is. If you want better results with that tool, you'll need to use the filters more and that can help you get much better results. I am more than happy to jump on Skype and answer any questions you may have or help you get the full potential!
Again, we are deeply sorry about the problems. But, that being said, it's to be expected. Our team is working a lot of hours to make sure things are working properly and that we can provide the best uptime we can.
If you have any further requests, please email support@positionsniper.com and we'll get you taken care of right away.
Warmest regards,