PositionSniper v3.0 - RANK/SERP Tracker, Comp Analysis, Keyword Research, EMD Finder!

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We have finished our new Keyword Tool. This will generate a list of 500 keywords w/ CPC data in under 10 seconds. You simply enter a seed keyword and set your filters and VIOLA. The best recursive keyword research tool out there. Try it and see. Oh yes, you can export the data too to CSV :)

Because we love you!
@Scheme - PM sent two days to you offering help. I think you managed to get in, but if not, do not be afraid to hit me up! We try not to have problems with signups, hurts sales =)

Everyone else, seriously, get in NOW. The new Keyword Tool is amazing.
The ranking tool shows that all my keywords are ranked 500 in google and bing, which is wrong.
I also posted something on the support forum concerning garbled characters.
Could you please have a look ?
@Gojippo - I have responded to your forum support request, I need your username and email you signed up with. Just PM it to me so I can take a peek at the issue and get it resolved for you right away!

Sorry about the problem, we've had virtually no problems for awhile so it was about time something happened :)

Sorry again for the inconvenience.

We have YouTube Keyword Research just about ready. Anyone interested in us releasing this right away or wait until the next medium to large sized update?
is there a limit to how many keyword searches you can do per month?

Shows 500 on my account.

So after one day of using this already found a couple of nice domains (after taking the OP's advice on how to get better results).

Rebuilding some penalized sites and this is going to be very handy for creating some sub niche domains based off my existing data.

Also found one emd 12k exact that has a perfectly matched offer that pays out $100 that I never would have even come across with my usual methods.
@AdHustler - 500 searches with the Domain Tool, 250 searches with the Keyword Tool. These may change in the future. We're always analyzing usage on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis and then optimizing based on that data to keep prices low and yet provide the most optimal # of searches.

@medway - Glad you like it, all your PM's are answered, glad you're finding great keywords and domains!
In a way I'm glad it's limited to 500 otherwise I might not ever get work done and just hunt for domains.

Just found another really good one last nite, 12k exact/50k phrase $10cpc (with related longtails going up to $20) on term I deffinitely didnt expect to find available in one of the biggest niches out there.
Medway are you finding these that exactly match the search term or are you adding another word or letters (like [keywordphrase]now.com or similar?
Yea the ones I picked up did. Usually I dont do hyphens but in these niches you're just not going to find these domains without and if you did they'd probably be going for 4-5 figures. And even getting the hypen ones can be tough.

For instance there is an auction on Godaddy right now for a non hyphen 4 word phrase at $5000. One of the domains I got is the 3 word one (more of the root phrase without an 'extra' word at the end). I'm sure the 3 word non hypen one would go for even mid 5 figures.

Another one I picked up if you look on godaddy similar non hyphen ones are going for $5000 as well.

And a 3rd one I got there is a 3 word phrase version going for $6000 right now but the one I got is 2.

Of course those prices can be somewhat arbitrary and inflated but just saying...

Although they dont quite have the same EMD bonus theyre still a very nice find and I've seen them rank highly if not #1 for some tough phrases.

And due to the phrases themselves the dashes don't look spammy at all, if anything it helps make them a bit more readable.

That being said I did find some high volume non hyphens but in niches with lower cpc and commerical nature.
whats up with this after about 4 or 5 searches it keeps locking up and just going round and round to the point I have to quit and start over but does not even log me back in?
I tried to clean up cookies then start again gave me about 1 or 2 more searches and back to the same game what this BS about. I understand setting up a minimum of about 500 searches a month but I only use this a bit at a time and have about 480 search left on the last day of the month and getting this BS. Plus another complaint I talked since the start about getting more than just 50 returns and was told that more would be added but months later and still limited to 50 returns at a time.

So am I going to get a credit for not being able to use my left over searches I have about 480 left and its not letting me search more than a few times day?
@alc - The engineering team is looking into your situation. In all of our tests we're not experiencing these issues so we're trying to recreate the problem. I have sent you a PM and email!

Thank you!

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