You Bitched, We Listened. Sorta.

Make it a payment to cover to cost of looking at the application. That way both parties are aware of what it is and nobody will get hurt if it doesn't gets approved.

Plus there will be less spam than if there is payment after approval.

that defeats the purpose. Paying before approval could end up causing grief on the paypal end. If you want some sort of qualifier before being allowed to be reviewed, do something like you need 100 posts to even step foot into BST as a seller.

$20/$30 is low it won't prevent lowsy service providers from posting.

$100/$200 + the price of 1 unit of the product. If providers can't afford it, maybe their service isn't worth shit.

Good service providers sell = have sales volume = profit = don't give a fuck about paying $100/$200.

This is 4,000 / 8,000 words of content at high-end market rates, which would take many providers a few hours of work, perhaps even a day or two depending on the amount of research required.

$100 per thread is very steep, especially when many of us have a high level of trust already existing here.
$100 per thread is very steep, especially when many of us have a high level of trust already existing here.

Not really, it's just $100. If they have a god service you can make that back in a day easy. If they can't afford $100 then they're doing something wrong and shouldn't be posting their shit service in there to begin with.
Not really, it's just $100. If they have a god service you can make that back in a day easy. If they can't afford $100 then they're doing something wrong and shouldn't be posting their shit service in there to begin with.

I disagree entirely. There are many highly rated content providers that offer rates like $1/100 words. I'd like to see you bust out 10,000 words of content that meets the research / copyscape / editing / grammar guidelines that many of the buyers on this forum expect in "a day, easy".

The same can be said for other services like bookmarking or blog commenting. Many of the service-buying members here expect services like this to be very cheap thanks to the huge boost in service providers from countries like India. Why make someone do 10, 20 or even more orders basically for free just to get their thread posted? That's a little absurd.

$40 or $50 per thread is just fine. If the provider sucks, they are going to suffer negative reviews in the thread that they paid for, and their thread will sink. It's enough of a cost hurdle that these fly-by-night providers will think twice about posting, and prohibitive enough to prevent multiple thread spam with the same provider selling the same service through multiple accounts.
One question that I do have though, I am not too sure how it will work if we already have existing threads? Can I just pay the fee and keep my already existing thread opened

pay for our existing threads to remain

But what happens to existing threads?


Jon deserves to make money and I don't mind paying whatever he decides to charge but I obviously want to keep my thread (I'm sure Red Virus and the other established service providers will agree).
I disagree entirely. There are many highly rated content providers that offer rates like $1/100 words. I'd like to see you bust out 10,000 words of content that meets the research / copyscape / editing / grammar guidelines that many of the buyers on this forum expect in "a day, easy".

The same can be said for other services like bookmarking or blog commenting. Many of the service-buying members here expect services like this to be very cheap thanks to the huge boost in service providers from countries like India. Why make someone do 10, 20 or even more orders basically for free just to get their thread posted? That's a little absurd.

$40 or $50 per thread is just fine. If the provider sucks, they are going to suffer negative reviews in the thread that they paid for, and their thread will sink. It's enough of a cost hurdle that these fly-by-night providers will think twice about posting, and prohibitive enough to prevent multiple thread spam with the same provider selling the same service through multiple accounts.

So raise prices? I don't know. All I know is I am sick of looking at shit all over the place in there. I hardly ever use BST anymore because it is an endless sea of dog shit and I don't a few bucks is enough to curb the flow of trash. Anyway, they just set the price to $36 to start a new thread, you can check it as it is now live. Will be interesting to see if $36 is enough to make a difference.
+1 for 50-100$

And please enable editing of the first post in the BST.

Maybe allow a link in the sig for BST threads only?


Charge people to have links in there sigs and they can only point into the site and not out ward. I found that to be best for traffic retention.

So where do we go to pay as some of our threads have already been closed with no explanation?

Charge people to have links in there sigs and they can only point into the site and not out ward. I found that to be best for traffic retention.

So where do we go to pay as some of our threads have already been closed with no explanation?

^^ this. Some of mine has been closed as well.
charge these motherfuckers for those jumbo neon signatures too
According to zingo's thread:

UPDATE: All threads have been closed.

You must create a new thread and the fee will be applied.

Admins have informed me that new threads will be LIVE for 10 days, then will close, and another thread will need to be created after it closes and you will have to reference your old thread for any past activity.

Bad idea IMO.


Because the thread itself is always an important indicator (not the only indicator but the most important one by far) which buyers can take into consideration before making a decision.

It basically represents the seller's business card.

"But... but... but what about teh iTraderz?"

Manipulating those is a piece of cake.

Does anyone think that this 3 threads/month/service approach won't confuse buyers?

My recommendation:

Find a way to close threads automatically after 10 days or disable posts. If the service provider wants to reactivate the thread, he/she has to pay $36. Rinse and repeat.

Sellers get to keep their threads (and this will also help buyers make informed decisions - does anyone honestly think that forcing sellers to constantly start new threads won't confuse buyers?), the admins make $36/10 days and everyone's happy.
The fees are fine but having to make a new thread every 10 days is the biggest problem right now. Hope something can be done about this in the coming days.
So... essentially I have to maintain a single client simply dedicated to paying for WF thread posting fees, and then post the same thread up every ten days? This is pretty ridiculous. I mean I'm down for paying for the posting privilege and all, but $108 per month for three threads that will have no time at all to build any momentum or feedback is pretty silly.
The fees are fine but having to make a new thread every 10 days is the biggest problem right now. Hope something can be done about this in the coming days.

Where is there any truth that we have to make new BST's every 10 days?

That is just silly IMO.

Just charge a monthly fee and if ppl don't pay, they don't play.

Its just going to be a huge fucking headache for the staff that is for sure. PM's are going to quadruple what they are now.

Plus they are going to have to hire more people to take care of this non sense everyday.

My Vote:

1 time fee $36 and the thread goes live.
How about the complex services like need 3 days to deliver. when op handout the review copy and waiting for review to come-in, it will be 4 days since their thread started.

Total the chances for OP to sell the services will become 6 days effectively. (some more if review didn't come within time expected, it will be less than 6 days). And will cost another New thread fee.

So because of that, I rather choose the bumping fee.
I'm actually surprised this did not happen earlier...that other WF place has been doing it for years.

I probably will not increase the quality of offers much, but will at least slow down the thread building...