You Are All Doomed - The Secrets To Making Money Online

I had an epiphany today.

Jon is a Zen Master, sharing his haikus.

Like any haiku you read it and you instinctively know the truth has been spoken, yet you are unable to verbalize it.

And that my friends is how Jon shares information with the rest of the world.
What I find intredasting is that Jon is still doing arbitrage (in one of his companies)


I had an epiphany today.

Jon is a Zen Master, sharing his haikus.

Like any haiku you read it and you instinctively know the truth has been spoken, yet you are unable to verbalize it.

And that my friends is how Jon shares information with the rest of the world.

Zen masters share koans not haikus, haikus are for little girls
"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change." -Charles Darwin

yall betta chill yo

[ame=]50's My Favorite by 50 Cent (Street King Energy Drink Track #11) | 50 Cent Music - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]50 Cent on Cocaine City Talking Greasy - YouTube[/ame]