You Are All Doomed - The Secrets To Making Money Online

God with all this deep shit, AMAs and threads that don't actually say anything concrete I'm worried Jon's account was taken over by CCarter.

Seriously though. All you need to do to prove Jon a liar is too simply show up and work.
Back in 2008, everything I touched was profitable. Now, it's tough for me to find anything that makes money. My passive income is drying up and I'm thinking about getting a job...
Isn't the real challenge in affiliate marketing to be able to make money at it without losing your soul?
You could always do this

[ame=]Don Lapre Sells Tiny Classified Ads - YouTube[/ame]
offered it for free

This was your mistake.

People generally don't appreciate anything that is given to them for free. They value things that they either have to work for or pay for. There is also a general correlation between the amount of effort (time, money, work, etc.) given to obtain something and how much it is appreciated.


Dirt farmer in 3rd world hell hole works for a year and saves enough money to buy a cow. Meanwhile, a trust fund kid in NYC is given a Bugatti by daddy. I would wager the dirt farmer will appreciate his cow much more than the trust fund kid will appreciate his car.