You Are All Doomed - The Secrets To Making Money Online


Staff member
Jun 21, 2006
New York City
Crazy fuckin title eh? (Classic Jon swearing on the second word of this post too. Winx2!)

But its true. You may not see it now, but its already happening.

Many of you are finding it tougher to make a buck by comparison to the old days. Even if you weren't around during the real boom years of the adult and gaming days in the 90's, many of you have been around for those more recent industry bubble niche years of mobile campaigns, Acai/diet, when farticles and flogs ran freely, when the FTC still thought a cookie was something you could eat, and best of all, those days of super cheap traffic from Facebook and Myspace (when media buy meant something completely different).

Remember those fine and fun days of money practically growing on trees for so many of you? Waking up meant being profitable, guaranteed. Losses? Fuck that shit... only peasants from Warrior Forum and anyone on the old AbestWeb side of the industry couldn't figure out how the fuck we made so much cash, so quickly, with such ease.

See, the reason we were all able to make so much money is because our industry went through a paradigm shift. The vast majority of industry participants, specifically on the network and affiliate sides, all subconsciously made a decision without realizing they were going down a road that would ultimately, lead to their demise.

Do you know what that decision was?

Some of you will guess GREED.. You are wrong.
Some of you will guess MONEY... You are wrong.
Others will say UHH I DUNNO?.. You are wrong too.

The answer is = You've decided it was easier to just copy and paste, than be creative and unique. Almost no more forward thinking exists. That was the absolute difference in approach by comparison to any other time in our industry.

There are literally, less than TEN others in the industry that I can name whom are not only forward thinkers, currently, but are actually putting it into practice to their advantage. Everyone else is at our mercy. We all share common agendas and goals, some more aggressive or ambitious than others, but what's really interesting is that all of us are not competing with one another at all. We all focus on very specific areas of expertise and dominate in those, absolutely. It will certainly be interesting to see what happens when we begin to overlap and compete with one another, but that's not going to happen for quite some time, because there really is loads of opportunity for us during your troubling times.

Another major change many of you made was to be far more aggressive and "thinking for the NOW" instead of long term. Personally, I'm really glad you guys went this route, because you've truly fucked yourselves hard.

You see, this shift has caused many of you to now look around in a rabid sense and instead of seeing a vast sea of opportunity, instead, you are all a bunch of co-dependent copy and pasters looking for profits in a simple, easy, quick and right fucking now form. Far more of you purchase stupid shit that you don't need or cannot actually help improve your profits.

For example, my arbitrage firm makes use of creative strategies with profit margins that start at 2.5:1 on our money. We don't sit around trying to break down every fucking click and action on our campaigns the way most of you do. We also don't even bother measuring things like ecpm/ecpc. That may seem like crazy talk, but its simple, sweet, and it works so damn well. We're able to see risk far longer ahead of the curve than anyone else, it almost feels like we have Nostradamus on our side. I didn't make this example to brag, so the point is, many times we have a list of arbitrage plays (think a simple report laying out this one is good, here's what it produces, here's the cost avg vs profit, here's the traffic sources we're cornering, here's the capital required on budget terms, etc). Then what I've began to see more of are arbitrage plays we DO NOT go into... Not because its a bad one, but because the profit margin is too low. Like I said, if its lower than 2.5:1 (profit:spend) ratio, we consider that "not worthy". We keep them on the side for a rainy day, or to take a shot at again next quarter to see if anything has changed. Most of the undesirables are niches that many of you used to bank on so hard over and over again. Its pretty astounding to me that you guys gave up on them for the next big thing hunt. Mind you, this is just in soft-launch test mode. The firm goes into launch mode next month after one full year of testing hundreds of uniquely crafted strategies to figure out which markets, from which traffic sources we could corner, in which niches, on which campaigns. That data alone is worth A LOTTTTT... Even the data on the plays and niches we DON'T END UP USING!! I sometimes sit there wondering where all of these hungry affs are anymore? (I mean, I'm sure glad they aren't there, but its a bit strange to uncover all of these niches and see no one there anymore..).

Of course, there is a side to me that is quite curious and from a social engineering perspective, I put a few of them into a report, and first offered it for free here in the form of "up and coming niches". Very broad and general. The response via PM that I got was interesting. Many of you jumped at it. After seeing what was inside, to those I sent it to, only TWO of you actually saw the value in it, the others, total fucking waste of time. The others had no fucking clue what to do with it. They didn't even try... They automatically, and quite quickly shrugged it off as "oh.. I thought you were going to give me the holy fucking grail of how to make money in exchange for NOTHING but feedback...well, damn you Jon.. you fucking Jew scamming fuck!!" -- That's what it felt like. Typical freeloader response. The two of the group that actually and allegedly made use of it, and realized the value, one of them claimed to do something with it (haven't confirmed what he ended up doing with it though, but he said he would..), and the other actually went full force and took advantage of it right away. Granted, because only one guy actually followed through, even though he didn't have much of a budget, I decided to be a really nice guy and give him $2k to help pad his pathetic budget of $200. It certainly feels good to help someone like that out, but I really like doing something like it, because I feel as if its deserved. We have so few grinders and hungry workers left in this industry of pre-Madonna lazy sacks of shit that don't contribute a thing except for drama, bullshit, and higher costs of doing business, that when someone does the minimum by comparison to the old days, the reward is necessary. (Don't fucking PM me asking me for cash or help, that's not what I was getting at here..)

The point of this post was not to make you feel bad, nor to brag, nor to sell anything either (although I will end up doing that, but in a different thread/section) -- Look ma! Your boy used full disclosure!). The real point was to let you guys know that if you keep this shit up, this shitty attitude and approach, way of thinking, and assumption that you are special and deserve the answers to all the questions and automatic high grade, you will ultimately realize (when its way too late of course), that you have just squandered an industry which could have set you up with cash for life. Instant-wealth. There is no other industry like ours, and I'm beyond the OG stage, but even I know, at some point what goes up, must come down. I don't plan on riding this industry to the ground, but I do intend on pushing as many of you out as I possibly can, all the while profiting like a fucking banshee. But that's because I've got the upper-hand in so many aspects, that its not even a fair competition, its just one win after another for me. And the two things I love most are winning and making big profits..

Say and do what you will.. but you guys are toast!

tl;dr = all your money are belong to me

It's hard to build a business by stealing it. Not impossible, but it's hard to do it.

The skills one can acquire from the whole AM/IM space can carry over to a hundred different career paths or companies. That's where the good money and stability lies, not in copy & paste models (As you said).

Everyone needs to look at the fact they're building a business and a company. If you base that on only stealing ad writes from other IMers, you're eventually going to run out of the ability to do it. It might be months, or years, however if at that time you can't find a new business to deal with, you're gonna be screwed.
Chedda approves!

That post is so full of sincere truth. It should be made a sticky out here.

The thing is - the industry, like any other major "legal" profit bearing enterprise, is a business oriented industry. Agreed that it gives an individual, the freedom to work in his pajamas, or his boxers or even naked - it demands a lot of attention, learning and creativity. This is where a lot of them fall back.

People have stopped thinking of this as a serious business and equate it to online surfing. They do this sub-consciously, but they do this all the time.

Before anything else, they have to realize that this is no less than an actual business. Something that has the ability to pay those utility bills while at the same time has the ease and the possibility to put down that payment for the new house too.

This industry is scalable like no other. You can invest in a manufacturing unit and wait for a few years while it pays for itself and then with whatever you profits you save, you can think of expansion. However, this industry allows you to scale from the very moment a campaign turns profitable. I have been a huge proponent of scalability as well, but sadly again very few realize this.

People try to replicate success in every other industry, not just ours. But like every other industry, we have our own set of trade secrets too.

It should be realized that the very birth of this industry was an innovation in itself. People were selling things long before Google or any other PPC came on. If anything else, it only made it easier for a lot of us to do things. We can launch a profitable email campaign, deploy a new project, test, retest, purge projects, deploy newer projects - all from behind one computer screen.

However, as new people discover the internet everyday, the competition is only going to rise. The norms are only going to grow stricter. The barrier to entry will rise every single day. And at the end of the day, methods will turn "obsolete".


One hell of a post,John. Like you said, the real problem is with people that got so used to the copy and bank system that most of them cannot bring themselves to unlearn it.

Death to freeloaders.
Really nice post, I think I missed out on the total glory days but there is still money on the table its just about adopting. Google are the 500lbs gorilla in the room and they are calling a lot of the shots but nothing about them is as good as everyone would have you think. Clickjacking works, cloaking works and PPC quality scores can be faked. While ever these things go on still I will find it fun taking on G (because I am winning!) and thats where the cash flows from
Agreed that it gives an individual, the freedom to work in his pajamas, or his boxers or even naked - it demands a lot of attention, learning and creativity. This is where a lot of them fall back.

I work in my boxers because I wake up, start thinking about work, and can't fucking wait to get started. Actually, I could wait... but I'll just sit there in bed thinking about doing things instead of doing them. It's 5am, I'm not going back to sleep... go find a fucking computer and a coffee.

People have stopped thinking of this as a serious business and equate it to online surfing. They do this sub-consciously, but they do this all the time.

I agree, to a large extent. However, "surfing" is responsible for 99% of the money I've ever made. Surfing products, angles, reading message boards, ad copy, etc. All of the info is out there. You have to put pieces together and not listen to dummies.

I'll admit that I slack. When shit's going well, I take some time to enjoy it. I work so I don't have to work.

Backward Bending Supply Curve   | Economics Help
I am guilty of not being innovative, too. Thanks for the reminder. Just need to give some new things a try and have to overcome that "fear" of wasting time with new projects.
Really nice post, I think I missed out on the total glory days but there is still money on the table its just about adopting. Google are the 500lbs gorilla in the room and they are calling a lot of the shots but nothing about them is as good as everyone would have you think. Clickjacking works, cloaking works and PPC quality scores can be faked. While ever these things go on still I will find it fun taking on G (because I am winning!) and thats where the cash flows from

Google is not the 500 lbs Gorilla in this room.. if anything, they couldn't figure it out. They just quit the aff game because it wasn't as easy as they thought.. So if Google couldn't handle it, what makes you think you're good enough to survive and thrive?

Let me make it simple for you. Send me all of your money, and find a new industry, or perhaps, my Mick friend, you'd have a better chance at striking it rich by finding a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow... Maybe there's an app for that?