Wiredniko's Journal - Adventures of the Newbie

I am jealous of your ctr numbers!...I gotta get into ppc.

Congratulations man, glad to see things starting after following this thread since the beginning. Can't wait to see where it goes from here.

My cat chewed my speaker cable....so I used my headphones yesterday and he bit those off as well...its like by random coincidence he has gotten a hold of both of them. Listening to music on one speaker sucks balls.

A man got to do what a man got to do.

My BizOp I am letting it marinate for today, see what happens tomorrow. I think I need better Ad Copies for more traffic, my ROI is sky high but not getting enough clicks. My max CPC is now $3, and I am still not getting as much as I want.

Signed up on PoF Ads. Read their advertising tips and advertising guidelines. Their guidelines look like they where copy pasted from Facebook...anyway obviously there are some differences.

Favorite guideline, Rule 13 yo...
13) Ads must not contain excessive cleavage.

Working on Ad Copies right now, I want to think of four then go with the best two. Title 32 characters, description 128 characters, 110x80 image size.

I am really distracted today, been an hour and half and I have not done anything.
Here we go again.

Back in the grind...still no music, just using my Zune which is alright. Its amazing how much I need music in my life.

"with patience you can master anything"

Killed my Biz Op, unfortunately my 400+% ROI was totally random, after that day it tanked to $0 again. Meh whatever I tried to make money with two of the hardest affiliate marketing niches, acai and biz ops.

Time to concentrate on dating offers. PoF first.

Working on my ad copies. Doing some PoF ad scouting. Created the same kind of profile I want to target.

I have this idea....for a humongous project. I need to have it in mind but not let it side track me from my affiliate marketing stuff....

I have money in the brain.

Anyway, thinking of 8 ads. Coming up with 4 for men, 4 for women...then deciding on my favorite 2 to split test.

4 ad copies for men and 4 ad copies for women have been completed. I need some images for women, I have enough for men. I also need to figure out which ads I like the best.
Here we go again.

Back in the grind...still no music, just using my Zune which is alright. Its amazing how much I need music in my life.

"with patience you can master anything"

Killed my Biz Op, unfortunately my 400+% ROI was totally random, after that day it tanked to $0 again. Meh whatever I tried to make money with two of the hardest affiliate marketing niches, acai and biz ops.

Time to concentrate on dating offers. PoF first.

Working on my ad copies. Doing some PoF ad scouting. Created the same kind of profile I want to target.

I have this idea....for a humongous project. I need to have it in mind but not let it side track me from my affiliate marketing stuff....

I have money in the brain.

Anyway, thinking of 8 ads. Coming up with 4 for men, 4 for women...then deciding on my favorite 2 to split test.

4 ad copies for men and 4 ad copies for women have been completed. I need some images for women, I have enough for men. I also need to figure out which ads I like the best.

Yea I assumed it was random.

Seriously why don't you just try tiny niches with cheaper clicks... your more likely to have some return that way.
Narrowed down my ad copies to 2 for men and 2 for women. However I need to add more calls to action..

Scouring the internet for males...to attract females. Found a mother load.

Resizing all the pics...this will take a while. It ended up not taking too long. Some pictures looked like crap so I deleted them. Overall when looking for facebook or PoF pictures you want them more wide than tall, since that is what you will be scaling them down to. Last thing you want is to make skinny people look fat because you are widening the image.

Alright now that my pics are all set I am modifying my ad copies slightly to make them more urgent...adding things like "now", "today", "tonight"..."click"..."join". All done.

Adding all my ads on PoF.

Ads added. I was hoping I could have multiple pictures for the same ad at the same time....but there is no way to do that except make multiple ads, but I am only testing with $25 for men and $25 for women so I do not want to test with only $5 per ad, just to test the pictures. I guess I have two ads right now, I will see how they work out and scale what is needed.

Well now its a matter of getting approved. Which means I have time to work on my mega project which I do not want to say a lot about because from my research yesterday my idea has not been implemented anywhere on the net....of course it will take at least a month to have all setup. It will be SEO based traffic wise...and then people that join will be creating content for me. :D

If it works of course.

I have already been working on the design, multiple pages will be needed. I will also need a database or four. I am going to go with PHP, mySQL, since its free and I am the most familiar with.

I do not want to spend all my day designing since it will change as I work on it...at the same time I do not want to lazy design the site and end up paying for it later....decisions, decisions.

Reading on database optimization strategies. Trying to figure out if I want a lot of small DBs or a few big ones.

I uncovered something I had saved a while ago Best Practices for Speeding Up Your Web Site

I need to avoid feeling swamped for my mega project. There are things I do not know that I need to figure out but I need to make sure I avoid stalling on things.

PoF are still not approved, I know I am being impatient.

Reading up on CSS again, trying to eliminate all my CSS knowledge gaps.

PoF is up and running. I was dumb, the money limits are set by campaign not ad...duh. So I added two more ad copies. One of my copies was denied because I used first person on my ad. I read about it but totally forgot.

For tracking I am using Bevo Media, I want to see how it works out and how accurate it is.

Did some competitive spying on my mega project...well kinda since no one is doing what I want to do I am just looking at some websites that are semi close..

My dating offer is already converting...good targeting I guess. However I learned this from my biz op, do not get too excited about ROI until you have a few days worth. It can always be a fluke.

What the fuck...all my opt ins disappeared from the report....If I am getting screwed out of my sales I am going to be annoyed....
I love affiliate marketing.

The more I do it the more I understand its nature. You see affiliate marketing is like a hot chick you meet in the bar.

Think you are the man, you walk up to her...you got the looks, you got the money...you got the smarts.

And you get shut the fuck down!

Brute force method did not work. You can quit and go home jacking it off or you can bounce back.

Regroup and try again


You sweet talk to her....try being aggressive, passive, smart, creative.

Your super clever remark...yeah that failed to.

Your joke, fell flat on its face.

Go home or keep or trying?

That's what separates the boys from men.

But you see that's not enough. If you keep doing the same thing you will never get laid. You have to study your mistakes, figure out the little things that worked. The things that did not.

Affiliate marketing is about evolving as a person, an identity.

I have learned more about who I am, and what it takes to make money from Affiliate Marketing than I have the last 10 years working 9-5.

That's a fact.

Every campaign I run I do a little bit better....from $0 sales...to sales spikes...to sales everyday but in low volume.....I am getting there.

This is about win or die. I ain't fucking around.


Alright, so one of the EWA guidelines is do not talk about payouts and offers enabled. Granted I have not talked specifics offer wise, but if I start putting out my stats my payouts will be obvious. So instead I will avoid the actual $$ amounts and just talk in number of sales. This will apply forever. They are an awesome network AND awesome people so I am not going to mess that up.

So, yesterday I had my campaigns running. My CPM was way too low for my targets. I only spend like $1.50 for traffic and got 6 clicks...but I had conversions.

CPM: $0.10
Impressions Male targets: 9212
Total spent: $0.92
CTR: 0.065%
Estimated CPC: $0.15
Hits to offer: 6
Approved: 2
Approved %: 33.33%

CPM: $0.10
Impressions Female targets: 6191
Total spent: $0.62
CTR: 0%
Hits to offer: 0

End result: Profit

Alright so my male target copy needs some improvement. Unfortunately only one of my two copies got approved so I was not really split testing. Same thing about the female target ad...I need a lot of work on that, granted 6191 impressions is not a lot but not even one click!

Today I activated my 2nd ad copy. I am also keeping a close eye on the age groups of people clicking on my ads. I might end up limiting stuff by age if a subgroup of my targets convert better. Right now it looks like 30+ are my better converting people....but again my hits are too low.

I also raised my CPM to $0.20. I might have raised it by too much but I wanted to hit $50/day on ads. $25 for males and another $25 for females.

On Wednesday I will be looking at my ad copy numbers and deciding what I am keeping and what I am dropping. I already know that today I got clicks from my female targets and my male CTR also went up...but the day is not done yet.

Based on how stats are generated I feel like its better to look yesterday's stats, not todays since most reports are off by an hour, which in low numbers like I am running can change percentages pretty easily.

Another 12 hour day comes to an end. I wish I spent more time on my mega site idea....the idea that scares...which means I need to try it.
You know you enjoy working when its time to go to sleep but you want to keep going.

Read up a bit more about how to deal with sessions and PHP.
I am starting to work on my AM stuff during lunch breaks at work, that's one more hour I can work, granted I am limited in what I can do, so I am going to use it for designing and thinking about stuff.

Some of my thoughts today:

Since I am direct linking from PoF to dating, the way the user progresses is Ad => LP => Offer where the LP => Offer is on the same domain and handled by the site.

Which means if I want to improve my ROI there are two things I need to focus on.

Ad CTR and Offer CTR. Obviously better Ad CTR means lower CPC. Better offer CTR means more conversions which helps with my EPC and my ROI.

ROI is not just based on how many conversions I get, but it also gets affected by my actual CPC. In all reality a high CPC can mess up even the best offers...which is kind of what fucked me with it came to Acai and BizOps.

This is probably way too obvious for 90% of WF members but I just wanted to post my thoughts.

So how can I drive up my Ad CTR?
  • Better call to action
  • Attention grabbing image
  • Better targeting
  • Offer what people need

How can I drive up my Offer CTR? Well normally if you use an LP you have more options but since this is a direct link, it all comes back down to my ad copy.
  • Manage expectations with ad copy
  • Better targetting
Took Tuesday off...well I worked 9 hours but not on AM stuff.

Right now I am on hour 10. Talked to my best friend that lives in Germany, I really miss him as gay as it sounds, he is a rare kind of person. One more reason to make money, be able to travel and see him...and my family, haven't seen them since 2005.

Enough with the personal stuff. Lets do this. First of all, read this blog: Diorex this guy is pimp. Do not read it to find the secrets, hell the real gold is from 2006/2007 posts, but read about the mindset. The approach.

So yesterday:
CPM: $0.20
Impressions Male targets: 119,889
Total spent: $23.98
CTR: 0.043%
Estimated CPC: $0.46
Hits to offer: 52

CPM: $0.20
Impressions Female targets: 92,878
Total spent: $18.58
CTR: 0.032%
Estimated CPC: $0.46
Hits to offer: 30

Total Clicks: 72
Conversions: 10
Approved: 9.86%

End result: Loss


Well I went from a pretty good ROI to not a so good ROI. So my CPM to $0.20 was a mistake. I got more hits but I stopped making money.

The thing is I was busy yesterday with meeting with my friends I did not really think about my CPM, instead I limited my age group a bit based on who was clicking my links.

And yeah I still suck at girl ads.

Time to check out my two ad copies and see which one is doing better.

Dating targeting males
Ad Copy 1: 0.033%
Ad Copy 2: 0.051%

Pausing Ad Copy 1. Copying Ad Copy 2 but using a different...sluttier image. Yes, rule 13 or whatever excessive cleavage? Pushing the envelope for sure.

Dating targeting females
Ad Copy 1: 0.024%
Ad Copy 2: 0.029%

Both are crap. The funny thing is the 0.024% ad I thought it would do amazing, I felt it was going to be chick crack....I am not sure if the picture of the guy is creepy...chicks don't click on ads...or maybe my ad just sucks.

What's even more curious is my AM, being a girl loved that ad the most. Hmm, do I go with my instincts or by the numbers?

Lets go with instincts....but also cheat. Using a similar style as my male targeted ad copy 2...because it has a personalized feel to it (dynamic keywords FTW), keeping what I liked about Ad Copy 1 for females and changing the pic.

Yeah I know one change at a time, but these ads are under-performing so I am pushing the envelope a little bit.

Ad copy added for female targets.

You know what I think about? Race. Like having white men and white women....what about the black people. Less likely to click...

Alright, limiting my ads to white people.

I should make ads for black people dating. Racist? This is marketing yo. If you see coolaid ads in the ghetto is it racist?

Anyway....I need to do some black people pics and asian people for ultra targetting...but I need to make moneyz.

Only problem is the stats I post tomorrow will be for today...and I think I lost about the same amount of money today as yesterday.

But whatever we shall see what happens in two days.

I am expecting less impressions but better CTR...which means higher chance for profit. My CPM for both campaigns is now $0.15.

12 hour workday, calling it a night.
I had to work 12 hours are my actual work, so I can only squeeze two hours today for AM stuff.

Its kind of confusing how the changes I make today can only be measured two days later.

I need to be more diligent about my tracking.

Mistake #1: I am tracking males and females...but I am not tracking my ad copies separately so I have no idea how they are converting individually.

Mistake #2: I have not day tracked a single day

Mistake #3: I did not pay attention at my conversions...as in where they are coming from?

Mediocrity is not an option!

So yesterday:
CPM: $0.20
Impressions Male targets: 91109
Total spent: $18.22
CTR: 0.045%
Estimated CPC: $0.44
Hits to offer: 41

CPM: $0.20
Impressions Female targets: 88280
Total spent: $17.33
CTR: 0.019%
Estimated CPC: $1.02
Hits to offer: 17

Total Clicks: 59
Conversions: 5
Approved: 8.47%

End result: Loss

So changing age did not change my profits, I actually made exactly the same negative ROI as the day before that.

Perhaps if I was actually looking at more reports I would know which age groups where converting...but you know I totally did not.

Also Bevo Media seems to not deal very well with tracking non PPC/PPV big names. Making a custom tracker is cool, but finding my graphs is a pain....at the same time Prosper202 I keep having issues with hits not being recorded.

I think I am going to change my links over to tracking202 and see how it behaves.

I can already tell looking at today's stats that my CPM of $0.15 is too low, only got $5 worth of impressions. However my female targeted ad is doing much better already. ....and oh my god I had a typo in it. I typed "sing up" instead of "sign up".


Too much to do with only two hours.

Updated all my ads with separate tracking codes. Trying tracking202. Also added tracking pixel to track conversions.

Well now my stats tomorrow are going to be totally fubared, all my ads are pending approval since I changed the links. $5.06 spent today....so yeah CPM of $0.15 is too low.

Its so hard to just isolate testing, its so tempting to keep changing shit...

Fuck it since I am not losing a lot of money, just some I am taking up a notch to $0.17CPM. So I should get more traffic tomorrow. I also removed the age limit, since I did not see any change in my ROI margins at all, but my overall total impressions decreased since there where less people.

Well now I can hopefully track things much better, and also day part a little bit. Actually even if I day part I cannot target things by time...except maybe manually but that would be a pain in the ass to do.

$283.30 left before I start wondering if its worth it or not :p

I am starting to think that I need to make a slightly different approach to which PPC offers I promote. I have been reading too much Diorex, but his views make sense.

Maybe I need to go against the grain a little bit.

I am well over 2 hours of work here....14.5 work day, time to take a nap.

PS. I have my first hater. I am flattered.
Wiredniko, I love what you're doing. Keep it up, man.

Just a crazy idea: why don't you create more ads and try for a higher CTR? When I first ran social (FB/PoF) I was using homegrown applets to load hundreds of ads... but got shitty CTR's.

Now, I create 10 to 12 solid ads with appropriate images. After a few days and 10,000+ impressions, the winners stand out from the crowd. Then I gradually pause the ads that are pulling < 0.75%.
Awesome thread, I just subscribed to it. Your work ethic is very inspiring, keep it up!
Very nice journal. My main advice would be to really try more images/ads as you should be looking to keep ads with a 0.2% CTR at the very least!

Keep on truckin