Wiredniko's Journal - Adventures of the Newbie

I started working on affiliate marketing to change my life. Little did I know that my life would change to work on affiliate marketing.

Have I made profit..just did my finances for the week. Money spent vs money earned, I lost $1.46

So I am sitting on 0% ROI. I think that's great. Well not super awesome I am a super affiliate, but basically I have managed to create an environment that I am learning for virtually no money spent while getting really experience.

If we look at my last month where I lose $400 or so, I am doing awesome.

So now its time to get the gears turning. First data analysis. (included at the bottom)

Some interesting facts

Group 3 that was my strongest is now my weakest. Even though I used different pics for my ads.

My CTR is still too low. Granted maybe my picture selection sucks but I don't think that's what the problem is.

I think I need to update my ad copies. Also test more.

Pictures matter of course but that CTR needs some work. I work hard, now I need to work right.

Also something happened to my CPM, like a large surge of people posted really high CPM bids and everything got jacked up.

Well right now I am land locked CPM wise, I can't make it go higher since it will drop me to - ROI%. I could raise my expenditure, but what would that do? Its not like I need to scale it to make money, I am at 0% ROI, if I spend $1,000/day or $50/day I am still just moving money around.

Grabbing images for my ads...I think I should change my images once every two days. All images updated.

Made two ad copies per age group. I have 4 active ones.

Reset all my CPMs to $0.20, lowered my spending for the group that was doing great last time but dropped this time. Now its all $8 per age group. I know ballin.

You know what, raising my highest performing group to $16/day just to see what happens.

As I mentioned my plan is to update my images every two days. I should probably split test every other day since my clicks are still kind of low...or well if we go by impressions 242,000 for a single group is not exactly low numbers.

Alright, image split test every two day, ad copy text split text daily.

I need to raise my CTR and conversions to raise my CPM.

I still need to make landing pages to test direct linking vs not.


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keep updating, this is good stuff. I had a month trial of doing ppc, lost 200 bucks and im cheap so got out and back to seo for me
I'm just about to start on the same track as you mate. This thread has been a HUGE help. Keep it up. :D
"I keep on hustling everyday, something has to give. I make my own luck"

...my latest Twitter update

I feel that its appropriate, its 9:00pm, 13 hour workday...well more like 12 cause I had to eat, I got 3 more hours in me.

So let's gooooooooooooooooo.

Yesterday on PoF sucked. 27 clicks to offer, 0 conversions, a weird anomaly for sure, but still. Today its back to the same overall I lost $1.20 the day is not done, but it gives you an idea.

My image updates helped my CTR overall, but my ad copy split test with changing my title...my new test copy was worse than my original ad copy.

Lesson learned, the more users identify with your title the more likely they will click on it. I know seems so obvious.

Either I am dumb or I learn the hard way or I don't know....and since my IQ is ridiculously high to the point I feel weird talking about it, I am going to go with learning the hard way.

Killed the 4 ad copies that where under performing.

Hmm, I got $60.22 left. I have spent $440...made $237

Screw it concentrating on a single group, the one that has been doing the best for a while now.

If I make just one of them work right maybe I can reverse scale it...I get the most impressions with that group and the most conversion %, the CTR is not the best compared to the other three groups, but fuck it. I think I can make profit with it.

Updated the image for my only running group. Also split testing my ad copy, making it much more personal...

If my $60 runs out so be it, I will try something else. I am starting to realize I spend too much money in my single campaign launches, like I do better than my last launch so I keep trying to make it work. Granted if I had more experience I could probably do so, but I still lack knowledge which I guess I am literary paying for to acquire.

Doing AM stuff is awesome, its like exploring your soul while trying to make $$.

I was planning on launching an FB dating ad, but instead I am going to spend some time on reading and regrouping.

1:00am...still reading, might be trying PPV instead of FB.

> since my IQ is ridiculously high to the point I feel weird talking about it

Interesting and something that's crossed my mind before. Many people I've known who 'stick out of the crowd' due to having extra intellect or ability sometimes have difficulty empathising with others, and they perhaps have a slightly off-kilter sense of humour or emotional capacity.

Conversely, I would have thought empathy with the target market and thoroughly understanding those people is extremely important when trying to sell them stuff or manipulate their behaviour.

How's your empathy? Are you a 'people person'?

The other thing I wonder is whether that makes any difference whatsoever when scientifically split testing a 12 word advert?
> since my IQ is ridiculously high to the point I feel weird talking about it

Interesting and something that's crossed my mind before. Many people I've known who 'stick out of the crowd' due to having extra intellect or ability sometimes have difficulty empathising with others, and they perhaps have a slightly off-kilter sense of humour or emotional capacity.

I believe that high intellect is a useful tool with a lot of drawbacks. To put it simply, smart people think too much. Which is one of the reasons why I think smart people tend to be depressed.

In terms of social empathy, I see it as a skill that can be developed. I can probably say I was awkward socially until 7th grade, then I kind of re-evaluated my life and changed. I am not going to pretend I am a social butterfly but I can handle myself quite well in groups.

Having said that I still prefer to listen than talk.

The other thing I wonder is whether that makes any difference whatsoever when scientifically split testing a 12 word advert?

Its surprising how much one word can actually change CTR. I find it fascinating. Granted my budget is low so statistically speaking there is a chance or error due to low volumes, but to elaborate on my last split test that went the wrong way.

All I did was had the same picture, same text, except my title was missing a single word. Now keep in mind I was testing 4 gender/age groups. For all 4 of them, the copy with the missing word had a lower CTR. In this case it was about 0.01% difference, which yeah its small, but think about this.

Do 10 split tests with 0.01% and suddenly that is huge. Obviously I am simplifying things but split testing does make a difference.

One of the issues I have with PoF is how frequently I have to change my images. So even if I find a good image a couple of days later I have to change it. Sometimes I make good image selections but I have bombed with some as well.
Back to work.

Still reading mostly about PPV stuff.

I also realized last night that I am starting to internalize a lot of the information out there, its like my newbie experience, plus reading allows me to put things together.

Reading a lot of case studies as well. Apparently people are getting 1-5% CTR....and I have had 0.09% as my highest. No wonder I am losing money. The crazy thing is their ad text is almost identical to mine...what the fuck..are the chicks I am using that ugly?

Fuck it, I am adding some of my old images, what do you guys think, good pics or crap?


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One thing is becoming clear, just running campaigns is not enough. I need to master my niche and my ad platform.

Reading more on PoF and dating ads.

Btw, made profit yesterday...and right now I am making profit today, if only my new ads got accepted that are have a better headline.

So now that I am analyzing PoF more...old ads that are inactive can instantly become Active...which means I am going to be working on future ad copies so they are approved by the time I need them...instead of creating ads and having to wait.

Added two more ads for approval. I came up with a crazy idea for my image, I wonder if it will work, I have never seen it on any PoF ads....but who knows. On a random note I forgot I was thinking about going after the gay niche on PoF so I went to check out ads and got a bunch of guy matches, amusing...but of course the issue with PoF there is no gay/straight demographic to target so the PoF ads are for straight men, while the matches are for gay men....confusing. Anyway.

Mind blown: http://www.profitaddiction.com/the-secret-to-endless-profits/

Sequential numbering for ads....genius.

I was chatting with Ryan Eagle, he shut me down pretty hard. As in my 0.03% CTR sucks dick and I need to figure things out. Kind of bummed me out, but its true....so I need work on my ad copy pretty hard.

Self reflecting for a little bit.

Send an email to Ben from PoF with some questions I had.

0.03% why? Image, ad title, ad text, targeting. The actual offer does not matter on my ad copy CTR.

What's fucking me up? I wonder.....I wonder...I wonder...

Well obviously I do not know, I feel that my ads are good and I do not think my pics are that horrible so I can just think about it or use math on this problem.

Creating 50 ads....maybe more. I will test targeting and images. Title and text will stay the same. If my CTR still sucks I will test title and text.


Got 35 new images, resized them all to proper format.

Grabbed some more, I now have 65 images, they have all been resized. Found some more sites I can easily grab images from.

So to make my plan become more concrete, 50 campaigns, same title/text. Each campaign will have a single image with two different targeting options, a broad and narrow one.

Its 6:00pm, 2 more hours and PoF people go home, none of my new ads have been looked at anyway, so yeah....time to cut and paste a lot...well not really PoF is cool like that you can copy campaigns.

...hmm if I want to do things right I need to test CA vs USA don't I? Why does it feel like I work hard...but yet I don't do the right things?

Checking out quantcast for some demographics...yup...found one of my mistakes, remember how I cut out African Americans...they visit the site the most...fail
lots of very useful information in this thread!
slicnu muku mucim, ali...nema predaje! sretno, niko! :stonedsmilie:
Well time to start adding ads on PoF.

Made profit two days ago, but it was insignificant. Lost money yesterday.

One of my ads is at 0.089%...much better than 0.022% but its a long way to 0.4%.

I had two more ads approved but I stopped them after 6K impressions, CTR was not high enough.

Put on "Master of the Flying Guillotine" to make it a bit less tedious. One Armed boxer vs Master of the Flying Guillotine...that's how we roll....lol

I purchased Mr. Green's PoF uploader but it will take about two-three days for things to clear, they always take that long with my bank.

In any case this will be a good experience anyway, doing it manually.

Enough typing, time to make some ads.

50 ads made with updated ad copy, and title. I made them all in one campaign, I hope that was not a mistake. I am planning on testing 5K impressions on each to see CTRs.

I believe the mistake I made was only testing two ads at a time per day. So I was spending $8 per ad or more, in some cases $50 per ad. This time I am spending $1 on 50 ads. Since my CTR needs such a huge improvement I need to go on a massive scale, yet still save my budget.

Going volume but still doing legit tests is the way to go. I spent $400 to test about 20 ads. This way I will be testing 400...huge difference there.

All my ads are numbers, I will be tracking all of them at the same time. They each have a different Subid for tracking conversions.

On a random thought note, we all keep reading about test test test, right? I think one of the things that people do not talk about it testing on your live campaign vs testing on separate test campaign. Granted my volumes are low right now, but what if I was spending $1,000/day. Would I want to put $500 on a test copy that might or might not perform well, and $500 on an ad copy that does work well?

That is just foolish in my opinion. Once I hit that level my test campaign will be small like the ones I am making now and my live campaigns will have much larger volume and be left alone. Again right now for the money I am spending...and since I do not have a "winner" yet its useless, but its food for though, for future reference.

Anyway, waiting on my ads to be approved, probably either tonight or tomorrow. I set the date to 10/19 for my campaign start because I really need to be able to pause a campaign live. Since I work full time there is a huge gap of time that I cannot watch my ads, so I only want to do my impressions/CTR tests when I can monitor my stats continuously.

Worse case scenario its a total fail idea...

I wish I had a mentor right about now...

Time to read Ca$hvertising...spent a good three hours reading, took some really good notes. That book is amazing. Its so good I want to read it quick to learn everything...yet I want to read it slowly to remember everything. I almost want to make a Visio chart when I am done so I can use it as a guideline for making my ads.
48 out of my 50 PoF adds where accepted. I think the two that got rejected was for wearing a bikini indoors and excessive cleavage. Hey I tried!

Applied to C2M today, got a call from Mike, I was pretty honest about what's up. We shall see how things turn out. I think I did OK.

Came home, started my 50 ads campaign and went for dinner only to come back with 0 impressions. I forgot that I had set my start date for tomorrow in case they got approved while I slept I did not want them to suck up all the impressions and leave me stranded.

Curious to see what happens today.

Read a bit more on Ca$hvertising. I am about 40% done, I am taking notes while I am reading of course....that book is like finding a treasure map. All you got to do is go to the right place and start digging.

Digging into your soul...dun dun DUN! I kid....maybe.

Mr. Green's ad uploaded showed up today in my email. Haven't used it yet but that thing is pimp, so simple to use. I will update people on my actual thoughts once I use it.

Anyway I read the post in General about time management, something that I have been exploring. Always open to suggestions but creating 30 minute time slots...I just don't know. Perhaps I could do it for AM stuff, but my real job is so dynamic, managing 7 different people and 73 active projects (I had 111 three weeks ago) it would be silly for me to slot 30 minutes for anything. There are times I do 10 different things in 30 minutes, others I work on 1 thing for hours.

Anyway there was a self discipline link, self discipline in 10 days, I downloaded and imported to mindmeister.com since its free. Checking it out right now.

...well this thing is cool already.

Failure is a stepping stone, not a tombstone. I hear ya.

Oh did I mention that I made profit the last two days? Minimal profit, but it was there. Its because my CTR was higher...now if I find something that .15% CTR I will be golden.

Checked my PoF since I am talking about it...got hits but still to low to determine anything, my 48 ads have about 60 hits each, no clicks...but yeah too early to think about it.

Damn, that mind map getting self-discipline in 10 days is golden, its hitting me like a whirlwind. I made a public copy here: Self-Discipline in 10 days - MindMeister Mind Map

Its hitting my perfectionist attitude and kicking its ass with logic.

"Perfection weakens perseverance.: So true, this is why I keep failing at things like dieting, I try to have the perfect diet, perfect exercise regiment...

Still reading the self discipling mind map...but I have the urge to work a bit more. Grabbing 50 more images. I will use Mr. Green's PoF adder, I will put them up for approval and then have them start on Wednesday, I figure it will take two days for getting a good feel for my current 50..well 48 ads.

Then I will move the high CTRs to my main campaign and use another 50 images for future stuff. In the end I want 10-20 images I can cycle through every 4 days or so.

I went kind of crazy grabbing images probably got another 100-150 easy.

Resized 50 of them.

Time to use the PoF tool....

My thoughts on Mr. Green's tool, first time use.

Setting up the campaign parameters takes exactly the same amount of time as doing it manually. The menu is exactly the same as the one on PoF so once you are familiar with that menu its a breeze to setup your campaign.

Now onto posting ads inside a campaign. It took me about 30 minutes to post everything, update SIDs manually for every link, name each ad with a different number etc.

Mr. Green's PoF ad updater took uhm 10 seconds maybe...? For 50 ads. Checked my account and its there pending approval.

So that means if I test 1,000 ads it will take about 1min 40seconds to post instead of 5 hours....and this is why I wanted to buy this tool.

12 hours worked today, going to take a shower and sleep.
interested in hearing how your POF ads are doing with the automation. Is it helping you find better CTR?


Nothing like testing 50 ads in two days. I will give specifics tonight after work.

But I found 6 different images with CTR of .15% or higher, one of them is .28% that's a huge jump from 0.089% being my highest.

I have another 50 ads accepted that I will launch once my first 50 image test finishes up tonight.
What a day.

Mike from C2M has ignored my AIMs for some reason, but at least I am in C2M

A guy I met from WF hooked me up with Motive, I got approved literary about 2 minutes after applying. Crazy hookup.

In the meantime I have made profit for the last two days on PoF, about 40% ROI...problem is my CPM is still low so I am getting low volumes. If I up my CPM I make no profit, if I keep it low I get no volume.

Hmm, ended up not working on a lot. Read a little but overall probably spent 10 hours working and talking to my EWA AM.

Oh well it happens.
Very nice. What were your final CTR stats for day 1 of using the automation tool? Keep trying to find that balance between cpm and volume to maintain a healthy ROI. It might be tough with a dating offer. It looks like you've worked your way into learning how to scale which is the next step. Good stuff here niko.