Wiredniko's Journal - Adventures of the Newbie

The fuck...

Why do I get fucking 50% CTR on my LP but no sales.


Well my Ad CTR sucks 0.40% for the highest...so my keywords are cheap but no one clicks on my ads.

What is the trick I am missing?

I paused two keywords that generated 50% of my clicks mostly because I think they fired for the wrong thing. Maybe tomorrow will be better because of that.

At least I spent $40 today instead of $100.

I would lie if I said I am not frustrated. I put in the hours, I put in the work, did my research, fixed my previous mistakes...but $0 sales for 20 clicks making it to the offer page...

You running a bizopp? Like the $30 payout ones? Did you really expect to get good data after $40?

Lol that's the last thing I'd recommend for a newbie. If you need help with search just ping me up. but keep at it brah
You running a bizopp? Like the $30 payout ones? Did you really expect to get good data after $40?

Lol that's the last thing I'd recommend for a newbie. If you need help with search just ping me up. but keep at it brah

Yes I am running a bizopp.

I am running things $40 per day for 10 days. So I can fix things, optimize and test without using up all my money at once.
Go to leadgen. You'll get leads, seeing those leads in your account will make you happy, even if you are not profitable, they will encourage you to keep on grinding.

Seriously, if you're ready to say fuck it to this bizopp, do leadgen.
I am going to wait for three days to make up my mind. Everyone has told me to get more data...so I will wait.

But yeah the plan is if this does not work I am going to work on an email or zip submit.
your cpc seems high... but it sounds like you made a really great lander, don't get inpatient though, wait for some more data
I asked for help in the AM section http://www.wickedfire.com/affiliate-marketing/102510-help-me-analyze-my-stats.html

Basically the replies where
  • Get more clicks
  • Trying biz op as a newbie is dumb
  • Get more clicks
  • Get more clicks
  • Get more clicks
  • Trying biz op as a newbie is dumb

And the most important ones is that 24% CTR on my LP is low and my ad copy CTR is way too low.

Well I paused some keywords that I think where not targeted enough. I will wait for today to see how my stats look. If today does not work either, I will use the keywords I used in my last campaign because I think my sleek trick of using keywords having nothing to do with biz op is backfiring.

In the meantime I spent all day yesterday reading. I am curious about email marketing but the lid seems to be shut even tighter on email marketing that it is on PPC.
Reading, reading, reading, reading

I am re-evaluating my strategy. Talked to Ryan from EWA, that guy definitely inspires.

Right now I am actually working in making a new Wallpaper for my computer. Currently I have a quote "The greatest barrier to success is the fear of failure".

Time to create something personalized. I will find pictures of all my goals and make something happen. Reading is cool, but I always need some time to let things settle. I am using that down time constructively.

My wallpaper is complete, it inspires the hell out of me. Its like everything I want visualized on one screen.

$0 sales still
Clicks 121
CTR 0.28%
Avg CPC $1
Click to offer 29

Revamping my keywords to use my experiment 2.0 words.

So what did I learn today? That getting creative with keywords can end up messing you up. Or so we assume, lets see how the new keywords do.

I also removed mobile devices....I just cannot see someone with a cell phone in the middle of nowhere busting out credit cards.

So bizop 2.6 is launching tomorrow, I will let it run for three days.

In the meantime I am doing some research on dating, probably on FB or PoF.

Doing some reading about dating ads and facebook strategies.

My brain is full of dating info.

Tomorrow I will start setting things up, still have not decided PoF or FB, I will sleep on it. I am also curious to see how my MSN ads will perform. I expect higher Ad CTR, not sure about profit >.<

I would wish me luck, but I make my own with hard work, intellect and persistence.

As a last note, this is one of the quotes I added on my wallpaper, it comes from one of my friends that has close to $100M from stock market + strip club.

"Pursue the things you want, fuck talking about them, fuck the opinions of your friends, fuck validation from anyone, just take action"
Well crap, I forgot to activate my campaign so it never run yesterday and I was freaking curious about it. I guess I get to wait for a day.

Upgrade prosper202, I don't know why I did not do this when the new version first came out, I guess I was afraid I was going to modify the file again like I did for the last version.

Anyway, saved my config file, deleted my old folder, added the new one, moved my config file and deleted the sample.

Then all you have to do is login to your prosper page and it asks you to upgrade. Click on and its all done. All my stats are there.


Well anyway, time to grind like a mofo yo!

Reading about Facebook Ad practices.

Title 25 characters, 135 characters for the text. Images 110px x 80px 4:3 and 16:9 aspect ratio.

Their wrong and correct ads section is hilarious.

hahaha Unacceptable Language Choice section. "You're fat!" : Ad text degrades the viewer of the ad.


What if its a BSDM ad for a Domina....your dick is too small, sit by my feet.

I don't feel like I was as productive as I wanted. At least I am ready for what is needed for my FB ad. I think I am going with dating....well I know I am going with dating.

Hope it goes well.
Why dont ya try starting out in a less competitive niche with cheaper clicks??
Why dont ya try starting out in a less competitive niche with cheaper clicks??

Because I made a post a while back on this forum asking, should I start in a big pond with big fish, or a little pawn so I can be the big fish.

No one really said anything, so I went with the big pond with big fish...so I got eaten.
I have only worked 18 hours in the last two days.

I am slacking. Not really sure what is going on with my BizOp campaign, my keywords are not generating any traffic, even though in the past I was spending $100 worth with the same keywords and same ad...yesterday I spent $7...like what?

I did noticed my positions where kind of low, so I raised my max CPC bids to get better rankings. 50% CTR though, but with 8 clicks its not like I have any statistical data to go with.

I got a new AM on EWA, her name is Nicki. She definitely seems cool....

still talking to her, she is actually AWESOME...in like 10 minutes I got more help than all my AMs put together for the last two months.

Well now I have two good offers to run. Going to create 4 ad copies....narrow it down to 2 ad copies....then use 10 images per.

So I need 20 images and 4 ad copies to make.

Then I am running on PoF first...then FB

What, what?

I need to check out the offers suggested to me as well.

In the meantime I am also going to check out my current BizOp stats to see how its fairing. I do not have high expectations from it anymore, but I make my luck, with hard work everyday.

Peace out! ;)
My guess on your keywords not generating traffic + having lower positions is due to your low ad CTR.
Happened to me too; my first campaign was getting huge traffic the first day or two, then it just dropped because my CTR was like 0.2% lol

I'm thinking that Google tries to test your ad copy by giving it an initial "burst" run, then they adjust the ad impressions/position from there on.
So I checked my stats today, expecting to see a $0 as always.

uhm, can you say 442% ROI


50% LP CTR
25% sales on the offer

So that means 1 out of every 8 people clicking my ad copy sign up for my bizop.

My only concern is that it was a fluke. Raising my max CPC for even better positions and keep a close eye to it.

More details to follow this afternoon.
> My only concern is that it was a fluke

Could they be fraudulent payments that will eventually be chargebacks?
I hope they were straight-up sales and that this rate continues for a bit.
You deserve the psychological boost.

Best of luck.
> My only concern is that it was a fluke

Could they be fraudulent payments that will eventually be chargebacks

No I am not worried about that, its just that my numbers are of low statistical significance.

I think I messed up how I started this campaign and I am not getting a lot of clicks.