Wiredniko's Journal - Adventures of the Newbie

Seriously dude. You're making me tired with all this grinding. Outsource more, work less.
Forcing yourself to grind through css you could pay someone a few bucks to fix just seems like self mutilation.

hahaha.. Absolutely...
The OP's priorities are a little messed up.

OP, if you gotta grind, grind on adding content. Grind on getting good links. Grind on building more sites.

Seriously dude. You're making me tired with all this grinding. Outsource more, work less.
Forcing yourself to grind through css you could pay someone a few bucks to fix just seems like self mutilation.

You made me stop and think because I want to give you a real answer and not my knee jerk reaction.

Hmm...my knee jerk reaction was correct. So here is my answer.

1. Spending money for others to do work is legit and allows people to grow their business...however at this point I have no business. I could go by faith that this will work and spend money...or I can use that money for things I cannot do such as link drips.
2. Someone else building the site I want would cost me a lot of money. This is not a simple blog site
3. The site would not look exactly how I want it to look
4. I actually enjoy this part
5. Paying someone else would probably get this site faster, I accept that.
But it is costing you....

Just by the fact that your writing is better then mine, you already proved your time is worth at least 10$ an hour.

Econ 101 buddy. Specialize and exchange. The learning experience from grinding is pretty darn marginal.

If you absolutely have to grind, and least do something that you're good at.
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Well if it is your first site (correct me if I am wrong) you really don't need to worry so much about how your site is going to look like yet. Just slap up any simple wordpress theme and then focus on learning how to get traffic, you can always go back and change the theme or how your site looks like anytime you want later.
You are wasting your time, and getting in the way of your own progress. I copied all of the following from your post. None of it does anything to help you bring traffic and $$$$. You will burn out if you keep going in circles with this shit;

Working on my sidebar....
coding CSS last night
Anyway, ended up fixing my div bug
Finalizing my last sidebar table.
My color pics, I am having second thoughts on them.
Well thanks to CSS changing colors is not that difficult.
changing the color scheme won't be that hard.
At some point I will add some social button on it
Changed all my font sizes to percentages
Also discovered a lining up bug in my navbar menu which I fixed pretty easily.
while I was at it I redid my page CSS structure to be more elegant.
tried to optimize my code and make it a bit more Object Oriented and I ended up overwhelming myself
I am not sure how much I like the separators I am using.

Total Cost: $18.56
Total Hours: 88

You claim to have 88 hours into this. Don't fool yourself. Deduct the time you wasted on the above crap.

Google does not give a damn about your improved colors. Actually google cares nothing about any of that time you wasted above. You could have made much more progress by selecting a simple standard theme, and moving on to something that makes a real difference.

Fuck your stupid colors and font percentages. If your job was to make this site earn $$$ you are fired!

Everything comes down to traffic. Stop and refocus. Ask yourself what you can do to bring more traffic. Masturbating with enhanced colors, div tag, and elegant CSS structure is a total waste of valuable time and energy.

You need a hot smack on the ear to wake the fuck up and get your priorities right!
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Hopefully today I can finish my index.php page.

Things are going smoothly, Its a good coding day.

Here is a code snippet, goes through a string that is too large, make its smaller (in this case 300 characters long) and then adds a link to read more. All of this is done without cutting a word in the middle.

// first find the length of your string
$long_string_length = strlen($long_string);	

// Larger than 300 characters?
if ( $long_string_length > 300) {	

// how many characters do I need to delete?  Turn to a negative value for substr
$crop = -($long_string_length - 300);

// take the long string with strrpos find the last space based on where you are cutting
// now that the last space is grabbed, shorten your string there with substr
// add "...read more >>" to the end with a link
$shorter_string = substr($long_string, 0, strrpos(substr($long_string, 0, $crop), ' '))  . "... <a href="example.html">read more >></a>";

Went to the gym.

Came back did some awesome progress on my front end. Everything is done, need to alternate colors on one of my CSS tables for better readability and I am pretty much done...with the front end. Some backend stuff needs to be setup for creating pages...and hmmm, I need to replicate some of my front end to other locations with more specific data than my general overview.

Hopefully by the end of this week I can launch this thing.

Total Cost: $18.56
Total Hours: 94
First of all I appreciate everyone's comments, let me make that abundantly clear. Otherwise I would not even have a blog. Having said that...

But it is costing you....

Just by the fact that your writing is better then mine, you already proved your time is worth at least 10$ an hour.

Econ 101 buddy. Specialize and exchange. The learning experience from grinding is pretty darn marginal.

The learning experience from this work has been pretty good from a re-freshing my coding knowledge. Aside from that I understand what you are saying. If I can make money with "x" and I am not making any money right now, why not do "x", make enough money and then do this with the money I generate.

The main reason is this: I tried different affiliate offers, in the best case scenario I was at -20% ROI, after I tweaked and tweaked (tested 200 different images, not counting ad text)I just never got any better than that.

I got frustrated a little bit. The thing that bothered me the most was that all the work I put in that was gone. Which is why I wanted to do something that the more I work on it, the more I get rewarded. This project I am working on is massive, and one day I will share what the page is. I started working on this knowing that it would take a long time to complete and I would always have to update it, however I feel that every hour I spend on it will generate more revenue.

Well if it is your first site (correct me if I am wrong) you really don't need to worry so much about how your site is going to look like yet. Just slap up any simple wordpress theme and then focus on learning how to get traffic, you can always go back and change the theme or how your site looks like anytime you want later.

Not my first. More like my 6 or 7th? Before that I used wordpress for all of my landing pages except one that was a simple html page with a list of benefits.

You are wasting your time, and getting in the way of your own progress. I copied all of the following from your post. None of it does anything to help you bring traffic and $$$$. You will burn out if you keep going in circles with this shit;


Fuck your stupid colors and font percentages. If your job was to make this site earn $$$ you are fired!

Everything comes down to traffic. Stop and refocus. Ask yourself what you can do to bring more traffic. Masturbating with enhanced colors, div tag, and elegant CSS structure is a total waste of valuable time and energy.

You need a hot smack on the ear to wake the fuck up and get your priorities right!

I see your points. I have not generated any revenue yet. For all I know I can complete the site, no one will visit it and it will die a horrible death. I have a vision. Does that make sense?

I do have issues with going for perfection, and I realize that so I am trying to get out of that mindset and tell myself launch as soon as you can, then start tweaking...

You're going to be wishing for a long time if you don't quit fucking around.

What have you done to get more traffic today? Did you play with your colors?

This made me smile. I agree, I played with my colors.

I am giving myself one more week to complete this, probably a total of 100 hours worked. After that I am launching it. I already have in mind what I want to do traffic wise. I am going the SEO route, since PPC has yet to work for me.

Having said that I have already done my SEO research so I have some very solid ideas of what I need to do.

Now if this whole thing fails, I have mentioned this before, the plan is to try to run about 10 PPC campaigns with simple wordpress pages to try tackling something else.
Hopefully today I can finish my index.php page.

God I hope so.

Here is a code snippet, goes through a string that is too large, make its smaller (in this case 300 characters long) and then adds a link to read more. All of this is done without cutting a word in the middle.

Fuck your stupid code snippet.

need to alternate colors on one of my CSS tables for better readability and I am pretty much done...with the front end. Some backend stuff needs to be setup for creating pages...and hmmm, I need to replicate some of my front end to other locations with more specific data than my general overview.


Looks like a major masturbation to me.

Hopefully by the end of this week I can launch this thing.

Why? You're having such a good time with colors, snippets and replicating though.

Total Cost: $18.56
Total Hours: 94

Wasted another 6 hours with pretty shit instead of making money. Abort this project right now.

Admit it. This website is not about money. You love to fuck with code shit more than you love money. You are working hard to have the prettiest failure in the whole internet. Very nice.
I am giving myself one more week to complete this, probably a total of 100 hours worked. After that I am launching it. I already have in mind what I want to do traffic wise.

I am going the SEO route, since PPC has yet to work for me.

Having said that I have already done my SEO research so I have some very solid ideas of what I need to do.

I look forward to the end of this coding time-suck & I wish you well once you have the "pretty" taken care of.

I don't know how much SEO success you have had with your prior websites. You really should get started on it for this site. Dating is a highly competitive niche. You could be ranking some pages already? It takes time to move up the SERPs with a tough keyword. You may need to try multiple strategies, test and re-start with different ways to get visitors.

Soon the real work begins, you need to get eyeballs on your pages..

Wishing you much progress and success in the coming weeks!
I need to launch this site as quickly as possible. I believe certain key points where made by my readers.

1. Avoid time wasting
2. Generating an income

I can optimize while I am making money. If the project fails at least I have minimized the amount spent on it.

I do have a vision, I know this can work if I put in the time to develop it and get traffic.

Time to unleash :glowingeyes_sml:

Completed alternating background color for my table with a pretty simple two lines of code solution.

Removed a link from my nav menu, that page can wait till later when I have a bigger database.

Fixed multiple text going of CSS boxes issues based on the fix I posted above.

Created functions for repetitive code and used require_once

All my code is setup now for growth. Frontend and all the frontends for my sub niches are setup code wise based on my code setup.

Today I was in the zone....

Total Cost: $18.56
Total Hours: 99
I hope you have unleashed your site, you are ranking for tons of keywords and getting many sign-ups. There is always a lot of work to do in this phase. This is where the money is earned. Wishing you great success!
a little bit better.


As a newbie, reading this thread is actually kind of depressing. This guy has been going at it for quite some time now and making $0 still. yikes
You're a victim of perfectism, wiredniko.

Get traffic, send to offer, make monies.

Or in your case - get content, get backlinks, get traffic, promote offers, make monies.

Keep it simple. Update us in the next 3 months if you made any money.
I just spent 4 hours reading this entire thread (and many links). I am a complete newb and in the self-education portion of my affiliate marketing endeavour.

I have an educational background in finance and traditional marketing.

Nikko, your determination is inspiring, but jesus I want to pull my hair out with your coding obsession. It's been hellish following along. You are sinking so much time into it it makes me wonder what your priorities are. Make money, or have fun coding. I am in no place to offer advice or critique, but it seems you are very inefficient with your time, with the exception of your POF projects. I cant code worth shit, so you can bet I'll be focusing on split testing, content generation and copy writing, not bogged down coding side bars.

Anyway, I wish you the best, keep us updated dude, thanks for the read, and regardless of what I say your level of determination is nothing short of unique. I just think if you were more efficient with your time with the sole mindset of earning dough you would be there by now.
I just read the whole thing too. You are wasting time now. You could have already had a simple site going and then 301 redirected it to your project if you finished this long coding exercise.

Your PofF ads -- I don't know sh-t about PofF or dating marketing -- were perhaps not imaginative enough. You didn't try enough different kinds. Go backto Facebook and try stuff like this:

1. A young guy bringing breakfast in bed to an old woman: "Find the girl of your Dreams: Click now"
2. A girl and a guy standing with their backs to each other each with a gun in hand for a duel. "Ready for a Romantic Change? Click here"
3. A picture of a girl with a slight smile: "She found her guy -- click here for one too"

Could go on and on , but the point is -- be more creative and add some humor.

(As I understand, facebook allows the call to action, but google doesn't; but facebook users don't like to leave facebook's site, so if there is a PoF sign up right on facebook, use it)