Why are people trying to avoid carbs?

Yes, balance is the key and in moderation. Too much and your body will start storing the unused carbs.
Carbohydrates have long been split into two groups: simple and complex. Simple carbohydrates are those composed mainly of simple sugars that are easy for the body to break down while complex carbohydrates contain linked sugars and take longer to digest.
Cutting out carbs is bizarre in my opinion. It's a quick fix to weightloss for the lazy. Just eat a balanced diet and exercise.

It isn't a "quick fix" since cutting out carbs is HARD. Like, you get cravings for bread, spaghetti, and ice cream.
Lose weight. Check out the book called Wheat Belly. It goes into great detail how wheat affects the metabolism of today due to being genetically diff than 100 yrs ago..
Cutting down on carbs is absolutely essential when you're eating a lot more than what your body's daily need is. When you want to lose weight, you don't deny your body of the basic carb requirement but instead up your usage by sweating it out through tonnes of cardio.

Losing weight the right way isn't rocket science but it isn't childs play either.
Cutting down on carbs will cause you to lose muscle since the body will turn to your stored proteins before the sub-glutaneous flab.
The fat comes off the face first and belly last, so it's not like you can cut carb intake for a week and expect that to have done you some good. It doesn't work like that.
Burning fat is like boiling water, you have to reach the boiling point before any fat starts dissappearing.

So if you're not starving yourself and are still giving your body ONLY it's daily requirement of carbs, there's no reason you shouldn't be fit.

People get fat because of years of eating more carbs than they burn. So its not going to come off that easily either.
Too much carbs is not healthy. Too much of anything is always bad. There are good carbs like tina wang mentioned above. Complex carbs or low glycemic index carbs. Such carbs make your blood sugar levels stable and they don't make you crave for more carbs. Carbs like sodas, candies and sweets that has artificial sweeteners tend to make you eat and drink more of it.
We can put carbs on our daily diet but not too much. I guess, we all know that too much carbs is not healthy and definitely it will produce fats.
Simple carbs are bad, mmmkaayyy. Complex carbs are fine in moderation.

This is a bit "scientific" and maybe even plain boring if you are not very interested in nutrition, but watch it anyway.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBnniua6-oM]Sugar: The Bitter Truth - YouTube[/ame]