Why are people trying to avoid carbs?


New member
Mar 22, 2012
Carbs help you brain function and the news and film industry are supporting this.

Processed carbs screw with your insulin and other hormones and are energy dense causing you to store fat. As we have plenty of them lying around the cupboard and fridge we are constantly in a state of excess energy plus the screwed up hormones ruins your appetite control and fat burning mechanisms.

Read Good Calorie Bad Calorie by Gary Taubes. Its out there in the wild and it goes right into how the whole process works. Very interesting and full on reading.
Some people don't do well on excess Carbs...myself included. About 50 - 100 grams a day is perfect, with a 200 - 300 gram day once a week.
As someone trying to gain weight I say bring 'em on! Five years from now it'll be something else. I don't think they've slammed chicken yet.
Cutting out carbs is bizarre in my opinion. It's a quick fix to weightloss for the lazy. Just eat a balanced diet and exercise.
"As someone trying to gain weight I say bring 'em on! Five years from now it'll be something else. I don't think they've slammed chicken yet." I wouldn't count on that!
Can't imagine it being great for you to cut out completely. As everyone says a balanced diet with exercise is the best way. Exercise will do a lot for your physical and mental health.
Carbs FTW!!


Cutting out carbs is bizarre in my opinion. It's a quick fix to weightloss for the lazy. Just eat a balanced diet and exercise.


Reaching your fitness goals is simple. If you think you shouldnt be eating something, you probably shouldnt be. If you are not active everyday, your doing it wrong.