Why are people trying to avoid carbs?

complex carbs
brain needs glucose from these

simple carbs like sugars can actually inhibit brain from getting glucose
Cutting down on carbs is absolutely essential when you're eating a lot more than what your body's daily need is. When you want to lose weight, you don't deny your body of the basic carb requirement but instead up your usage by sweating it out through tonnes of cardio.

Losing weight the right way isn't rocket science but it isn't childs play either.
Cutting down on carbs will cause you to lose muscle since the body will turn to your stored proteins before the sub-glutaneous flab.
The fat comes off the face first and belly last, so it's not like you can cut carb intake for a week and expect that to have done you some good. It doesn't work like that.
Burning fat is like boiling water, you have to reach the boiling point before any fat starts dissappearing.

So if you're not starving yourself and are still giving your body ONLY it's daily requirement of carbs, there's no reason you shouldn't be fit.

People get fat because of years of eating more carbs than they burn. So its not going to come off that easily either.

Agreed. Except, people dont get fat from eating more carbs than they burn; They get fat by not exercising period. I dont care what your diet is; if your not moving around, evantually your going to blow up.
Agreed. Except, people dont get fat from eating more carbs than they burn; They get fat by not exercising period. I dont care what your diet is; if your not moving around, evantually your going to blow up.

true! Regular physical exercise keeps metabolism high. High metabolism means your body is burning calories 24/7 without you having to do any more exercise than a normal person.
This not only allows you to eat more, but stay fit while you tuck in all those extra carbs.
High metabolism means even if you hog, your body will be able to burn off that fat eventually.
It isn't the actual physical exercise that is effective in weightloss but the change in metabolism is what does the trick.
It isn't a "quick fix" since cutting out carbs is HARD. Like, you get cravings for bread, spaghetti, and ice cream.

Carbs in itself aren't bad, but over consumption of the wrong type of carbs is horrible for you. Shit like ice cream, bread, and spaghetti kills my productivity and results in brain fog.

I get my carbs through brown rice, sweet potatoes, yams, as well as veggies and fruits. Since I work out I do need a decent amounts of carbs to gain weight.
Carbs help you brain function and the news and film industry are supporting this.

Carbs help your brain function when they are kept natural and lower in quantity than most people consume. Furthermore, most people actually benefit from using fat as their source of energy rather than carbs. Keep in mind, when you lose weight, your body is devouring pounds and pounds of lard (stored fat) as the energy source.

Most people just think they NEED carbs because they have spiked insulin the previous meal and their glucose levels crash. Far more balanced to have fewer and more natural carb sources.
Eh I see OP's point. I eat 60-70% carbs for maximum immune and brain health.

Anti-carb, in the sense that you mean, is anti-simple-carbs.
Because controversy sells.

On the other hand, I don't know about others, but I deal with extremes much easier than moderation. It's either no carb or high carb for me, moderation is very hard to sustain when it comes to carbs :lol:
Anybody ever hear of Ketosis? When you go ZERO carb and do a couple intense workouts the body starts burning fat for energy because there's no carbs left.

I have no idea what this thread is even doing on WF but yeah. I'm on a keto diet right now. Down from 305 to 270 so far. Your brain needs carbs. When you don't have enough carbs your liver can produce ketones for your brain to run on. Ketones are metabolized from fat. The key to this is low carbs, like less than 20 net carbs a day and an increase in dietary fat. Many people attempt low carb + high protein and have problems. They key is low carb + high fat. I used to pass out when I worked out. Now that I cut carbs I have no problems.

everything about keto has a lot of good info. Also their FAQ is pretty good: faq - keto
The problems occur when you binge on carbs for years on end. Especially sugars but grains too to a certain extent. Grains and sugar will both cause your insulin to spike when taken in large amounts and especially when your blood sugar regulation mechanism is suboptimal.
Carbs are essential. They're your number one source of energy. Every individual's requirements are different but typically you want carbs to make up at least around half of your caloric baseline. Do not listen to anyone who tells you to avoid carbs, they don't know what they're talkinga bout
Lot of retardation in this thread.

The only carbs you should be eating should come from vegetables and fruit. Your body runs a lot better using fat for fuel then caarbohydrates
