Who has a gf/finace/wife ? (or the opposite)

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jerxs said:

I thought you were a girl, no disrespect ment man! Its just the Avatar, I thought that was you, LOL

And I was ready to slip you my number :jester:


yeah JDA why cant you really be Scarlett Johansson?

stanley said:
yeah JDA why cant you really be Scarlett Johansson?

Yeah, I don't know. Silly me I guess.

Is she really not that recognizable? I mean, you get a pass if you're not American, but I would have thought most people from the US would know who she is. Maybe I'm wrong.
she told cruise to get lost when he tried recruting her into his cult...shes my idol:p

really dug lost in translation too...
My wife and I have been together for 3+ years. At first, she had a tough time adjusting to my long hours online but after a while we compromised and now have "dedicated time" together. During this time we spend quality time together and just hang out. It works well since I become more efficient during my work times.
imagenesis said:
I let her suck on my ding ding dong while I code PHP. It's hot.

haha do you mean your significant other? lol, i love this forum, always funny ass stuff.
imagenesis said:
I let her suck on my ding ding dong while I code PHP. It's hot.
LMAO... I had a gf that used to give me head while I was reading forums to try to get my attention away from the computer.
kyleirwin said:
LMAO... I had a gf that used to give me head while I was reading forums to try to get my attention away from the computer.

Ahh and then your mom kicked you out of the house for always locking your sister up in your room while you were on the computer eh?

Jon said:
Ahh and then your mom kicked you out of the house for always locking your sister up in your room while you were on the computer eh?


... it was my cousin:love-smiley-083:
HaHa John....personal experience flashback??? :)

Well, I'm single.....the good part-excessive energy that is focused into my projects. I do admit I miss having a partner. My wage earning jobs are more responsible for my single state than the internet.

BTW that is me in the pic and I am female and I like guys! Just an FYI!

OK, as an ex-wife, here's my input re: relationships:

The secret is not the golden rule, its the silver rule. The golden rule is treating someone as you would like them to treat you.....this does have value, so keeping that in mind, lets move on!

The silver rule-treat others as THEY WOULD TREAT THEMSELVES! I can be motivated by a beer or some chocolate, someone who goes to AA weekly or loves strawberries could care less if that was offered as an insentive! For them...coffee and strawberrries would be more motivating!

Get to know your partner. You know google and what google wants to be happy and you do it so google gives you what your want (money). Use those skills you already have. Know your partner and what your partner wants to be happy and do it so your partner gives you what you want! You include google in what you do, include your partner.

My ex didn't get I could be fine with doing most of the housework (I worked full time) about 3 weeks out of the month. One week a month I was overwhelmed (yea....PMS.....see I really am a female!). So for a few days a month he could've helped and been free and clear rest of the time. He didn't get that once a week, I needed him to plan some time for him and I with no kids. I'm easy....a drive....a walk.....ice cream. It was the effort put forth and picking somthing he knew I liked. That's what let me know I meant something (or didn't).

Learn your partner's language. I could type in "I love you" in a language you don't understand and it will mean NOTHING. Optimize you contact-what means "I love you" to your partner? It might be different that what means "I love you" to you. (The silver rule).

If your partner is female, learn her cycles. I'm serious! Biology lesson here. Woman's cycle day one-first day of period. Last day, the day before the first day of peroid. You still with me??? OK...The first week of the cycle is the least hormonally driven. Mid cycle-increased multi-tasking and sex drive (during ovulation to help with survival of the species, that's when egg and sperm uniting actually occurs). The week before the end of the cycle-AMPlIFICATION........if she feels neglected, she will REALLY feel neglected. Flip side.......if she feels like she is important to you, she will feel like she is REALLY important to you. I think you can figure out what to do! When possible plan work around this cycle, optimize!

If this relationship is "it" put out the effort. If it's someone new, make sure they can accept you and your life before you put out the effort.
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Following up on this, to avoid the once a month hassle with women, get her on the birth control where they only have it once every 3 months, it works wonders!

Also, the golden rule is he who has the gold makes the rules ;-).
I have a fiancé. Going to be married soon. (Beginning of next month)

No problems with computer use, she knows I am a nerd and loves me dearly for it.


Married 6 years. I quit my corporate job when I got pregnant and never went back. Started with the wah jobs and then my own business. He used to get annoyed when I was on the computer so much but now he's really good about it. In fact, I have gone to a few conferences and he doesn't care one bit.

My income was decent for a while and then I took a long hiatus and now I am busting my ass to get my income back up there. Thankfully some things are falling in to place as of recent and things are looking up.

I don't think he minds the time I spend online because it's still better than my working out of the house. My family is my #1 priority and most nights I am up working till 4am because of it. But it's worth it in the end and I wouldn't want it any other way.
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