Where Do You Live? WF Poll

Where Do You Live?

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Jan 9, 2009
Greenwich, CT
I know we've all talked about and show pictures of our houses/views/desks etc but I was interested in seeing a breakdown of where people on WickedFire live.

I personally don't have any interest in living in a densely populated city, however, I love being 40 minutes outside of NYC.

I currently live in a nice suburb, 50k + people - I live "downtown" and can walk to pretty much anything and everything I need...bars, restaurants, stores, Dunkin Donuts, beach etc etc.

How would you describe where you live?

I live in south Florida. It's also a really nice suburb (20-30 minutes outside Miami). It doesn't have a lot of people like New York, but it's not underpopulated. I don't walk anywhere (it's always too hot to walk and I sweat really easy), but I have a lot of restaurants nearby, and I'm about 2 minutes away from my gym. The community I live in is nice, and has a lot of people that are always inviting you places and always being generally kind.
Terrible. Cloudy overcast skies, cold, about 75% of the year.

You sticking around there or planning on getting out?

I always wondered about these kinds of area - why on Earth did people settle and populate miserable places to live? I know many were settled because of natural resources/opportunities but it must suck staying there your whole life
I live in a 25k town, in the bottom of a valley. mountains everywhere. 60 miles to the closest major city. in the summer its around 90 to 100 degrees and more rivers to swim in then you can shake a stick at, winter we get very little to no snow on the valley floor but the mountains are almost always covered with white. Its a great place to live i think.
In a nice suburb area - 10 mins from local town, 20 mins on train from massive city. And 2 minutes walk to lots of green parkland :)

Only downside is there isn't much great natural scenery like mountains or sea, but it's nice apart from that.
You sticking around there or planning on getting out?

I always wondered about these kinds of area - why on Earth did people settle and populate miserable places to live? I know many were settled because of natural resources/opportunities but it must suck staying there your whole life

definitely planning on moving; hopefully within a year or two.

some places we've been lookin at in FL in the 160k'ish range:
not in my parents house/basement

I think I live in Fuckin Mayberry.

Moved into N. Westchester, NY a while back, a small suburb. I grew up in Yonkers, but hung in the Bronx and The city a lot.

First day driving up my street in our car and people are fuckin waving hello to us: I'm thinking "whats his angle?".

The local A&P leaves merchandise outside at night --like cases of spring water in the summer, flowers, ect. Actually all of the stores with outside displays just leave their shit outside!

You pump gas w/o prepaying.

There are deer in my yard and hawks in the sky. And really skinny squirrels; not those fatass Yonkers squirrels, these bitches work for a living.

The list is endless.

We moved here because the school system rocks.
on a golf course, in a bedroom community just less then 30 minutes outside a major city.

Right on the river too, so boating and fishing w. golf and all kinds of other activities here. Safe and almost no crime, yet close enough to a major city to get anything I want/need.

Would like to find the exact same place as this more south ( like close to florida ) as I hate winters. Even though its seasonal, i just dont like them.
Right in the center of a large city. I really like being to walk to uni, gym, library, clubs etc, etc. It would take me forever to get used to driving anywhere.
I camped up in those parts a few years back, paradise indeed.

Terrible. Cloudy overcast skies, cold, about 75% of the year.

Uhg. I've been dealing with the same since moving from just outside of DC to western NY. Luckily this Winter was relatively mild in comparison, but still far colder than I'd like.

I live in a very rural area, at least an hour and a half from what I'd consider a city (Rochester & Buffalo). Luckily, I also practically live on a college campus, and most the things I need, like food and good beers, are all in walking distance.

I do plan to escape this frozen tundra for Nashville when my lease is up in June though.
The town I live in has a population around 2K. There is one traffic light, one person who works at the post office counter (and they close for lunch) and that is about it. The closet city is Baltimore, which is about an hour and half away. I wouldn't trade my town in for any other one, just love it!

That's insane how much house you get down there for the money. I'm in the middle of nowhere in the northeast, and you'd get a 1/4 of that house for 150k.
That's insane how much house you get down there for the money. I'm in the middle of nowhere in the northeast, and you'd get a 1/4 of that house for 150k.

yeah, there are a ton of houses like this.. the first one i linked was valued at $270,000 in 2006 lol, now it's $165k.