Shouldn't it be UNplanned Parenthood? Just sayin...
technically, birth control is planning your parenthood
Shouldn't it be UNplanned Parenthood? Just sayin...
"The biggest accrued-debt-per-year figures are associated with B.H. Obama, G.W. Bush, G.H.W. Bush, Ronald Reagan, Gerald Ford, FDR, Bill Clinton, and Jimmy Carter, in that order."
technically, birth control is planning your parenthood
Since alot of you seem to have some real issues with poor people maybe it would help if you thought of all the college kids working their ass off in school that have no health care and no money and planned parenthood is right there for preventative care that helps them continue to go to college and work their ass off. #justsayin
Since alot of you seem to have some real issues with poor people maybe it would help if you thought of all the college kids working their ass off in school that have no health care and no money and planned parenthood is right there for preventative care that helps them continue to go to college and work their ass off. #justsayin
Since alot of you seem to have some real issues with poor people maybe it would help if you thought of all the college kids working their ass off in school that have no health care and no money and planned parenthood is right there for preventative care that helps them continue to go to college and work their ass off. #justsayin
Since alot of you seem to have some real issues with poor people maybe it would help if you thought of all the college kids working their ass off in school that have no health care and no money and planned parenthood is right there for preventative care that helps them continue to go to college and work their ass off. #justsayin
what preventive care are you talking about... the morning after bill and shit? or like flu shots?
regular STD screenings, sex education, long term birth control methods (IUD, shots, etc)
Since alot of you seem to have some real issues with poor people maybe it would help if you thought of all the college kids working their ass off in school that have no health care and no money and planned parenthood is right there for preventative care that helps them continue to go to college and work their ass off. #justsayin
I kinda feel the screenings could be just done in regular trip to the doctor personally.
The education, I feel kinda odd on. I mean who didnt go to a school where they didnt show you this in like 7th grade with the biology teacher and a video to watch all week as part of sex ed in school?
The birth control methods too could be handled in a doctors office. I dont ever remember any of my GF's or my wife ever going to PP to get that stuff.
Im not saying anything bad about PP, dont get me wrong.. but like a lot of the stuff their doing is already done in a doctors office the way I see it. If its all about the cost and shit, well I feel thats the same as the rest of life. If I want my car fixed after an accident, I should have had insurance. If I want groceries to feed myself, I need a job to make money to buy them, etc.
Im just not sure WHY we need PP when a trip to your local doctors office or clinic can take care of this. With Obama's promise of social healthcare, why would we really need PP if student in college will be covered under their parents? I know thats still a way off, but we need to think about it as it will come up again
2 years ago, when my girlfriend was 21, she went in to get per birth control pills from her GP (her parents have an HMO) and he refused to give them to her because he did not condone premarital sex. She would have had to pay out of pocket if it weren't for Planned Parenthood not making moral decisions on her behalf.
Why didnt you just pull out so she wouldnt have to do that... dude!
2 years ago, when my girlfriend was 21, she went in to get per birth control pills from her GP (her parents have an HMO) and he refused to give them to her because he did not condone premarital sex. She would have had to pay out of pocket if it weren't for Planned Parenthood not making moral decisions on her behalf.
In all honesty though, why didnt she just pay for them out of pocket.
I see what your saying I really do D. But from my viewpoint its like this:
1. If I want a cell phone, I work a job.. save money.. buy the phone with my savings and pay the monthly bill.
2. If I wanna have sex, I buy the condoms ( in my case ) but if I was a woman I would think if I wanted to have sex id get my pills first before having sex or save up the money if I couldnt get them and pay of them out of pocket.
I think the thing that worries me more is NOT PP itself, but the culture we are making that says, "do what you want, dont worry about it, we can fix it later for you and we can fix it for free too!". Once you give up the free aspect of it, people go apeshit.
Does anyone understand that or Im I just way too far right?
valid points, though I am more of a fan of the education route of "do what you want, but here's all the fucked up shit that's gonna happen to your dick/life/wallet if you aren't smart about it you dummy".
Alas, the vast majority of America is so retarded that no amount of sex education will sway them away from timing their pullouts perfectly and instead slipping a piece of $.50 latex on to save them a shit ton of cash (and heartache) of an unplanned kiddie popping out 9 months later.
Who knows though, maybe the genius of Palin & company will convince Americans that if we just don't talk about sex and safety, everyone will just stop doing it.