This is what made me rack up muslim kills

They really mean Arab when they're saying Muslim

Not true. I've made my feelings about muslims very clear yet I happpen to love non-muslim Arabs. Growing up as a kid, 75% of my friends were Egyptian christians, fucking awesome people. It's just that religion man, it destroys the fucking brain.

EDIT: a few of their parents were a bit...odd...but generally really cool.

Soupyone, no.

Americans hate Pakis, Afghans and Persians much more than Arabs!

The only thing is a lot of Americans are too dumb to differentiate them and think they're all Arabs lol
Observation from months of these threads:
Soupy is such a liberal douche

Never voted democrat or green party in my life, but excuse me for recognizing that the world is doesn't actually look like this look like this.

The douche part may be true, but that's more of an opinion than a quantifiable fact.

I'm a classical liberal: Classical liberalism places a particular emphasis on the sovereignty of the individual, with private property rights being seen as essential to individual liberty. (wiki)

Classical liberalism holds that individual rights are natural, inherent, or inalienable, and exist independently of government. (wiki)

Classical liberals believe that "an unfettered market" is the most efficient mechanism to satisfy human needs and channel resources to their most productive uses: They "are more suspicious than conservatives of all but the most minimal government.

So yes, I very well may be a liberal douche... let's just make sure you understand that I'm a CLASSICAL liberal. :action-smiley-052:

Imagine a tea partier minus the stupid nationalist, religulous, gullible parts.
Give these people parachutes? Or life jackets, that will solve the issue.
Popeye was in the Navy - and ate lots of spinach while serving of course.

best. post. ever.

Proof That Popeye Served In the Navy

A bit random, and not to be insensitive, just want to soften the thread/some humor:

[ame=""]YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]
That sucks. cant imagine what they were thinking , when they took that suicidal jump.

what do you think they were thinking, ya dope. There was no way out and they were choking to death on smoke and debris, and burning. The temperature was unspeakable - (the thermite that was laced throughout the building helped with that)
Is it me or has the number of libtards on this board increased? Now they just jerk each other off and think their robotic agreement actually means something.